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Chapter Four-A Phoney Champion

'Now, you nearly there, however, you need to go back to the basics,' said Uncle Fred. Him and Felix where at the kwoon and for months he was teaching Felix how to issue power with minimum to no muscular effort. They were doing an exercise with both their hands touching and they both had the same back foot at a forty-five-degree angle while the other foot was placed in the front facing forward. With the distance between their feet being the width of their shoulder. Both knees of both their legs were bent with their hips square as they faced each other. Their upper bodies were relaxed, concentrating all their mass down to the ground and rooting themselves. Every movement was controlled by their lower parts of their bodies, without them stepping forward or backwards. The exercise was called, push hands. Their hands would move in a circular like motion with their elbows dropped down and when Uncle Fred moved forward in a slow constant speed (this was an initiated attack) Felix would respond using the same pace as he shifted his body weight and deflected whatever the attack was. One of the essences of the push hand exercise was sensitivity.

'It all comes back to listening, understanding, neutralising and attacking!' with his last words Uncle Fred sensed an opening and in an abrupt second, before Felix knew it, he flew off his feet landing hard on the ground. He slowly got up brushing himself off as he sighed. 'That is enough for today go meditate,' said Uncle Fred as he walked away and left the kwoon.

Despite the hard training in the following months, Felix felt emotionally overwhelmed, with everything that happened and to his surprise, Claudia had not made any contact, he did not bother calling her to find out. After all, she was his parole officer. However, the main thing in his mind was the Lei Tai. All the hard training he did in prison felt worthless, Eddy was always in his mind, Eddy surpassing him troubled him. Sometimes it motivated him to push or sometimes it just crushed him down into contemplation or a moment of procrastination. However, he knew he had to push.

Felix received a visit from Richard, who had replaced Claudia; Felix remembered who he was. He was about Felix's height and looked like he was in his mid-thirties. His hair was partially grey, and he was white with icy blue eyes. Richard was clean shaven, and he was dressed in a black suit with a navy-blue necktie.

'Well your kind aunt said I would find you here,' said Richard looking around, (They were inside the kwoon). Aunt Catherina had guided Richard there where he found Felix training. 'How is Claudia?' Felix asked. 'Well she is good,' Richard first answered and then continued, 'look just to get to the point. By the look on your face, I am assuming you know I have replaced Claudia. Well I got good news for you,' Richard cleared his throat and then continued, while Felix remained silent, 'an order has come through from the judge, surprisingly your parole is over.' Felix smiled at the news, 'Sounds perfect,' he said. 'It does,' agreed Richard and then he added, 'your aunt said you training for the Sanshou and you have aspirations to then make it to the Lei Tai.' 'Make it? My man, I am winning the Lei Tai,' said Felix. Richard chuckled at the response and then said, 'Well I wish you the best Felix.' He then left, and Felix resumed his training.

While on Journal Felix was just randomly going through different pics and statuses of the people he was connected with on journal. He then came across a video post, it was from the Separatists. The video began showing different images, the first was the denunciation of Daniel Faris and Gaia Corp, this further intrigued Felix to watch more. The narrator of the video was a male and he said, 'Daniel Faris, rich billionaire, this man is cancer, he and our beloved whole system of the Union of Nations are liars. The eight big nations of the world should govern themselves. We shifting to a one world government and that is nonsense. Our freedoms and even our beloved Lei Tai a world tradition is being bastardised…' Felix had stopped watching the video. He had seen enough Separatist propaganda, the video reminded him of the attack at the mall and then his thoughts floated towards Claudia. He then decided to train, he had to maintain his focus.

Now and then Felix in his hour of boredom would look up on the internet researching about the Separatist movement. This group had appeared out of nowhere and authorities around the world had no idea who they were exactly. Felix decided to go to their website, which the authorities had not managed to bring down despite several attempts, they also had their own group on Journal. Based on what they claimed the group is composed of the remnants of a failed rebellion that happened in the East-South Union.

