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Chapter Three-Gaia Corp and the New World Order

Gaia Corp had become the biggest conglomerate in the world, there was no industry it did not have a hand in, originally a biotechnology company (which was one of its core businesses). It had branched off to everything from banking to selling hair products and automobiles; it owned various subsidiaries, even the media had fallen victim to its expansion. They were even companies that it owned that the common man or women in the street had no idea about.

The CEO of Gaia Corp was the richest man in the world; his name was Daniel Faris and he was the founder of the company. Originally born in the United West where he founded his company at the age of twenty-five. Daniel Faris was a college dropout and he started off in the biotechnology field, where his company created simple diagnostic tools. Starting in the medical side of biotechnology, his dream was to replace ancient Daoist traditions, such as acupuncture and the various traditional medicinal practices that were around despite modern medicine. Those esoteric skills where too

hard to learn in his vision and regarded someone to be highly skilled. Thus, from that vision, Gaia Corp morphed into a monster with governments around the world failing to stop its monopolisation of different markets. Daniel Faris was highly regarded for his ability to adjust and adapt to an ever changing business world.

Filled with excitement and mild tremors of nervousness was Felix. It was his first day at work, he tightened his red necktie as he beamed in the mirror, admiring his white shirt and black pants while he was in the men's toilet.

Despite his academics, the job Eddy had got for Felix was in Gaia Corp's contact centre. Having one of its largest office campuses in the world, in Wobbleton City. It was there that there was also one of the company's major R&D (research and development) offices. The contact centre in the campus however, provided services to clients who had purchased Gaia Corp's various medical equipment or tools, the clients being hospitals and clinics or private doctors. The contact centre at the Wobbleton City campus was the biggest in the world.

Stepping out of the men's toilet, Felix concealed his nerves with an air of confidence. He observed that his future colleagues were not all as formally dressed as he was; some were just completely casual in their dress code.

The contact centre was an open setting with two floors, Felix was on the bottom floor. At twentythree years of age, it was his first job and the more he observed the more the anxiety sunk in. Did they know he once was in prison? Different thoughts coasted inside his mind.

The office floor was noisy with different colleagues answering calls, some adjusting their headsets to hear the customers at the end of the other line. No screens divided the call centre agents and each one could communicate easily, without having to stand up from their seats. Everyone had their own computer.

Felix had just had his induction and was to start his training to prepare him for his job, he was to do a few tests which would determine if he finally got the job. 'So much for getting me a job,' Felix chuckled to himself as he thought of Eddy. He did not really mind, at least knowing that he could fail from being hired, meant his hiring would not look like nepotism.

He was amongst fifteen other individuals who were being trained. Making a closer acquaintance with two, the one was fresh out of university and her name was Arrieta Long. A twenty-one-year-old brunette with emerald green eyes and wavy hair that stopped just past her shoulders. Always looking professionally dressed, she had caught Felix ogling a few times, thinking he was weird. Regardless, she surprisingly made a bold choice to approach him first. The other acquaintance was the computer connoisseur Jim Coles, he had slightly large eyes with subtle epicanthic folds, he was mildly darkskinned, paler in comparison to Felix and chubby. He was chatty and full of energy; excited about the prospect of working for Gaia Corp. He mentioned to Felix how he planned to be part of the company's bioinformatics department. He also had studied biotechnology prior but now was continuing his studies in bioinformatics part-time. Jim was twenty six years old.

The training took four weeks and Felix was then ready for the floor. His whole training school had made it. Figuring the best way to manage his fears, was to just plunge into the task at hand. Acing the mock calls during training, he ended up taking a real call. It was a doctor calling from Sud City, The Sud Republic's capital, he had an enquiry about his medical device and Felix although feeling very nervous, had managed to put the call through to support. Handling the call accordingly.

During the weekend and basked in motivation, Felix could not wait for the next week to begin. He sat at the poolside dining table having breakfast with his dad.

'So…' began Carl Sobek as he took a bite of his croissant and then a sip of his freshly squeezed orange juice, 'how excited are you about next week?' 'I am pretty keen, cannot wait,' replied Felix. He and Carl seemed to be talking to each other more frequently ever since his return. Although Felix was still reserved, 'It is good you have this thing going on…' Carl Sobek paused to sip more of his orange juice and said, 'however what are your goals it may be too soon, but you need to think of your future.' 'Well not going to work with you we know your business could put me right back in,' said Felix. Carl laughed and then his face lit with seriousness, 'look…' his words were cut as the figure of Claudia Fern came to sight. 'Oh, hi Miss Fern!' exclaimed Carl Sobek. 'Come join us for breakfast!' he added. 'Sorry to disturb, Mrs Wilkins, allowed me in…' Claudia said as she smiled nervously. 'No need to apologise,' said Carl Sobek as he stood up and then quickly muttered to Felix, 'See that…well if you want that you better be ambitious.' He then beamed at Claudia saying, 'I am going to leave, you two get on with your business,' and then he left.

