Chapter 24)Shit.......

Upon exiting the crystal world, it immediately started to crumble into dust. Having been returned to the real world, Xiao Han felt extremely delighted knowing that in his most desperate moment of need, he had become a succesor of a powerful being. Fully gaining the resources he needed.

But at this moment, he turned around and was greeted by 3 people staring at him with confusion.

"...So senior Rong...who is Xiao Han?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Han immediately gave a weird expression asking himself if his secret was exposed.

"Also Xiao Han whats a reincarnator? And don't bother covering it up, senior has already broke out your secret." Breaking the silence, Jafe continued.

"Sigh..... ok ill start from the beggining."

Knowing that the cat was out of the bag, Xiao Han had no other choice but to tell them his secret.

Upon knowing what happened, Jafe and Jovan immediately gave a weird expression while Sarah was blushing.

As males, both Jafe and Jovan knew the intricates of a male. Hence easily understanding the pain Xiao Han was going through. As for Sarah, she was feeling rather embarrased knowing that she was so open to a male. Not only that but to one as strong as him without realising.

"Hhhmmmm well since you've told us your story and since we owe you a debt, we will be glad to help." After much consideration, Jafe decided that since he had some good karma with Xiao Han, he might as well follow it all the way through.

"However what about the group?" Asked Sarah.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Han felt intrigued as he had guessed that the chat group he was in was extraordinary.

Seeing Xiao Han's look, Jovan smirked while explaining. " Since your new to this world and our cultivation world, the people inside the group are all influencial rouge cultivators and sect masters or disciples. Its the gathering of the most talented, strongest and righteous cultivators so if in most cases you need any help, you can talk to them. Also the tags in the group are our dao names which are what most people refer to in real life instead of our names. If needed, it is very safe to share your secret as everyone in one way or another are friends or know one another."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Han sighed in relief now knowing that he had a place to lay back to in times of needs. Although he wanted less people to know his secret, deep down he knew that he needed to let others know of his secret so that they can establish trust.

"Senior Rong now that you are out, can we leave now? We have been waiting for you for a long time."

".... why are you calling me senior Rong when now you know my name is Xiao Han?"

"Hehe i got used to it...." said Sarah while acting cute.