The rebellion in the East-South Union had begun with peaceful marches organised by Cole Sud a direct descendant of Prince Rey Sud. Cole Sud was from a very wealthy family given his family's imperial history in the southern regions of the world. He and his followers first began protesting the East-South Union government's relationship with the rapidly growing company Gaia Corp. He alleged the government was corrupted by Gaia Corp's money and headed peaceful marches in Easex, the capital city of the East-South Union.

The allegation started off with the Sanshou competition in that country. Given the global popularity of the Lei Tai, it had commercial potential, however, this was limited as not to ruin tradition and to uphold the symbol of what the Sanshou trials and Lei Tai meant, that they were a symbol of peace. A way for mankind to avoid major conflict and if not to reduce it to champions battling it out. It represented martial art in its true and traditional sense. There were never any adverts, and companies were not allowed to show off their brands. Regardless, in the Lei Tai or Sanshou, champions won big prizes and with their titles came fame and glory, many dreamed about, and a few achieved. In modern times things like endorsements were ways the corporates managed to cash in on the competition, they endorsed the individual contenders. But when Gaia Corp started to operate in the East-South Union, they slowly with time directly find ways to endorse the Sanshou.

This was one of the cornerstone themes of the protest, himself Cole Sud came from an illustrious martial arts fraternity (his family). He was eventually gunned down, during one of the protests. The East-South Union authorities had riot police try and arrest him. Cole Sud, it is said, took down twenty riot police officers by himself and then he was shot. The bullet was suspected to have come from a sniper and the uncertainty to his murder generated many conspiracy theories. But his death is what triggered the rebellion and within a year the rebels consisted of different groups. All originally former supporters of Cole Sud and now they all had their different agendas. However, they managed to overrun the East-South Union's government which like the other seven nations only had police forces to fight the rebels. Union troops were soon called in and within two years they crushed the rebellion and ended the civil war.

The Separatists' manifesto was that they wanted to end the Union of Nations. Restore the Lei Tai as it was in antiquity, the modern times had removed things like the use of weapons, although opponents sometimes still fought to their deaths. But the Separatists saw the increase in restrictions turn the symbolic duel into nothing but an entertaining sport.

A federal type government is what the Separatists wanted, they saw the Union of Nations growing increasingly centralised. Creating what they saw as a perverse one world government.

There were no rules in the Sanshou and Lei Tai competition, it was no hold bars fighting. The Lei Tai and Sanshou qualifications event also had no restriction on who entered man or woman could fight each other. People could forfeit if they feared for their lives or could not fight any longer.

The Sanshou was about four months away and a sweating Felix who was done taking a class at the kwoon was busy doing push-ups. Once he was done, he started stretching, unwinding his locked up thoughts about his uncle who had been missing in action. Felix was not too bothered about training himself, it was a way of life, but he felt it would help if his uncle was more frequent, so he could demonstrate the hidden jewels of the Harmonious Fist.

'Felix,' said Uncle Fred as he came in the kwoon. 'Good stretch, it is all about flexibility, being supple and agile. Everything that aids mobility,' he added. 'I have been thinking of asking…for a retired man you sure look like you have a job,' said Felix. Uncle Fred stared at him not responding. 'Look Uncle Fred at least show all the family secrets you clearly showed Eddy and…' 'I did not show him shit!' Uncle Fred fired back before Felix could finish his words and continued, 'That ingrate used to go through the manuals and train really hard…You, on the other hand, know the essence of the art your arrogance in the past is what has held you back, you thought you knew it all. Until your own cousin used the Harmonious Fist to a high potential. My advice to you,' speaking in a serious tone, Uncle Fred got closer, 'is that you do not get fixated on the one technique we have used on you…masters in ancient times did more powerful feats. Although I would knock the teeth out! Of the punk, you once were…that Felix at least was sure of himself.' Felix chuckled and said, 'I am pretty confident of myself.' 'No, you not,' said Uncle Fred as he put both hands firmly on Felix's shoulders.

