Shadow Killing Manual

One week later

Night, Inside Leo's room

A youth sitting on his bed cultivating while his eyes were closed

Suddenly Leo's eyes opened while he was on his bed Leo thought to himself while smiling"Finally I sense Qi after one week…. "

"It's a record in sensing Qi "

after a few minutes, he calms himself while having determination shown on his face

"It doesn't matter, while I could sense Qi after a whole week of cultivation it doesn't matter, let's sleep, there is a lot of time for thinking tomorrow "

After a few minutes, Leo closed his eyes

in the midnight there was a full moon in the dark sky

A strang mark appeared on Leo's face between his brows.

all the Qi which was collected in the whole week absorbed in this strange mark

the time passed.Shiness start to disappeared





After Leo was awake, and get up from the bed and sit down on his bed, start cultivating. it's become a habit for him over past week

After few moments, his face changed in a strange way.He tries to find Qi that was collected yesterday but he couldn't find anything

" what the****, where the hell is Qi that I collected over past week "

After minutes of shouting and cursing all the gods, he knows.he try to calm himself"Could it be an illusion that I was able to collect Qi "

he throws all the thinking away and starts using "Qi gathering technique" to collect Qi.Qi start to Gather slowly in his Dantian

Suddenly memories surface on his mind, it was like the time when the first time he arrives into this world but unlike before this was a word, not a photo, or movie

Words resurface in his mind "Shadow Killing Manual " it was a technique for a special type of bodies, Shadow body

Nobody other than the owner of the shadow body is able to practice this technique, it's a rare type of body that has very low possibility to born and if they were lucky to have these special bodies, if they didn't have a special technique, they cultivate very slowly, like what happens to Leo

it's like a double-edged sword it could be a benefit to you and at the same time very harmful to you.

He throws all harmful thought away and starts to concentrate to find the manual and techniques in his memory

There was an additional special skill that was with this technique "Shadow stealing skill " when he kills villains there is a very very low possibility that he could acquire a skill or ability or experience from the one who he kills, the stronger The opponent is the harder to acquire skill from him

Leo was overjoyed"could it be, I could be like those main characters from the novel, be omini point and no one could my opponent and achieve to immortality "

After a few minutes, he calms himself and thought to himself" I'm very weak as Old Wang said I should try to cultivate first "

He starts to immerse himself in cultivating after a few breaths, Qi was running through his blood vessel and was gathered fastly in his Dantian. after few moments it makes a bean size Qi in his Dantian it showed that he was in 1st layer Qi gathering stage.

"Wow just in less than minutes I could sense Qi it a heaven-defying technique," Leo thought to himself "what the hell where is the smell from ?its horrible smell"

After a few minutes, he tries to find the source of the smell and find out that the smell comes from himself "could it be impurities that were collected in my body over the years "

After few minutes he calms himself and arranged his cloth and sneak out the house to wash in the lake




During this week he was in the room and he didn't even go out, it was Lily that brings him dishes when he

Came back after washing himself in a lake. Old Wang sees him and said while he has a sad expression on his face

"Congratulation for braking to 1st layer of Qi gathering stage and start truly cultivating "sad expression on his face was because he was just able to reach this stage after a week it shows that he has bad talent

Old Wang tried to make Leo happy "Let's eat something, don't be unhappy you could catch up with others with your hard work"

After that Leo and Old Wang and Lily finish eating

Old Wang said to them, "there is a group that comes to the jade city, they are recruiting young boy and girls under 10 years old to cultivate in their own sect, I want you and Lily join other villagers boys and girls to go jade city to take the test "