'Hi,' said Claudia as she sat at the table. Felix cleared his throat and greeted her back, 'Hi, how you today?' 'All good and you?' Claudia quickly responded. 'I am doing well; life is very different I must say…' Felix pointed with his eyes at the food on the table and then took a sip of orange juice pleased by the refreshing taste. 'Well I am happy for you really, umm…the boy that you fought and killed…sorry if I put it that way…' Felix quickly responded as Claudia paused, 'It is okay,' and Claudia then continued, 'Well have you contacted his family or have they approached you…' Felix decided then to cut in, 'My father…my family sorted that out.' 'What do you mean?' asked Claudia as she subtly raised an eyebrow. 'They paid for the funeral; look he was a young thug just like me his family had disowned him. My father and uncle even attended the funeral. It is what it is! Do I regret killing that punk! Maybe…I do not know! A lot was happening back then and clearly, a lot is happening now.' 'Look I did not mean to upset you,' said Claudia. Felix smirked and said, 'I am a Sobek we have expressive personalities now and then, I am not upset.' With those words, he cast a gaze of appreciation at Claudia touching every inch of her skin with his eyes. 'Why are you looking at me like that?' Claudia responded to the gaze with a frown. 'Do not know what you talking about, look it is the weekend should you not be with your boyfriend…Richard,' said Felix. 'Richard…my colleague…his not my boyfriend,' Claudia looked confused. 'How do you know about my colleague?' she asked. 'Heard you mention his name the first day we met when he called you,' Felix answered. 'Okay…' began Claudia still frowning, and then she said, 'Anyway I have spoken to my superiors, I will only need to see you on a monthly basis from now on and given the fact that you have a job, living peacefully with your family …we might not need see each other in the coming months.' 'That is a shame, I would really like to get to know you. Look it is not like I have friends,' said Felix. 'That's adorable, here is my card,' said Claudia as she took out her card from her handbag, Felix got out of his seat took it and then sat back down. 'Thanks,' he said as he looked at the card and then put it in his pocket. 'Felix, you never spoke about what happened, the attack. I have been seeing a shrink. Work has forced my hand on that case. Nevertheless, it helps, but I mean…have you spoken to your father or anyone?' 'Nope…no one really knows, well my dad knows we were there, but I did not speak about the attack though. Since those crazies did not touch me, I am fine. Besides that, I meditate…the counselling I only need is in my family's Harmonious Fist,' said Felix firmly and then he had a slight smirk on his face once he finished speaking.

'Okay well I have to go,' said Claudia as she got up and Felix followed suit and he said, 'You left too soon, it is a big mansion let me show you around, I am sure it will look good since you are my parole officer and all.' 'Thank you, Felix,' began Claudia as she politely beamed at him, 'however I have to decline,' after saying that she left. Felix stared at her posterior as he bit his bottom lip and slowly shook his head.

The first day of the next week came to shock Felix, his first call was from a livid sounding client, 'Your machine has not arrived!' Felix tried to control his nerves, he was not going to get angry, however, this did not seize the pumping adrenalin, 'I…um…' Felix was stammering and mumbling trying to maintain himself. 'LISTEN HERE! I Want what I ordered!' the client said and then hung up. Not letting that go easily, he used the details he had of the angry customer. Determined to find out what

happened to the man's order. Nevertheless, he had another call to answer, which was luckily a general query. Felix then rushed to call the angry customer, and to his surprise, the client apologised to him for having gone off in a rant. The order was delivered; the delivery lady who delivered the item advised to the customer that she had driven twice past the location and was sort of lost. After the call, Felix took a deep breath. 'Wow,' he muttered to himself.

During lunch in the canteen, he sat with Jim and Arrieta. Jim enjoyed his sandwich and Arrieta her salad. Meanwhile, Felix was drinking his green tea.

'Felix…your surname is spelt S-o-b-ek…right?' enquired Arrieta. 'Yea why?' Felix replied immediately frowning. 'Well one of the executives his name is Eddy Sobek, his quite handsome if you ask me,' said Arrieta. 'Oh…' begin Felix as he smiled, 'He's my cousin, the reason he looks different is that his adopted.' This time Jim joined the conversation, 'So why you in the contact centre then?' 'What do you mean?' asked Felix. 'Well, Eddy is known to be the youngest executive ever of Gaia Corp. He's considered a genius by some! Twenty-three years old!' said Jim sounding excited as he spoke. 'Tell me about it, I mean when we were younger and small, I thought I was the shit. However, Eddy was smarter…' Felix was cut by Jim who said, 'Smarter! He sold his first company to Gaia Corp at sixteen, the same year he started university.' 'Yea…yea…look I know his amazing, I could set up a date for the two of you,' joked Felix as he grinned back at Jim. 'Why did you not tell us, Felix?' asked Arrieta. 'Did not want my hiring to appear like nepotism, besides not a big deal,' said Felix as he took a final sip of his green tea. 'Wait…' began Jim and Felix's intuition knew what Jim was going to get at, 'The Sobek are renowned for their martial art, especially in martial circles,' said Jim. Felix thought he was going to mention his conviction. 'Oooh, so what martial art does your family do?' asked Arrieta as she looked interested and leaned in with her chin resting on her hand. 'The Harmonious Fist,' said Felix. 'Ummm yea, so you must be the one who ended up being locked up!' said Jim and Felix made a gesture for him to be quiet as he looked side to side. 'Dude if you are working here it's done and dusted, criminal record or not…' Arrieta interrupted Jim, 'What, wait…you were in prison.' 'Ok hold on guys wait,' began Felix as he explained and gave them a summary of the story.