Then he turned, as he began to walk away Felix said, 'Let's spar now uncle, come let's see if I am not sure of myself.' Felix began bouncing up and down on both his feet as Uncle Fred turned back and strolled towards him. Felix settled down and then in that sudden made his move. He threw a feint jab with his left hand and then launched a punch with his right. Uncle Fred did not fall for the fake left and grabbed hold of Felix right wrist and with his other hand, he held Felix's elbow. Felix relaxed his right arm and moved his right fist towards him; bending his elbow. Spiralling to the left, his left palm hit his right fist with his elbow facing Uncle Fred's centre line. Feeling the motion internally, a wild surge of a current flowed from his feet, with the turning of the waist and like a shockwave fired out from his elbow. Uncle Fred stumbled backwards, beaming at his nephew as he immediately regained balance. 'Not bad,' he said as he charged forth. A sidekick from Felix tried to stop him and he dodged it, as he stepped on the outside and then grabbed Felix's leg. While his arm hit Felix's torso with his leg sweeping Felix's other leg that was rooted on the ground. Felix went off the ground and landed a metre away. He quickly got up smiling while Uncle Fred gave him a serious stare and said, 'Great! You proved me wrong…however, you could not possibly think that I am at the same level as my son. You both still have not only a lot to improve on, but many more lives to live.'

'I am just happy! Got you there with my elbow, it's just a simple more refined way of issuing power,' said Felix sounding excited. 'Exactly!' replied Uncle Fred. 'Maybe I should find Eddy and teach him a lesson!' exclaimed Felix, 'that chop!' he added. 'No, no, no!' began Uncle Fred in a cautionary tone, 'I still want my son back, he might not be my biological son. However, we all sharing the knowledge of our ancestors makes us family regardless of blood.' Uncle Fred looked mildly sad at that moment. Felix could see in that flicker of a moment that his uncle was missing Eddy.

'Felix there is something else I need to tell you…it is very important, and it has just come to mind,' Uncle Fred spoke with a sombre tone. Felix did not ask anything instead he concentrated everything on listening. 'I am one of the leaders of the Separatists movement,' said Uncle Fred. Felix looked shocked and confused, the revelation mentally punched his mind into disarray. He began pacing himself around and then said, 'A former commander of the Union Guards…What the hell?' 'Is that so much of a surprise?' asked Uncle Fred. 'A surprise! Uncle…what about Aunt Catherina, what about Charles! Hell! You put, everybody in jeopardy!' exclaimed Felix. 'Listen to me carefully! I know what I have sacrificed! This goes beyond me or you! It is bigger than everything!' Uncle Fred shot back. 'Uncle…look…' Felix words were drowned by Uncle Fred's words, 'You never asked me if I was joking…deep down inside I am assuming you somehow suspected or you not that surprised with my revelation. You just shocked that it is true.' 'Well…you always missing, and you are a traditionalist when it comes to martial arts and the Lei Tai, so you would be a candidate to be part of the Separatist. But it is still a surprise…You were involved in the war in the East-South Union…' Felix paused; he was still surprised, and his uncle had made the wrong assumption as far as Felix was concerned he wanted to find the perfect time to confront his uncle and find out about his whereabouts. Nevertheless, the fact that Uncle Fred was part of the Separatists cleared a lot of things.

'Have you told Aunt Catherina?' asked Felix. 'I did before coming here she is bewildered by the news; however, she took it far better than you. She thought I was cheating on her,' once saying that Uncle Fred broke into laughter and then said, 'Look, Felix, I want to give you the honour of joining the cause.' 'Joining the what…the cause! Uncle no thank you! I am focusing on the Lei Tai! That's my cause! I promised my mother. I did not lose my confidence, those first few years in prison made me realise I had failed myself. I need to redeem myself. I just hope you protect our family which you hold so dearly to heart,' said Felix sounding a bit upset as he rushed off. Uncle Fred sighed and tilted his head down as he muttered, 'You will join the cause, it is just a matter of time.'

