God room

When ruso wake up he was inside a white place that have no boundary, he looked around him but found nothing beside the whiteness of the place he was in.

'Where is this?, is this a new ability of the mutant?' In the middle of his thinking he suddenly feel someone tugging his shoulder, he instinctively attacked behind him but he feel nothing, instead his body was frozen and can't be moved at all, he can't even blink his eyes.

Suddenly the space in front of him distorted and a figure appeared, this figure doesn't have a facial feature but his figure showed that he was a male. The figure looked toward ruso and flicked his finger then ruso body moved a by itself and stand like a statues, the figure then flicked his finger again and a roulette appeared beside him, the figure looked toward ruso and spoke.

"Welcome human to the god room and you can call me god avatar, the reason why you were summoned to this place was because you have fulfilled the two condition given by god, the first condition was for you to be a 100% original or don't have something from other life form inside your body and second your world must be in a state of regrow.

Now that you know the reason why you are here, now l will tell you the purpose of this place, first this place or god room have the purpose to give a random power for those that arrived in this place and how many power you can get will be up to this roulette but as for how useful it will be nobody know beside yourself.

Now l while spin the roulette l hope you will get many power and it will be useful for you"

After the god avatar said that the roulette started to spin and a few second later it stopped at the number four and it means ruso will have four power, a bright light suddenly come out from the god avatar and sank toward the frozen ruso.

*ding* *ding* *ding* *ding*

After the ding sound a transparent screen with a four row of word appeared inside ruso head.

-you got....