Prologue 2/2

Juan ruso was a mix of russia and china, he was also the youngest major in the new era at the age of 24 years old.

Ruso was also one of the strongest or already the strongest user of ÈCLAIR and PURGER in the world, ruso was also known as iron blood of the battlefield because he killed more than million of abhorred and thousand of mutant since the start of his carrier.


Haven paradise, seven countries joint HQ.

Underground of the HQ there was a big hall, this hall was used as the meeting place for the official with the rank of master warrior and above and today this hall was packed full with official including ruso.

The hall was eerily quiet as the official inside was silent while waiting for someone.


The door was opened and an oldman with a whitebeard holding a long wooden cane come in followed by five black robed man, the oldman exuded an aura full of authority and the five black robed man behind the old man exuded a dense killing intent and their killing intent make the official in the room to frown except ruso who remained expressionless.

The old man walked to the middle of the hall and stopped, the five people that following the old man stopped ten steps behind the oldman then stayed like a statues.

Ruso and the other official in the room then stand up and giving a military salute toward the oldman.


Grandmarshal only nodded lightly then tapped his cane to the ground lightly.


The official in the room then seated again and the hall returned to the eery silent again, grandmarshal mo xue scanned the room for a moment then opened his mouth.

"Everytime a grandmarshal has to make an appearance it means something terrible has happened and with my appearance today some of you guys can already make your own conclusion, so l will tell you guys directly that an army of mutant and abhorred numbered more than a billion was on their way here without us detecting them before"

One of the official suddenly stand up and asked the grandmarshal

"Sir how could we can't detect that many mutant and abhorred? Especially with our new infented mutant and abhorre detector"

"It's not that we can't detect them but we were sabotaged and there was a traitor in our rank"

The grandmarshal said with a very thick killing intent.


"How could that be!!!!?"

"There no way there would be a traitor, right?"

"SIR, are you sure it was not a spy?"

The room was suddenly descended into an uproar while some of them voiced their suspicion toward the grandmarshal.

"You should know by yourself that it was impossible for a spy to infiltrate the command room for the detector unless they are a master warrior or above or if they have a special permission from marshal or above, YOU UN-DER-STA-ND!!!!!!!"

Hearing that some people voiced their suspicion toward him make him angry and he berated them harshly.

seeing the grandmarshal angry the official that voiced his suspicion shut his mouth immediately.


hearing the alert the people inside the hall wore a solemn face, but their face become even more grave as another alert come not long after.


after hearing that the first defense was destroyed in almost an instant the grandmarshal turned black as his killing intent erupted uncontrolably.


after hearing the order from the grandmarshal everybody left the hall leaving only the grandmarshal, the five black robed man, and ruso in the hall.

The grandmarshal looked toward ruso and raised his eyebrow and said coldly.

"What are you doing here and not following my or"

*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*

*thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump*

Five gunshot was heared as the five black robed man behind the grandmarshal fallen and dead, the grandmarshal looked behind him toward the five black robed man when he suddenly feel something cold behind his head.

"What do you think you're doing major juan ruso"

The grandmarshal said coldly without even looking back.

"Don't try to play dumb with me grandmarshal mo xue or should l say supreme of the FINTO luis finto"

"Hahahahahaha how did you found out ruso"

The grandmarshal laughed as he asked ruso, ruso only looked coldly at the grandmarshal.

"It was simple really as your body looked younger than thirty years ago"

"Hahaha who would have thought l would blow my own cover huh"

After uttering these word finto body let out a dense smoke.

*bang* *tink* *bam*

The moment finto body let out a dense smoke ruso touched his pendant as ÈCLAIR wrapped his body, from the dense smoke come out a white claw that suddenly attacked ruso, but thank to ÈCLAIR he was safe and only got thrown back from the attack.

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

Followed by the clap an eerie laugh come out from the dense smoke

"Hahahaha just as expected from the man known as iron blood of the battlefield, you can also survived that kind of attack"

From the dense smoke was not the grandmarshal but was a monster with a humanoid body filled by black scale and three pair of mantis scyte on it back with a height of more than 2 meter, the monster then looked to his back toward the five black robed man lying on the floor.

"Until when are you guys gonna sleep huh?"

*boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom*

The five black robed man exploded and from the explosion come out a monster with half of their like that of an insect and their upper body was that of a humans, on the back of the humans was a bunch of black tentacles, their height was around five meter.


Ruso come out from the rubble and his ÈCLAIR was badly damaged especially in the chest area as there was a claw mark, ruso looked toward the claw mark on his ÈCLAIR and decided to unequip it and decided to use the PURGER instead.

"Hais who would have thought that my conjecture was right and because my conjecture is right l decided to give you a pre-sent"

After saying 'sent' he shoot out a mini rocket that shoot toward the middle of the mutant when suddenly he lose consciousness.