As the day went by, Felix felt his emotions rise transforming from sadness to anger, he felt like Uncle Fred was ruining his only dream. To keep himself focused he headed to the cemetery where his mother was buried. Casting his eyes at her tombstone with facial expressions of joy and sadness.

Virginia Sobek his mother had died from a sickness that the doctors could not cure at the time. Her death had caused a rift between Felix and Carl changing them both.

'What a surprise!' exclaimed Carl who had appeared and was walking towards his wife's tombstone. Felix kept quiet. 'I sometimes spend a whole day here…I really miss your mother…oh Virginia,' he said as he kneeled rubbing the tombstone and getting back up. Felix did not look at his father, his eyes were fixated on the tombstone. 'Son…' Carls' words were abruptly halted as Felix said, 'Save it pops…I just need some time to myself.' Felix marched away as Carl yelled a few times, 'Felix! Felix!' He ignored Carl and continued walking.

With too much pant up emotion, Felix wanting to let loose and blow some steam, headed to a bar in

town. He drank peacefully by the bar staring into blank space when out of nowhere somebody spilt their drink on him. Felix calmly stood up and shook the spillage off him as the man who spilt the drink snapped at him, 'I just fucking bought that! You buying me and my boys more rounds or you going to get it!' as he said this his friends stood beside him. Before one of the bouncers in the bar could make their way to the commotion, Felix had already thrown his drink at the man and his friends. They all charged for him at the same time.

Seated not too far and watching the events unravel live in front of him was a tall and largely built man. He had light cold blue eyes that watched Felix in awe as Felix fought off the men who came at him. The man who watched was white, bald and he had a thick trimmed black beard. He wore white pants and a crimson buttoned up shirt, with polished black shoes. 'Hey!' He snarled at the approaching bouncers as they were about to close in on Felix who was fending off and pounding his attackers. The bouncers looked at the seated man who signalled them to stop. Twenty seconds into the brawl, Felix had the guy who had spilt the drink on him on the floor and before he could finish him off, the seated man signalled at the bouncers and they moved in. One of them using a short baton that had electrical sparks shooting out of it, zapped Felix from behind till he was out cold.

Felix woke up to a splash of water on his face, he shook his head as he blinked and was slightly panting. His eyes moving anxiously around and then he caught a glimpse of the man who had signalled the order to the bouncers. His face looked familiar to Felix and in a couple of seconds, it clicked who the man was.

'I am assuming you know who I am…' began the man calmly, 'you Felix Sobek, Carl's son…aren't you?' Felix kept quiet, realising that he was handcuffed with his hands in front as he was seating on a chair with his legs tied up. He was in what seemed to be an underground cellar in the bar, it had one glaring light, shining from the ceiling and lighting only the centre of the room, with the rest of the room remaining in the shadows.

'Your father is not really one of my friends…' the man seized speaking as Felix spoke and he started to listen, 'I know you…you Money Sling, you manage Alexander Kim the current reigning Sud Republic Sanshou champion, he has survived the Lei Tai countless of times, but has never won.'

'Yea, Yea,' said Money Sling as he chuckled. 'How do you know who I am?' asked Felix. 'I can recognise that Harmonious Fist anywhere…ha! And only a Sobek can apply it with such high proficiency.' 'How do you know…' before Felix could finish his supposed question, Money Sling jumped on it, 'How do I know your father? Your family? Well, business and just plain street history. Nothing more nothing less. Listen here kid, you have a lot of potential, why don't you come fight for me? I will pay you well.' Felix shook his head as he sighed and said, 'I am done with that life, I just came out of prison I am not going to resume getting into street brawls for a quick buck…I AM GOING TO BE CHAMPION…THE LEI TAI CROWN IS MINE! WARN YOUR FIGHTER.' With those final roaring words, Felix suddenly stood up in a burst, snapping his handcuffs as they slid off his hands like water washing down and the ropes binding his legs snapped. The chair was also a victim as it broke, dissembling itself. 'Impressive', muttered Money Sling who closely observed Felix. 'In prison, they use special handcuffs that either electrocuted me or if that failed needles in the handcuff injected me with some substance that rendered me powerless. I am a Sobek after all,' said Felix. 'Indeed,' replied Money Sling and as he said that another of his henchmen appeared whispering something in his ear. Felix stood there with a mild frown appearing in his face.

