power testing

-you got HELL TROOPS

description: killing will leave a mark on the soul of the killer and using this mark you can create hell soldier that will follow all your command.

kill count: 1.995.789.908 .


description: from the age of antiquity until today human created many tools that they used to efficiently kill and you can create any tools from the age of past until today and proficiently use them.


description: from the day you born until the day you died you will come into many contact and your body will remember this contact, using the memory of your body you can create the object that you come into contact (remark: only usable for object).

-you got FROZEN TIME

description: sometime a being would wish that time can be stopped so that they can life in that time, the wish of many beings manifested and become a power that defied the natural order and this power now belong to you (remark: because this ability defied the natural order of thing there will be many restriction on it)

after all of his ability was imprinted on the transparent screen he lost consciousness, when he woke up he was back on the midst of his battle again the six mutants.

ruso looked inside his mind toward the transparent screen and decided to use one of his ability 'wait, how do l use my ability' while he thought so time suddenly stopped 'oh, so l just have to think about it and it will work by itself, huh? aaarhhh' in the midst of his thinking he started to feel a splitting headache and time started to flow again 'fuck, it was so fucking hurt so this the price for using this power huh', gritting his teeth he bear the headache and using his other power.


a sound like that of tearing appeared from behind him, he instinctively looked behind him and found that the space behind him was ripped and from the rift in the space a flame sprouted and this flame making the rip in the space become bigger and bigger until it occupied the hall.

the six mutants watching the rift in the space that suddenly appeared behind ruso feels a sense of danger and instinctively tried to run away, when they just turned their backs again ruso a chains made of black flame suddenly latched on their body ,as the chains latched on their body it also slowly burn them and dragged them closer toward the rift.



"stoooop please l'm begging you to stoooop"

"hurtttt it hurttt"

the six mutants cried for help and begging to stop some of them even tried to kill themselves but the flame on the chains stopped them and even burned more strongly as they tried to kill themselves, ruso only watching the mutants coldly and uttered a single word.


after the word was uttered by ruso suddenly from the rift come out six humanoid creature wearing an ancient armor and each holding a chain that connected toward the chain that latched to the mutants, one of creature have a body as highs as three meter with a muscular body with an ox head, one have a horse as their lower body with flame on the four hooves, one just like a normal human but with four pair of arm behind his back, one have a dog head, one have a horse head, and the last was only a jade like skeleton, these six humanoid was the supposed to be hell soldier.

the six hell soldiers looked toward the six mutants and swing the chains in their hand as the flame on the chains burned more ferociously and burned the six mutants into nothingness, the six mutants was burned without even the chances of letting out their screams.

watching as the six mutants burned into nothingness ruso ordered the six hell soldiers to come back to the rift, as the hell soldiers come back the rift closed itself and ruso started moved outside.