'Do not know what to say, Felix, you full of surprises,' said Arrieta. 'Yea, oh well…' was Felix's response. 'So, dude you are taking part in the Sud Republic's Sanshou competition?' asked Jim. Felix just smiled and kept quiet. He had to get back to work and as he headed back to his desk. The answer to that rhetorical question was yes, Felix was thinking and preparing for the Sanshou competition; qualify for the Lei Tai and be crowned world champion.

The next two months of work felt like years for Felix and with the micromanaging and constant stress, he had enough of the job. To make matters worse one day he came across Eddy and his colleagues (they were all executives).

'Hi Eddy,' said Felix. 'Eddy is that perhaps a client?' asked one of Eddy's colleagues as he sized up Felix, who in return simply acknowledged him with a nod and turned back to Eddy. 'Hi,' said Eddy and then turned to his colleagues, 'This is my cousin, Felix Sobek…he works in the contact centre department.' Once Eddy presented Felix, all of Eddy's colleagues greeted him and they all shook hands, the one who had sized Felix up, made a smug comment, 'Why you dressed like that and working in the call centre?' (Felix was suited up on the day). 'Well, one always has to look good,' Felix answered calmly. 'Yea sure,' Eddy's colleague sniggered. Felix could feel the upsurge of his blood as he told himself to remain calm and Eddy could feel the temperature was rising, 'That is unnecessary, there is nothing wrong with dressing well when you working in the contact centre,' he said coming to Felix's defence. 'If you say so,' his colleague said as he shrugged his shoulders and at that moment in time decided to cast another smug look Felix's direction, that was the trigger. 'Buddy! Buddy! You might look good in that suit…' Felix was cut as Eddy took him to the side, Felix's body moved but his eyes were still zeroed in on the colleague. 'Hey!' grunted Eddy. 'Get off me!' Felix grunted back as Eddy had his hands on his chest. 'Dude, you do not want to get fired over something stupid calm down,' Eddy muttered. Eddy's colleague who was the trigger to Felix's frustration just smirked with the rest of the colleagues and with some slightly shaking their heads. Felix imagined how he could in a few seconds just knock all of them out. 'Waste of my time,' he said calming down and turning to Eddy, 'hey look, see you for dinner this weekend, Aunt Catherina sent me a text this morning,' those where Felix's last words as he walked away.

After being a few meters away, he turned and with an analysing glimpse, he looked at how Eddy talked to his colleagues. It seemed as if he was apologising to them; their gestures showed they were alright with him and they all broke into a burst of sudden laughter. Not trying to be paranoid, Felix brushed aside the feeling of betrayal he had suddenly begun to feel.

'Hey handsome,' said Arrieta beaming at Felix. 'Hi,' said Felix nonchalantly as he sat on his desk preparing for the incoming calls. Arrieta frowned back and asked, 'Hey what is wrong?' Remaining in her chair, she rolled herself closer to Felix and gently placed her hand on his knee. 'I am fine,' said Felix quickly glancing at her hand. 'Okay…so what you doing this weekend?' Arrieta asked as her hand remained on Felix's knee. Woman, are you going to keep your hand there? Thought Felix for a moment before he replied, 'Well I am having a family dinner and training…yea,' finishing his lasts words with a sigh. 'You still need to teach me some moves,' said Arrieta before she rolled herself back to her desk and Felix chuckled with a mild smile on his face. Opening his email inbox, he saw a message from Jim, he opened it, and this is what was written, "Dude, she definitely wants you! When are you going to make a move?" Felix turned to look at Jim who also did not seat far and was behind Felix, he was looking back and threw his thumbs up. Felix just laughed as he shook his head and turned back to his computer screen.