'Kid you might want to see this,' said Money Sling and one of his bouncers laid out a device on the ground and seemed to fiddle with his wristwatch. The device vertically projected a beam of light, which then started to show images. It was tele-hologram, a three-dimensional sort of television. The images on display were part of live news coverage and there stood a female news reporter.

'…reporting live from our studio in the Sud Republic. As it has been announced by the Union of Nations for a week now, they have sent special agents assigned to contain and investigate a report that said that the Sud Republic was the heartland of the Separatists movement. It appears that this report is true right now we have live images of Union Guards raiding the home of the once famous General, Frederick Sobek, who once was the supreme commander for union troops that brought back peace in the East-South Union. It is believed that Frederick Sobek is one of the key leaders of the Separatists movement and the authorities are already charging him with being responsible for the attacks that happened at the Westick Mall. Authorities have currently updated us that no one was found at the home. It seems the former General

Frederick Sobek is on the run with his family…' The tele-hologram was switched off by one of Money Sling's henchmen, as Felix dashed off, he had seen enough. Money Sling stopped his men who tried to stop Felix as he said, 'Leave him, that kid has enough trouble as it is.'

Felix's heart pumped, he was relieved to find out that Charles and Aunt Catherina was not at the house. His certain Uncle Fred kept them safe somewhere, and then he thought about himself surely the authorities will come for him and his father. Felix tried to calm down as he caught a taxi and headed for his house. Once he arrived, to his relief there was no police car parked outside of the house. Storming in he was met with an angry Mrs Wilkins in her nightgown. 'What is this raucous! Young man!' she snarled. Felix just anxiously smiled and hugged her, she pushed him off as he flew off stumbling and regained his footing. 'So now you on drugs!' she said. 'No! Have you not seen the news!' exclaimed Felix. Mrs Wilkins tempered herself down, 'So you found out,' she said. 'Does my father know?' asked Felix. Mrs Wilkins sighed and answered, 'Go speak to your father his in his office,' yawning she ended it with, 'I am too old I need my beauty sleep.' Felix sighed and reluctantly headed for his father's office. He opened the door, the light was on, but Carl Sobek was nowhere in sight, switching off the light he closed the door.

Staying awake the whole evening till the morning in his room, Felix went outside by the pool and there he saw his father suited up and seating at the dining table near the pool; he was talking to a woman. Felix made his way towards them. 'See there is my son like I told you, he has no idea of my brothers doing,' said Carl as he glanced at Felix and then back at the woman. 'Felix take a seat,' he said, and Felix calmly sat down.

The woman was part of the police and was just questioning Carl Sobek on his whereabouts and was questioning where Felix was as well. Luckily Carl covered for him. Once she was done with the questioning she left. Carl turned to his son as he sighed and said, 'They will be watching us for now, she said. Well, I might not be Gaia Corp, but my connections shield us. Your Uncle and the rest are fine in a safe house, no one will find them.' 'So, you also on this? You also part of the Separatists?' Felix asked looking slightly annoyed. Carl smirked and replied, 'You could say so…' 'I do not want any part of this, I just want to be champion.' said Felix. 'As a lineage holder of the Harmonious Fist, you will join us. It is a matter of time,' said Carl. 'Eddy…What about Eddy?' asked Felix. Carl sighed as he said, 'Your uncle has vehemently disagreed with this theory. But I think Eddy is behind the raid. I could be wrong of course however my men are on to him.' 'His family he….' Felix's words drowned in silence as Carl interrupted with, 'Yea, yea, you and your uncle can sometimes be so alike.' 'You really suspect him don't you,' said Felix. Carl just nodded, as Felix got up and said, 'I am done with this, it is too much,' then he started marching away. 'Where you going!?' yelled Carl. 'Money Sling!' Felix yelled back. Carl frowning muttered to himself, 'Money Sling. This kid…'

