Chapter 23) void inheritance part 3

After the long process, the pain subsided and Xiao Han slumped down. Drenched in sweat, she was panting and felt as if the worlds most lethal torture was finally over.

Seeing that the inheritence process was over, Gu Zhe asked "How do you feel?"


"Alright since you have finished the blood inheritance, i will soon disappear. But before that here." Gu Zhe passed to Xiao Han a dark blue ring.

"This is a top quality spatial ring and can store up to 500 square kilometres worth of things. I have condensed this entire space into 3 separate spirit stones and is inside it. Not only that, there is a lot of weapons, rare medicine, ores, weapons and skills i had collected or used during my entire life."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Han literally was at the meltdown point. Most spatial rings in his world could at most have a space of 500 to 750 square metres of space. Even the highest quality ones could only have a space of at most 1 square kilometre. Yet the ring in front of him was over a hundred times larger. This had him thinking, if Gu Zhe had never come to this world, what would his legend be.

After accepting the ring, Xiao Han bowed down and thanked Gu Zhe.

"Now i shall pass onto you my most strongest skill. The void devouring wave. Be prepared." Upon saying this, the void dragon closed his eyes and sent out a spiritual transmission to Xiao Han.

When the skill was being transmitted to Xiao Han, it made Xiao Han feel heavy. But after a minute, the heaviness subsided and he felt normal again, except that he had a martial skill imprinted into his mind. It was the sacred tier void devouring wave.

The void devouring wave had 3 levels. Each level represented a different amount of power.

The first level could be trained at the advanced foundation establishment stage. It's power was comparable to sacred martial skills and could enable the user create a wave of destruction. Similar to a gravitational pull, it is like a miniature black hole being shot out.

The second level was currently locked and could only be unlocked upon first mastering the first level.

"Thank you senior!!"

"Don't thank me, this happened due to fate. I hope that you can rise to the top and mention me when you make a legend. Oh yah i also made a mess outside. I don't really know how to handle it so i leave it to you." After saying this, Gu Zhe's body suddenly started to turn to light particles and disappeared into the empty space. This day marked the end of the void dragon Gu Zhe.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Han made an oath in his heart that one day, when he was strong enough, he would make Gu Zhe's name rise. This was what he needed to do as he had already sowed good karma with him. But upon thinking what he said of trouble, Xiao Han got confused and wondered. But the space he was in suddenly broke and he was transported back into the core area of the war winds monastery.