‚Alone in a city I know nothing about, well this could very well be a concept for a movie or something like that. I will better ask around for directions! '
After doing exactly that Adam quickly had the general location of the information centre so of course, he went there.
While asking for directions and walking around the city Adam quickly noticed the differences in his old world.
He encountered numerous creatures that were outright foreign to him acting as mounts or as cart-pullers, there were even some that carried the belongings of rich-looking people.
On his way he saw an one-horned giant rabbit carrying a young teen, a 6 legged bison with really thin fur and build, he even saw a big ass centipede which a group of people mounted, but to top it all of there was a butterfly red in colour with three wing pairs that walked on the street with its tiny legs, oh and by the way it was 6 meters long from head to (toe?), and had a wingspan of 9 meters.
There even appeared some big grey wolves patrolling the city wall.
Seeing so many different animals and beasts really expanded Adam's horizon and imagination, who knew this world could be so colourful?
When he arrived at the information centre, a grand and monumental building came into view.
There were no windows in the front and large opened double doors were the only opening to the building.
Above the door was a sign in a golden font with an emerald green background and gilded border.
It said "Information
Even though the façade lacked windows, it was in no way simple looking, there were many intricate designs and imprints on the wall, the triangular roof expanded further and was supported by four pillars that were symmetrically arranged making the whole building look like a stereotypical bank.
Going into the building, he spotted three small doors to the right with few people lining up behind them and one large counter with a bunch of female receptionists on the left of these doors.
Opposite to the large counter were four smaller and separate counters, each with a nametag on it.
Going up to the large counter Adam spoke to a receptionist with a friendly smile while leaning on the counter: "Hello. I am new to the city and am still getting used to it, can you give me some general information about the common things here and introduce me to the organisations here?"
"Do you have an Identification badge?"
"No, I don't."
"Well, we can make on for you but you'll have to fill out this form." She said as she handed Adam a paper, which seemed very thick and had a yellowish hue, the writing on it seemed meticulously and handwritten but very smooth and orderly without any mistakes.
"It says here that I have to pay 30 silver coins to receive the badge, is there a way around this?"
Adam learned rather early in life that it would be the best to always ask about benefits you could receive and have all the information about something before you pay so you could avoid them, he learned that not because he was poor and lived with his big sister, which declined a university application just so she could make money working to support her and Adam, he had a happy family and lived in an one-family house with a satisfactory life and privilege altogether, but It's just that his whole family was somehow connected with law and even his grandparents studied something in that direction, you could say he grew up in court, so he was always affected by that mind set that rules are with hidden mechanics that depend on the victims feeling of shame preventing them to ask about something, but of course, this wouldn't work on Adam, his skin was as thick as blast-proof glass.
The receptionist looked at Adam and explained to him: „Certainly, you can evade the costs by confirming your Qi affinity, but you will have to test it in one of the test-rooms on the side." While talking she pointed in the direction of the three doors Adam previously saw as he entered the building.
"You can touch the form after the orb recognized if you have affinity, but you will have to be fast, if you don't touch the form within seconds after the test it will not work!" She continued.
"So I can come later and give you the filled-out form?"
"Yes, but the recognition of the orb will fade after a few weeks so do not take too much time."
"Do you have a recommendation for a good inn?"
"'The Nervous Dog' is a popular tavern with rooms but if you want to have it quieter than I would say 'The Whispering Mermaid' is your best option, although more expensive."
"Thanks, my name's Adam, what's yours?"
"I'm Hannah you can find me here almost through the whole week mostly in the afternoon."
"Then I'll come back to you if I have anything else. Have a good day!"
"Have a nice day."
'Well, that was a little bit awkward, but at least I am finally finished that conversation. She is so unresponsive. Anyway, I could try out my affinity for Qi while I'm here.'
So he queued up behind 1 other guy for the outermost left room, and shortly after it was his turn to go into it to test his Qi affinity.