Felix got a few of his stuff that remained in the house all stuffed in a rucksack and headed for town, he was short on money. He used what he was left with to get a taxi to town and made his way to Money Sling's bar. Felix was going to take a chance with Money Sling, he did not care that Money Sling represented Alexander Kim. But if he wanted Felix to fight for him then it would be in the Lei Tai.

Being day-time, the bar was closed, and Felix arrived seeing staff cleaning up the place. He asked for Money Sling and he was pointed to a room in the corner. There was Money Sling with a few of his henchmen. The office was small and with Felix stepping in it felt even more cramped up. Money

Sling was seated on his table busy browsing through the touch screen of his tablet; the office walls had posters of fighters from yesteryear and above behind his seat was a large painting of himself smoking a cigar.

'Close the door,' he said as Felix stepped in. 'So, what can I do for you today?' he asked as him and two of his henchmen who stood on both of his sides gazed at Felix. 'I want you to be my manager for the Sanshou,' said Felix. 'I am already managing Alexander kid,' said Money Sling. 'So, you can manage the both of us, besides I have a better chance of being champion then Alexander,' said Felix. 'Well, you know you will fight him in the Sanshou right,' said Money Sling, Felix showing no emotion of worry replied, 'I am not bothered, the people that he can defeat will not be in the Sanshou for the Sud Republic or even in the Lei Tai.' 'Great! Let's get to work kid! I am assuming with that bag you will need a place to stay.' Money Sling turned to one of his henchmen as he snapped his fingers, 'Get him in one of the hotels. Tomorrow we begin training.'

The Sud Republic's Sanshou competition took place in the ancient city of Sud, outside the Loham Temple. It was a weekend event, ending the last day of the weekend. The first two days Felix had defeated all his opponents, most of them were knocked out or simply pushed off the raised platform. If you fell out you automatically lost the fight, others were known to jump willingly to forfeit. Or they would simply bow down to their opponents and give up.

As Felix had predicted the final fight was going to be against Alexander Kim. The man was older than Felix a veteran of Sanshou competitions and the Lei Tai. He was black, tall and brawny; renowned for his tiger style. Sud was originally his city of birth and despite having learned different martial art styles from the Loham Temple, the tiger style was his speciality. Felix was slightly nervous on the prospect of fighting Alexander now that the time had come, as he stepped on the raised platform. He was the first one there and despite having defeated so many opponents a large, 'BOOOO!' rang across the crowd that had built up around the area. The event happened in the open, there was no stadium in Sud City. It kept many of the traditions of the past and the raised platform was slightly higher than the standard built modern platforms. Alexander Kim stepped last raising his hands as the crowd went wild, everyone screaming his name. That moment Felix could feel his heartbeat in every part of his body and for a split second he nervously glanced around, he then sighed himself to relaxation as he gazed at his opponent. They both greeted each other using the yin-yang gestures in a martial manner and then to the crowd. After that the fight began; they slowly circled each other, sussing each other out. With a blink of an eye, Felix launched at Alexander with a short kick to his shin. Alexander stepped back, avoiding it and then came Felix's right fist, which he deflected and then seized using the tiger grip (his fingers were bent and piercing) as he grabbed the forearm of Felix's right hand. With his thumb putting pressure on a pressure point, a grimacing Felix suddenly relaxed that area of his body and then sent a surge coming up from his body all the way into Alexander. His whole arm shook in a sudden, sending him stumbling near the edge of the platform. He regained his footing in time smiling at Felix, but as he dashed forward to attack he suddenly fell on his knees. Felix frowned slightly something was wrong, the crowd was pitch quiet each one of them looking in disbelief. Alexander Kim started to cough and struggled to get up, his nose had slow streaks of blood coming out of it. Regardless, seizing the opportunity Felix stepped forward launching a front kick and the Sud City champion went flying off the ground landing near the edge as he rolled off the platform. Felix was now the Sud Republic's champion to compete in the Lei Tai.

