Crescent moon

When ruso stepped foot outside the world suddenly trembled. The quake was getting stronger and stronger as time passed that gaining a foothold become harder and harder for ruso, after a few minute the quake stopped and ruso hurriedly running outside.

When he saw what happened outside he become dumbstruck.

"What the hell is that thing!!!"

In the distance ruso saw a giant black cloud and in the middle of the black cloud was a pitch black portal, the portal sucked the surrounding black cloud as it grow bigger and bigger. In a moment the surrounding black cloud was sucked clean by the pitch black portal, the portal then underwent a change and it shape started to resemble a beast mouth.

Ruso looked toward the giant beast mouth in the distance and for the first time in his life he feel fear from the deepest of his soul, ruso then looked toward his surrounding and saw that all of the people in his surrounding was either kneeling or already passed out only he was the one left standing.


a roar then sounded from the direction of the beast mouth and this roar sending a shockwave throughout the world, this roar was like the roar of a hungry beast seeing a delicious prey and announcing to the world that other shouldn't even dare to think about it prey.

Ruso hurriedly looked toward the giant beast mouth and he was so shocked to the point that his eyes almost fell out of it socket, in the distance the giant beast mouth moved toward the sky so fast that it was gone in an instant.


the giant beast mouth appeared near the moon, the giant beast mouth was like an ant compared to a house. The giant beast mouth bite the moon then exploded, the explosion changed the shape of the moon into a crescent.

A rift appeared from the explosion, the rift looked a string attached to a bow and the moon was the bow. From the rift appeared many thing and these thing moved closer and closer toward earth.

Ruso summoned an ocularis* and use it to look at the thing that moved closer to earth and his expression become worse.

"Fuck!!!, it was another fucking monster like creature, wait, is that a giant insect?"

The thing he saw was dountfull so he take a second look and become even more certain that the thing he saw was a giant insect and he even saw something that was similar into the creature that was stated in the legend of the old era.

"Is that supposed to be a dragon?"

In the outer space was a creature similar to a lizard but with a bat wing in his back and a crocodile like head.

The creature that come out from the rift was nearer and nearer toward earth and one of them seems like gonna fall to haven paradise.


the creature fall right in the center of the haven paradise and the fall of the creature made the haven paradise sunk to the sea from the center outward.

Ruso looked toward the sunken are in the distance and....