Prologue 1/2

Almost 500 years ago the world was embroidered in a world war and in the end the war only leaving seven countries and made 2 continent sunken to the deep of the sea and 1 continent become a wasteland, but around 378 years ago a new brekthrough in technologies turned the wasteland into a giant forest and fifty years later a manmade continent was made by a joint effort by the seven countries (US, english, germany, russia, china,japan, and united korea*) and named it the haven paradise.

Since then the world was welcoming the age of technologies until around 150 years ago where a group of mad scientist and terrorist called TRINITAS created the abhorred a mix of a beast and technologies and sometime they also experimenting using human as the subtitute for the beast, using the abhorred TRINITAS attacked the haven paradise and succesfully occupying it, since then the haven paradise become the headquarter of the TRINITAS.

In order to get the haven paradise from the TRINITAS the seven countries waged war againt the TRINITAS only to be defeated by the abhorred and in order to defeat the abhorred the seven countries joined together and tried to create a weapon capable of killing the abhorred and fifty years ago the seven countries created the very first exoskeleton suit called ÈCLAIR and giant mecha called PURGER, using ÈCLAIR and PURGER the seven countries succeded in reclaiming the haven paradise in five years but it doesn't mean the end of the war but only become the start of the war.

Thirty years ago a new group called FINTO appeared and created a mutant a mix between beast and human, together with the TRINITAS they attacked tha haven paradise once again only to end up in a stalemate.