The weekend came, and Felix was dining at Uncle Fred's house, to his surprise Uncle Fred was missing. 'Frederick is behaving like Carl lately, I had invited your father regardless even though I knew he would be a no show!' those words came from a white woman with grey eyes, she was a brunette with short hair who was sitting at the head of the table, which hid her thin curvy figure. This was Catherina Sobek, a Chef and former model. Despite her mature look, time did not explicitly display her age, she was, however, younger than Fred Sobek. 'Well now you know how I felt most of my childhood years,' remarked Felix and Catherina giggled. Felix turned to wink at a small boy next to him, who was darker of complexion than Catherina yet lighter than Felix. It was Charles Sobek, Felix's young cousin. He had very dark brown eyes and black hair. In the other corner was Eddy who was quietly eating and enjoying his food. 'So…Felix, how has work been?' asked Aunt Catherina. 'Well…' Felix began with a momentary sigh and then he said, 'It is not too bad, it has its ups and downs.' 'Well you do not sound happy,' Aunt Catherina cast Felix a look of concern. 'Well my enthusiasm got the best of me; we get micromanaged and it can get pretty stressful.' Felix went on explaining his experience with his first call and how his team leader can be a pain, that the job did not really fit his nature and he concluded with, 'I am not a doormat.' He did thank Eddy though, the

job did put money in his pocket and for that, he was grateful.

Then he began to talk about some of his aspirations, 'Given my qualification, I would like to in the near future work in a lab, most importantly create my own business.' Eddy scoffed at him and then with a mild chuckle he sarcastically said, 'Yeah right.' 'Eddy!' snapped Aunt Catherina. 'It is okay,' said Felix remaining calm and then he continued as he looked at Eddy, 'look I have dreams and I am very ambitious; I rather die doing my best.' 'You go boy!' cheered Aunt Catherina. 'I want to be a fighter!' exclaimed Charles as he raised both his hands in the air with the outside of his mouth filled with sauce and bits of food. Everybody in the table roared with laughter and Felix took the liberty of wiping his cousin's mouth with a cloth. 'That reminds me,' began Felix, 'I want to take part in this year's Lei Tai.' 'Yes, Frederick told me. It is very dangerous, then again martial arts is in your blood,' said Aunt Catherina with a tone that objected, however, understood at the same time. 'It was cute hearing you say that when you were in prison, however, let's get real!' said Eddy. Felix simply rolled his eyes as he shook his head, then turned his attention to Charles and jokingly said, 'You will have to beat me first because I will be champion.' 'I can take you on,' said Charles as he slightly lifted his chin.

'Felix, can we have a chat about something, it will be brief,' said Eddy as he got up, adding, 'let's head to the kwoon.' 'Hello! Who is going to help me pack all these plates and put them in the dishwasher?' asked Aunt Catherina as she looked at both Eddy and Felix. 'I will help,' said Charles. 'Come let's go,' said Eddy sounding a bit impatient. Felix quietly got up and followed Eddy as they left the dining table. Looking at Charles, Aunt Catherina said, 'Well come now. Let's pack up. We will save some food for your father geez, where is he? Let me give him a call.'

'So wasup?' asked Felix as they both entered the kwoon with Eddy leading the way. Eddy switched on the lights and did not answer. Once everything was lit, he walked to Felix. He looked angry and sighed before speaking, 'What is your problem man? Who do you think you are?' Felix frowned and although still looking calm he could begin to feel his heartbeat and responded to Eddy with a question, 'Dude? Hey? You Jealous or something?' 'Jealous of you!' snarled Eddy, 'You ain't! shit! I got you a job okay! You have these retard…' Felix cut his words as he spoke his, 'You have a lovely

home and a mother and a father who love you, including a brother! A very good job! And when I found out you were done with university and you had jumped the first year to your third graduating early cause you smart! I cried tears of joy for you! So, you got me a job! Thank you!' 'You do not fucking get it! You just a fuck up, who ain't shit!' said Eddy, eyes wide and fuming, Felix looked back in disgust and then turned to walk away. 'You a disgrace to even be a lineage holder of our family art!' exclaimed Eddy. Felix having heard enough, turned back, 'I will give you what you always wanted, a fight between you and me! I am gonna knock your jealousy and cripple you when I am done! Fuck you and your damn job! Screw Gaia Corp!' he bellowed as he got into his fighting pose and as he did, Eddy charged forth leaping with a fly kick, which Felix dodged as he stepped aside. He then threw a punch aiming at the left side of Eddy's jaw. Eddy deflected it and as he did, Felix felt a weird shock like electric sensation make him lose balance and he fell hard on the floor.

Sniggering, Eddy smiled with glee, he said as he stood beside a shocked and gasping Felix, 'I could squash you, we not on the same level. I should be the next standard bearer of our art, not you. You are lower than me…PATHETIC!' Felix struggled to stand up, grimacing as he tried. The main door of the kwoon flung open and there stood the furious figure of Uncle Fred. 'Sweet Daruma! What the hell!' he barked.

'Look your rescuer has arrived,' muttered Eddy as he looked at Felix who was still on the floor. Uncle Fred rushed to Felix as he pushed Eddy who flew off the ground falling a few meters away. He slapped Felix on his shoulder with both his hands and Felix felt a mild warmth soothe his body starting from his shoulders and with every ticking second, he could manoeuvre his body properly again. Uncle Fred helped him up and then turned his attention to Eddy, 'What is your problem! You guys are not just cousins, you like brothers.' Eddy who was back up sneered at Felix and then he said, 'I am over all of this, I am going to my apartment, tomorrow I will send for people to get all my stuff it is already packed anyway.' Eddy then made his way for the door and left.

