Wuying's gaze flicked between Xiao Wen and Xuefeng, a silent question hanging on her lips. She fully expected Xuefeng to refuse Xiao Wen's offer, maybe brush it off with something like, I'll travel with Wuying—let's talk later. But instead, he walked over to Wuying with surprising gravity in his eyes.
He placed a gentle hand on her cheek, his voice low and sincere. "I really do need to speak with her… about something important. It's not what you're thinking, I promise. One day, I'll explain everything."
Wuying hesitated. She'd never seen him this serious before—there was a certain weight in his words that made her chest tighten. Still, she couldn't bring herself to pry. "All right," she murmured, swallowing her disappointment. "I understand." Whatever was on his mind must have been urgent if he wouldn't share it yet.
She raised two fingers to her lips and whistled, a piercing note that echoed across the courtyard. Almost instantly, a sleek eagle swooped down to land beside her. The bird, an impressive Rank 3 Twin-Winged Eagle, danced nervously on its talons, its wary gaze fixed on Lulu—the Winged White Tiger. Despite that tension, it held its ground, well-trained enough not to bolt.
"Then I'll head out first," Wuying said briskly, vaulting onto the eagle's back with a swift, practiced grace. She cast one last lingering glance at Xuefeng—something soft and longing in her eyes—before clicking her tongue. The eagle spread its twin sets of wings and, with one powerful beat, launched into the sky. A few heartbeats later, it disappeared beyond the rooftops.
Xuefeng exhaled slowly, regret gnawing at his insides. He would've much preferred flying with Wuying, sharing that closeness in the open air. But Xiao Wen's presence, and what she represented, could not be ignored. The fate of his life might hinge on it.
"Your girlfriend's pretty open-minded," Xiao Wen remarked, all casual banter, "letting you ride alongside a beauty like me."
He tried denying it. "She's not my girlfrie—" But the words caught in his throat. The memory of Wuying's smile made him falter. His heart told him otherwise, no matter how tangled the situation might be. "It's… complicated."
A mischievous light danced in Xiao Wen's eyes. "Well, come on then, or she'll be worried." She hopped onto Lulu's back, patting a spot behind her.
Xuefeng eyed the white tiger's rippling muscles and flinty stare. "She won't decide to drop me midair… right?" He could've sworn that Lulu sneered at him, as though daring him to tempt fate.
"Not if you behave." Xiao Wen stroked the tiger's snowy fur. Lulu's ears twitched, but she allowed Xuefeng to climb on.
He settled in, somewhat stiff, behind Xiao Wen. "Hold on tight," she warned, and no sooner had he snaked his arms around her waist than Lulu sprang upward. Gravity slammed into his stomach, and he clutched Xiao Wen as the beast's wings snapped wide, catching the wind with thunderous force.
They caught up to Wuying's eagle easily, though Xiao Wen kept their pace slower for conversation's sake. Even at reduced speed, gusts whipped around them, fierce enough to rip away any words. Sensing that, Xiao Wen lifted a hand and conjured a flickering golden barrier—a translucent dome that sealed out the roaring wind and muffled the thrum of wings.
"All right," she said, twisting around to face him. With Lulu's back too narrow to accommodate them both comfortably, she slid her legs over his, nearly straddling his lap so their faces hovered inches apart. From this close, Xuefeng noticed the subtle freckles across the bridge of her nose—and he guessed she could hear every breath he took.
"So," she began, peering into his eyes, "you mentioned I look like someone you know. Who is it?"
Her question caught him off-guard. He'd braced himself for Fate Fragment interrogation, not for personal curiosities. Still, he couldn't exactly lie—not to a woman who, with one well-aimed punch, could end him.
"Well, I once knew someone who looks a lot like you. I—thought you might be her for a second. But that's… impossible." Bitterness laced his words. Admitting it aloud left an uncomfortable ache in his chest.
Xiao Wen tilted her head, reading every flicker of emotion on his face. "Why's that impossible?"
A shadow flickered across his expression. "We live worlds apart," he murmured. "I'll never see her again. That door… it's closed."
He trailed off, sorrow weighing down his voice. Xiao Wen's heart clenched. She assumed he was talking about being barred from the Central Region—a typical tragic love story, separated by class or geography. She had no idea how literal and vast Xuefeng's gulf truly was.
"Did you try to reunite with her?" she pressed, something almost girlish slipping into her tone. Maybe it was the romantic in her, but she found herself rooting for their ill-fated love.
He turned away, staring at the swirl of clouds beyond the golden barrier. "I did everything I could. The only remaining option would be turning back time—and that's not exactly on the table." There was a distant finality to his voice, like the echo of a tomb door slamming shut.
So that's it, Xiao Wen thought, ignoring Lulu's rhythmic wingbeats beneath them. He tried—and he failed. That's heartbreak for you. She felt a pang of sympathy, momentarily forgetting she was supposed to be evaluating him as a potential threat or ally.
Still, in the back of her mind, she considered ways to help. If I test him and he's strong enough, maybe I can persuade Father to— She shook the idea away for later. Shoving her empathy aside, she changed gears.
"So," Xuefeng said at last, "about the Fate Fragment…" His tone told her he was done dwelling on old heartbreak.
Xiao Wen shrugged. "Relax. It's not like I need to kill you. There are plenty of other Fragments out there."
He blinked. "Then… you don't have to claim every Fragment to become the Fate King?"
She shook her head. "Nope. Once you reach a hundred upgrades, you've hit the Fate King threshold. And there are literally thousands of Fate Fragment Holders in this world. Killing them all?" She snorted. "Who has the time?"
"That's news to me," Xuefeng said quietly. "I thought the Fate King was the final stage."
Xiao Wen almost laughed, but there was a note of genuine kindness in her voice. "If your Fragment's only on its second upgrade, of course it can't remember everything. By the time it hits the tenth, you'll know the important stuff. 'Fate King' is really just the beginning. Beyond that, there's the Fate Saint stage, and beyond even that—the fabled Fate God. Nobody's ever reached that last stage, though, so who knows what it entails."
Ling's silent voice echoed in Xuefeng's mind. She's right. Sorry for leaving you in the dark. My memories are still sealed.
Xuefeng nodded, absorbing the revelation. Then Xiao Wen's eyes narrowed. "So what's your Fragment's base ability, anyway? The regeneration must be secondary, right?"
He hesitated, but decided honesty was his safest bet. "I can increase someone's inborn talent. Regeneration is my second skill."
The slow smile that spread over Xiao Wen's face was almost predatory. "Interesting. That means you'll be upgrading me to Golden Talent someday. I'm only Black Talent, so that shouldn't drain too much of your Fate Qi."
She nodded to herself, pleased, as though the arrangement was a done deal. "That's our bargain—you keep your life, and in exchange, you boost my talent."
Xuefeng blinked, momentarily startled at her bluntness. Then he shrugged. "Sure. If that's all it takes for you not to kill me, I'll do it."