Panting slightly in confusion Felix raised his hands, however, the Sud City faithful still booed him. He did not hold it against them, something was wrong.

After the fight and comforted by the luxury of his hotel suite Felix felt a series of mixed emotions. He switched on the TV and there the news was onto him. A reporter asked one of the spectators what they thought about the fight, 'That boy Felix is good, but clearly our champ was poisoned,' Another angry spectator voiced her opinion, 'That Wobbleton City punk is a fraud! He was lucky Alexander was poisoned! He is a phoney!' Felix switched off the television and pondered. It did seem like Alexander was poisoned; something was fishy and most definitely not smelling good. Getting up, he headed for Money Sling's hotel suite, where he saw a healthy-looking Alexander Kim with Money Sling and his henchmen. Alexander held what looked like a suitcase filled with money and Felix zeroed in on it. He had thrown the fight away, so Felix could win, and he could get paid.

'So, that fight was just a joke!' snarled Felix. 'No! that fight was business! Kid!' exclaimed Money Sling.

'You would have won the fight anyway, even if he did not throw away the fight,' he added sounding calmer. 'True kid, that Harmonious Fist of yours is amazing. Besides I am done with the Sanshou and the Lei Tai. It's a new era and things are not like back in the days. Anyway, this is my retirement money,' said Alexander and then he added, 'Money that stuff really helped with my poison performance thanks… Anyway, I am out, it has been good doing business with you.' He shook Money Sling's hand and left the room.

Felix was still not consoled by those words he needed a real challenge, a real fight. Even if it would end up easy, it had to be of his own accord, no foul play.

'So how much money did you and him make?' asked Felix. 'A lot, it was simple, the odds were against you, so us betting against Alexander's supposed win. We made a lot of money. You made money too, that hundred thousand Dinares you just made is a small fortune,' said Money Sling. Felix had forgotten about the prize money, remembering made him smile a little as he left heading back to his room.

Meanwhile back in Wobbleton City, on a windy evening by a tree in a park lit by street lamps was Uncle Fred and Eddy. Uncle Fred wore a black trench coat and a black hat that slightly concealed his face. Eddy was in his business suit.

'Hi son, how have you been?' Asked Uncle Fred. 'I am fine', replied Eddy coldly. 'Well I wanted us to meet quickly, it has been a short while since we last spoke. Your mother and Charles are safe…look I did not want you to find out the way you did,' said Uncle Fred. 'Oh, I knew…dear father,' said Eddy. 'What?' asked Uncle Fred. 'I am the one that told them…of everything, are you that naïve. You were well hidden after all,' Eddy pulled out a gun attached with a silencer. 'Why? Eddy Why!?' asked Uncle Fred. 'You joined the people that killed my biological parents, plus the way you have ignored me…I mastered the Harmonious fist all these years…it is always about Felix this, Felix that…well fuck that and fuck you!' Eddy held back his tears and with no regret and a sense of relief he pulled the trigger multiple times, with the first bullet hitting Uncle Fred on the forehead and the next on his throat. Within those few seconds of carnage, his body fell backwards hitting the ground with a thud, as his blood streamed out into the grass of the park.

Eddy walked over to his body pointing the gun at it, Uncle Fred was already gone, his lifeless body flat on its back while his eyes and mouth were wide open with a facial expression of horror.

Moments later another figure appeared out of the darkness, the person seemed to have been watching the whole show from far. It was a male wearing a hooded black robe, he strolled towards Eddy putting his hand around his shoulders as he said, 'What a sacrifice, welcome to the Brotherhood.'