Felix was slightly panting still recovering his breath, 'His…stronger than…me,' said Felix as he struggled to speak. 'Yes…he has been training hard. However, he has no harmony. He has chosen his path…oh well,' said Uncle Fred. Felix explained everything that happened to his uncle, including the event at work. 'Do not worry Felix tomorrow is another day, I will drop you home,' said Uncle Fred.

That evening, Felix replayed the events in his mind of what had happened, his pride wanted him to train harder, so he could make Eddy pay, nevertheless, he was troubled by the hate he had felt from Eddy. He meditated to calm his nerves and restore his energy.

Eddy had moved to his apartment and despite Aunt Catherina's pleas he was not coming back. Uncle Fred did not bother, he simply gave his son a call to find out how he was doing. Felix began running the classes at the kwoon and training for the Sanshou. With work starting to become more of a strain and he felt nothing but hate for his job. What angered him more was Eddy, flashbacks of their argument infuriated him even more. Something else was creeping in his mind, it was the scarcity of Uncle Fred, he was rarely seen, and he would make casual appearances now and then. Felix was beginning to agree with Aunt Catherina, for a retired Union Guard general what was Uncle Fred up to?

At work, Felix had decided to warm up to Arrieta's advances, however, within weeks, there was a sudden change in her behaviour. She was a bit aloof, this caught Felix off guard. 'She says, you a bit too much,' said Jim who Felix had confided to. 'Too much?' Felix muttered to himself as he looked at Arrieta chatting to another female colleague from a different department, they were all in the main entrance of the Gaia Corp campus. Feeling mild tremors in his heart, Felix sighed. 'Anyway, I am heading to the other side,' he said having seen enough. As he turned, Jim quickly tapped him on his back and whispered, 'Hey check!' Felix quickly turned and looked, his eyes shot wide open and then he frowned. Eddy was chatting to Arrieta and the other female colleague, they giggled at something he had said. Each giggle deflating Felix's heart and then to stab it was what happened next. The female colleague left Eddy alone with Arrieta and within seconds, Eddy had his hands around her, slipping right down as he pinched her buttocks. She giggled and hit him as he laughed back. 'Fuck that! I am done!' scorned Felix as he marched away. Jim then hurriedly followed him, 'Relax Felix, that is your cousin, besides why you angry with her?' asked Jim. 'I am not angry with anyone! First thing! Sanshou! Second thing Lei Tai…to hell with anything else!' said Felix.

Before going live and answering calls the staff in the call centre, including most staff in the campus where glued to their computer screens watching a live web video announcement from the CEO.

Daniel Faris was going to introduce a new product, it was already used by the military (Union Guard troops), the product was an advanced sophisticated medical equipment, known as the life tank.

Its purpose was to heal a person suffering from severe injuries quickly, within a matter of days. Burned victims with third-degree burns could be healed with a matter of weeks with no signs of scars as if the burns never occurred.

'The life tank cannot regenerate limbs, yet our R&D is busy working on that as we speak. Gaia Corp has the vision to revolutionise our world. The life tank would part of the new world order. I cannot say for sure however I assume that in our near future such technologies as I have said before…will bring the end to ancient practices like acupuncture. The life tank makes life easier for everybody.' The voice came from Daniel Faris, seated with his hands clasped, he looked like he was in his mid-fifties. He had olive skin, a shark-like nose, beady dark brown eyes and was completely bald. Daniel Faris wore a navy-blue suit, with a crimson necktie. He then went on to talk about the life tank's basic functions and capabilities.

The life tank was a container like that stood vertically up and attached to it were different pipelike structures. Its main healing element was a liquid in which someone will be submerged in while they healed. Felix had the suspicion as he smiled that the liquid surely must have derived from dit da jow.

A new month came, and Felix was to meet with Claudia Fern as per the new arrangement. Pulling a courting stunt, Felix decided that they meet up for breakfast in the morning at a restaurant. He wanted to then smooth his way to having dinner with her that evening. His father suspected what his son was planning to do, cheered him on and tried to give him some tips. But Carl's words fell before entering Felix's ears.

