Princess of the Ancient Demon

Slowly Yuki approach the red-haired little girl with caution.

Looking at the girl from the bottom up, Yuki notice her beauty was oddly out of this world! He was dumbstruck!!

'If you put this little girl in the middle of a Kingdom, all of the girls will feel shame to be around. They would not even consider beauty but ugly in front of this girl...', Yuki thought to himself.

Just her face alone can dominate the whole, the Universe!!

Watching at Yuki approaching, her gaze turn into disdain.

"What is this puny doin—", midway of her sentence, she felt something soft touching her lip!

Yuki kissed her!!

The little girl murderous aura came gushing out as if the most deadliest Demon was awaken. She pushed Yuki away and income the might of a angered girl slap!


At the entrance of the gate, there is a body...laying down or rather the best word to describe it, is twitching. It looked like a dead person. On it face is a burning red hand mark.

This person obviously is Yuki...

Turning back while he was approaching her, he was lost in her beauty and forgot how to walk and fell...

Yuki face was so swollen he looked like a real pig. He can feel the burning of the mark as if it Hell fire.

'It was not my fault... How can a person not get lost in thought because of your beauty?', Yuki was on the verge of tearing...

As if all his energy is used up, Yuki slowly got up. Yuki look at the little girl again with fear and quickly apologize with his head down in a bow, "Sorry..something tripped me."

Looking at the space between them, Yuki face turn awkward because there was nothing there to "trip" him.

"Hmph..", a cold snort can be heard from the little girl.

"I, Princess of the Ancient Demon was kissed by this little puny...what a disgrace!", she stare at Yuki with her murderous red eye. If her gaze can kill, Yuki would already died over a million times.

Putting an indifferent expression she spoke, "This is the Mind Palace of your and I have no choices but to take shelter here."

"That damnable power of your trapped me here!", once again she look at Yuki with a murderous gaze.

She then continue, "When your parents came down from the so-called Higher Realm, they went through the tunnel of Void and coincidentally meet me. I have wonder around the Void for such a long time so I have leave with your parents somehow. Therefore I try to take over you in your mother womb!"

"But that damnable power of your actually absorb and captured me, a soul.", she look at Yuki with a slight fear from the depth of her soul.

"Ho ho, that mean I captured you, muhahaha...", Yuki laughter echoed across the whole place.

But his laughter didn't last long.

The little girl disappear and appear before Yuki floating. And again the might of her hand descended.

*SLAP!!* *Sonic Boom*

Yuki disappeared, you can see the sonic boom as he flew back.


Yuki woke up to his conscious, drenched in sweat and was gasping for air.

"Holy s**t, I thought I died..", Yuki murmured to himself while shivering with fear.

After half hour, Yuki finally sigh a relief and calm down.

"[Skill Hunter System], What is that?", Yuki asked himself.

A voice begin to sound in his mind.

⫸You can consider [Skill Hunter System] as a power or rather, a cheat. The creator of this power is that of the strongest Ancient God, Amun-Ra. The purpose of this power is to help the Player absorb and obtain everything easily such as Skill or knowledge.⫷

⫸There are many way to use this power and one of the many way is to use incantation.⫷

⫸The basic incantations or commands is; STATUS, IDENTIFY, and FLAW. Level up and unlock more feature and incantation.⫷

"This is...way too strong!!", Yuki was dumbstruck!

Yuki start laughing and soon echoed throughout the whole Dojo.

"Muhahahaha..", Yuki feel like he out of this world as he laugh.


Grandpa Luo was in the backyard meditating and was taken aback by Yuki laughter.

"Did this boy became crazy because of his sadness?", Grandpa Luo feel pity and shaked his head.

If Grandpa Luo knew that Yuki was not laughing because of sadness but overly happiness, he would not even dare to pity Yuki.