'Hi, so how have you been?' Claudia initiated the conversation as they sat down at a table. 'I am good! How you?' Felix responded. 'I am good, thanks for inviting me for breakfast,' said Claudia. 'Anytime,' said a beaming Felix, as he kept as much direct contact with her eyes. 'Look clearly your life seems to be getting on track and I am trying to push for them to take you off this supervision, so you can have your life completely on track,' said Claudia. 'Thanks,' said Felix as he gently put his hand on Claudia's hand and then removed it. 'Anyway,' he began, 'that is good news deserves some form of celebration, what are you doing this evening?' 'Um…nothing really why?' asked Claudia. 'Well, how about I really thank you with dinner, it is on me,' said Felix trying to sound as smooth as possible as his one hand which was laying on his leg shook uncontrollably. Claudia did her best to cloak her surprise as she drew herself back and said, 'oh…wow…um…look I will have to politely decline,' Felix by now knew what was coming next and he could feel his heart beat in his throat, 'to be straight with you it would be inappropriate, in other circumstances it would be okay, however sorry,' she concluded. 'No, it is not a problem,' said Felix trying to brush aside the anguish he felt. 'Anyway, thanks a lot just remembered I need to go do something, thank you very much,' said Claudia as she got up and left. 'Fuck!' Felix muttered as he watched Claudia walk away. It does not matter, was worth the try thought Felix.

Just before leaving the restaurant Felix received a call from Carl, he hesitated to pick up as he looked at his phone, 'Now you want to pretend to be a father…' sighing he then decided to answer. 'Hi,' he said with no ounce of emotion in his voice. 'How did it go?' asked Carl. 'She said no,' Felix answered directly. 'Don't worry these things happen,' said Carl trying to console his son, instead an irritated

Felix felt patronised. 'Cool, thanks anyway got to go,' said Felix sounding a bit sarcastic as he immediately hung up and left the restaurant.

That evening to drown his sorrows, Felix made his way to a bar in town at a five-star hotel. There he ordered a martini. As he peacefully drank contemplating resigning from his job the following week, so he could give everything to his training for the Lei Tai. A familiar voice coming from across the bar caught his attention. It came from a young man about Felix's age dressed in a white shirt and open collars and white pants; he wore spotless white shoes. He was white with curly black hair with trimmed facial hair, that looked like a shaven beard growing back after three days. 'Smokey,' Felix murmured, as he recognised the young man who was chatting up a group of ladies with a smirk attached to his face.

He was an old friend of Felix and part of Felix's former gang. The last time they spoke was just before Felix got convicted. Smokey was second in charge of the gang at that time. A lady's man, Smokey was not much of a fighter like Felix, however, his fist could do damage.

'SMOKEY!' exclaimed Felix. Smokey turned briefly and then turned back to the ladies he was chatting to and then turned back, his face painted with disbelief. 'FELIX!' he yelled back, he then made hand gestures for Felix to come his way. Felix got out of his seat feeling mildly dizzy as the effects of the alcohol subtly manifested itself.

'Hey buddy!' said Smokey as he hugged Felix. 'My man, been a while,' he added. 'If my parole officer was to catch me talking to you its overs,' said Felix as he beamed at Smokey. 'Who cares about that, a lot has changed my man…hey ladies this is my old friend Felix,' said Smokey as he presented Felix to the ladies he was chatting to. The ladies then left later, and Felix said, 'Smokey why you let them leave?' 'Ah let them go, never be attached,' said Smokey, gesturing with his hands as he waved it down. 'My man!' he began, 'you have gotten laid when you came out of prison right?' Felix tipsiness brought him into a mild state of soberness, stumbling to reply. Smokey chuckled as he tapped Felix on the shoulder. 'Come let me take you to a place,' said Smokey as he walked, and Felix followed.

They walked out of the hotel and up the road, which was at an incline and then took a left turn to

a road called, Lao Street. After a few more steps, there was a two-storey white building, which Smokey pointed to Felix, 'Remember that place?' he asked Felix. 'Umm…nah…' said, Felix, as he frowned. 'Come on let's get closer', said Smokey as they walked towards the building. There was a tower of a bouncer sitting on a stool next to the front door of the building. He was black, bald and was dressed in black with a leather jacket. Smokey nodded at him, with Felix doing the same as the bouncer got up rang the doorbell and the two were allowed in. The reception room of the building was dimly lit and by the front desk sat an elderly woman who wore glasses and smirked at both Felix and Smokey, 'Hi, see you brought a friend today,' she said. 'Yea,' chuckled Smokey, as he took out a roll of cash and handed it to the woman and said, 'that is nine hundred Dinares.' The old woman unrolled the cash and counted the money, smiling once she was done and then she said, 'Great, go in,' as she winked at both Smokey and Felix. Behind them was a door and as they strolled towards it Felix whispered to Smokey, 'Is this a brothel?' 'No shit, it a nursery,' replied Smokey sarcastically. Inside was another room sort of like a night club with a bevvy of beautiful women marauding around, dressed yet exposing their assets, Felix felt himself harden with his heartbeat thudding despite his apparent calm demeanour, whereas Smokey was completely the king of cool, externally and internally. There was a disco ball in the centre of the room, flickering light about.

Smokey and Felix headed for the bar, once they both sat on the bar stools, the bar lady who seemed to be herself a working girl made her way to them. 'So, what can I do for you boys?' she asked. While Smokey chatted to her Felix's eyes further scanned the surroundings. They were the only customers in at that moment, and as his eyes fell on each of the ladies none failed to return a look.

'What you are drinking?' asked Smokey as he turned to Felix. 'Um…well…what you are drinking?' Felix replied with a question. Smokey gave out a mild laugh and said, 'Nothing. Alcohol makes my dick soft.' Felix chuckled and then asked, 'Even red wine?' Smokey just replied with a laugh and then turned to the bar lady and said, 'We good for now.'

Felix glanced at an ebony goddess who sat enjoying her glass of red wine, she glanced back looking straight at his eyes. Her glowing skin looked soft and her curves further aroused Felix whose eyes had dropped and were now fixated on her full lips, painted with crimson lipstick. He made his way to her and Smokey who was busy chatting up another girl now turned and smiled and then turned back to the girl he was chatting up.

Felix sat beside the girl he had spotted, who looked at him as she took a sip from her glass. 'Hey,' said Felix sounding as smooth as possible. 'Hi,' she replied with a smile. 'You have nice lips, what is your name?' Felix asked. 'It is Naomi,' she said as she stretched out her hand and Felix shook it and said, 'I am Felix.'

After their introduction, Felix happy with his choice told Naomi, 'Come let's go.' Before leaving, Naomi pulled a serious face as she cautioned Felix, 'Look anything but anal.' Felix responded with a smile. Walking past Smokey, Felix nodded at him, they walked out of the room back into the reception area, where Naomi led him up the staircase.

She took him into one of the rooms, it was air conditioned and dim lit. The room had a king size bed and a widescreen flat television on the corner of the room on mute showing different pornographic displays. An erect Felix started to rapidly take off his clothes. By the time, he was half naked he commanded Naomi, 'Take off your clothes!' She frowned a little and said, 'Geez, why the rush, take

it slow,' and then she slowly removed her clothes. Felix grinning approached her and removed her skirt and when she was completely naked. He first kissed her and slowly made his ways to her breast as she moaned biting her lip and closing her eyes.

Felix was in there with Naomi for close to two hours, when an already done Smokey waited for him. He came out with a smiling Naomi, by his side, who he then kissed. Claps and whistles came from downstairs as Smokey spotted them. 'See you,' whispered Felix as he kissed Naomi one more time. She replied with the same words as she watched him and Smokey leave.

'Thanks a lot, my man, that was a treat,' Felix said to Smokey once they were out of the brothel. 'Argh…you welcome…it is nothing,' Smokey replied. 'Where you get so much money? You sure came up compared to six years ago,' said Felix with a tone of admiration. 'We were thugs when we were adolescents…now I am bigger than that,' said Smokey as they both walked down the street. 'Okay…well…' as Felix spoke Smokey interrupted him, 'Felix I do a lot of things, I'm about that life, smuggling, contraband…you remember The Baron?' Felix's footsteps froze once he heard that name. The Baron was considered Wobbleton City's biggest gangster. No one knew who he was or even believed he existed, his name was used to evoke fear in the underworld, but Felix's gang of misfits were known not to be afraid of The Baron. In fact, Felix always suspected Carl Sobek was The Baron, he just could never prove it and had forgotten about it over the years. Smokey, mentioning it, brought memories back to life and despite his suspicions, Felix never said anything to the guys in his former gang that he suspected The Baron to be his father.

'You remember, how you were the only one to actually not be scared of The Baron, we pretended but you, not an ounce of bone quivered in fear,' said Smokey. Felix brushed aside the thought of The Baron. He simply said, 'It is the past…fact are you an upcoming big shot. Anyway, once I am off this parole you and I should meet up! Until then we cannot be seen together.' With those final words, they both gave each other fist pumps and Felix headed for a parked taxi, in which he got in and left. Smokey waved and resumed strolling with a grin on his face, after a few more steps he noticed a hooded figure standing a few metres ahead of him.

On guard and feeling anxious Smokey screamed at the guy, 'HEY! PUNK! Do we have a problem!' The hooded person stood firm and silent. Smokey took a few steps forward and in that sudden moment in time, he blacked out as another person hit him from the back propelling his body forward as he fell flat on his face, hitting the ground with a thud.

The following week at work Felix got out of his chair, he was done it was time to resign. He would let Claudia know as he needed to train full time for the Sanshou and the Lei Tai. Felix walked to one of his managers and in a few words, he simply said, 'I quit,' and before making his way out he headed to Jim. 'You are leaving, aren't you?' asked Jim. 'Yea…look was good meeting you see you around,' said Felix as he walked away. And as he walked Jim said, 'Hey you not going to say bye to Arrieta?' Felix stopped and turned and simply grunted in disapproval and then made his way out. He was done with Gaia Corp.

A surprised Mrs Wilkins saw Felix as he returned from work earlier than usual, 'And now?' she asked as she frowned in concern at Felix. 'I quit', answered Felix directly. Mrs Wilkins sighed as she shook her head, 'You young people take having a job for granted, in my days…oh well anyway got work to do,' once she was done she disappeared to tend to the different house chores. Felix then decided for some reason to check if his father was home. Even though it was not likely, however, he wanted to let Carl know that he was moving in with Uncle Fred to train for the Sanshou and then the Lei Tai. And to let his father know he had left his job. He made his way to his father's study and as he got close, he heard murmurs coming from inside. By the time, he was by the door which was a few millimetres wide open, he could make out what was said inside.

'You said Felix was with him!?' asked the voice that sounded like Carl Sobek. 'Yes, the punk was with your son, I waited for your son to leave before I could whack him from the back. I had one of my guys distract him from the front,' said another voice, sounding deep and coming from a man. Felix froze for a moment, did his father order a hit on Smokey? He thought, and then his thought where scattered away as he heard more from inside the study. 'So, you say he is dead this Smokey?' asked the voice that sounded like Carl. 'Yes, after I knocked him out, we took him to one of our dungeons where he was executed and then we dumped his body far away in a farm dam. Here is a picture,' said the deep voice coming from the stranger. 'Great. Good job. Next time bring me a real live finger. Regardless here is your money,' said the voice that sounded like Carl Sobek. 'Thank you, sir,' said the deep voice of the stranger. 'There is a great war to come, bigger than you and me,' said the voice that sounded like Carl. The stranger grunted in disbelief and then said, 'Even for the great Baron himself, doubt it.' 'Argh get out,' said Carl annoyed.

Hearing all of this made Felix feel a different emotion, he heard the confirmation itself. Something he always knew was true that Carl Sobek was The Baron the most feared gangster in Wobbleton City. Nevertheless, he also felt rage toward his father. Why did his father send people to follow him and why did Smokey need to die? These thoughts all rushed through his head and at that moment of thought Felix impulsively stormed in the study. Furious, he glared at his father and the stranger. Carl Sobek sat on his desk, and the man whom he spoke to before Felix stormed in was standing up in front of Carl. Felix sized up the stranger moving his eyes up and down. The stranger was as tall as Carl Sobek with a very dominating muscular figure. He was white and bald with a thick long black beard and thick intimidating eyebrows.

'What you doing here Felix?' asked Carl Sobek. 'I heard everything you idiot!' snarled Felix and then he turned his eyes towards the stranger, 'and you fuck face! Oooh, I am going to make you pay.'

As he said that, Felix rushed towards the man, who tried to stop Felix with both hands stretched out. Felix stepped to the side, threw a fury of punches and then stepped into the man's centre line finishing him off with an uppercut. The stranger's head tilted back as he stumbled and crumbled down to a fall.

'Impressive, Felix,' said Carl as he pulled out a cigar from one of his desks cut it and lit it, then took a puff. 'We definitely would have made a great team working together,' he added as he grinned and took another puff of his cigar. 'Fuck you! Dad!' was Felix first words as he brewed with hate and continued, 'so you have this punk follow me and then you killed Smokey…Why!? Is this your sick way of trying to protect me?' 'First of all,' began Carl in a calm voice as his face got very serious, 'you have to learn to respect ME! I do not give a damn about your friend. As for you, you can protect yourself. Your friend was stealing from me! Fuck you lucky you are my son. Oh, boy I swear on your dead mother's name if you were somebody else, I would have killed you!' Carl was now also angry as he glared back at his son. 'What you think I did not know about your stupid gang harassing my business when you were an idiot adolescent! A rebel without a cause!' said Carl. Felix was silent, out of fuel to respond verbally but his fighting engine was on full and in that silence, Carl continued, 'What! You


think it was your Uncle Fred that only took care of you when you in prison, with his friend Silver…NO! My boy I also played my part. Him and I, we have our differences, but we always come together because that is family! You, on the other hand, disowned me your own father before going to jail, I had the power to make sure you did not go in. Look at you now! You ruined your own FUCKING LIFE!' Felix's rage cooled and was about to be manifested into tears, but he held them firm and at that moment, he spoke, 'I did not want your help back then! And fuck it now! This is what is going to happen I am moving to Uncle Fred I am done with you. My life will be perfect, and I will be champion…in case you did not know I am going to train for the Lei Tai. Like I told mom when she was alive and promised her on her death bed when she died. I will be a champion for me and most importantly for her!' Once he was done with his words Felix marched away and Carl sighed relaxing a little, took a puff of his cigar and looking at his knocked-out henchman grinned and then he muttered, 'My boy,' chuckling afterwards.

Having left his home Felix packed what he could and headed to Uncle Fred's place. He told his uncle everything that had happened and to Aunt Catherina a modified version that omitted the death of his friend and the fact that Felix had visited a brothel.

As far a she was concerned it all came down to Felix having a disagreement with his father. 'You and your father need to get along sooner than later. At least in the memory of your sweet mom Virginia may she rest in peace,' said Aunt Catherina once she heard what had happened.