Stupid Hou Ju

Li Fu woke up from his fainting. He was too overwhelmed by the amount of money his almost crippled son was going to get.

The amount was even more than the clan's annual revenue! There were still fees that weren't counted yet, so one could say that the profit was less than a quarter of what Li Bai was going to earn.

Li Fu was still recovering from the shock when he realized that his son was not home yet. He asked a servant about how long he had been unconscious. It had been four hours since he fainted.

Li Fu grew worried. Getting the money surely wouldn't take that long. He asked the same servant if his son was home yet, which the servant shook his head to.

The news of the riot in the auction house was spreading throughout the whole city, so naturally, it would reach the Li clan as well.

A servant quickly rushed into Li Fu's chamber. This servant didn't look down on Li Bai, so when he heard about what was happening in the Hou auction, he felt like he needed to tell the clan head since the young master left for that location.

Li Fu saw the servant that came in and was stunned. How dare this servant enter my chamber without my permission?!

When the servant entered, he was worried the clan head would immediately punish him for entering his chamber. He grew more scared as he saw the face of the clan head. The clan head had furrowed brows.

Li Fu did indeed feel angry but he also thought that there should be a serious explanation as to why the servant did it. If not, he would be punished.


"Clan head, there's news about a riot happening at the Hou auction, where the young master headed for."

Li Fu's furrowed brows lowered even more.

"Send some cultivators to retrieve my son! Some strong ones at that!"


Li Bao was still holding on, but she was only one step away from giving in. And from the looks of it, so were the guards. The commoners were too strong!

Li Bai, on the other hand, already gave in. He was laying on the ground in an infant position, hands wrapped around his stomach.

The casual flick from a Second Level Mark practitioner was too much for an almost cripple like Li Bai! He almost fainted just from that.

Hou Ju was still shivering, with her being under the table. She was under the impression that there was an earthquake happening.

Of course, Hou Ju's belief that an earthquake was happening only strengthened when the ground shook again. The cause of these tremors wasn't an earthquake, but the violent stomping of the rioters outside the room.

Li Bai still curled up on the wall, got an idea! But he could not execute it since he was still injured.

Li Bai's plan was to make use of the formation engraved already - he would just add a few more strokes and the "Intimidation Formation" would become a "Sound Explosion Formation".

The "Sound Explosion Formation" was the most simple explosive formation, and so was also the most docile. When triggered, the formation would emit a sharp and high sound that sounded like it came from a million small bells.

Whether the people were affected or not was up to their cultivation levels - people lower than Second Level Mark would faint just from hearing the sound for a few seconds!

Li Bai was thinking of doing a self-sacrifice because he would lose consciousness too should he hear the sound. Worse, with his cultivation level, his insides would explode. Add to that his injuries, and his insides exploding were only a few moments away.

When he thought about how his current injuries would only raise the chances of his insides exploding, Li Bai quickly dismissed the notion of the "Sound Explosion Formation". In his current state, he can't handle even the most harmless triggered formation!

He was thinking about what else he could do in this situation.

"What if... I make my own formation?"

With his plentiful knowledge, he was easily one of the most prominent formation virtuosos in the past! He already made his handful of formations in his past lives.

"Making a few more shouldn't be a problem."

The only problem was, Li Bai didn't know what kind of formation to make. A formation that is just strong enough to intercept the riot, but weak enough to not hurt me.

Li Bai needed to pick what kind of energy the formation should emit. The "Intimidation Formation" emitted mind energy, while the "Sound Explosion Formation" emitted a metric ton of sound energy.

Just as Li Bai was thinking of a formation, the door banged. Something hit the door. After that, many more consecutively hit the door.

"The guards should be on this side... the rioters are getting closer... not good!"

Li Bai thought that the guards were pushed back enough to make them hit the door, but what he didn't know was that it wasn't the guards that were hitting the door, but rather the commoners! The commoners were getting pushed back! By who?

Outside Hou Ju's office, all the guards have collapsed, and most of the commoners as well. The people attacking them were the people from the Li clan. They were sent by Li Fu to bring back his son, Li Bai.

Li Fu specifically said to bring the strong ones, and so the strong ones were brought. They were absolutely dominating the battlefield! These First Level Mark commoners, even if they were powered up by the excessive mind energy brought by the poison, were no match for genuine Second Level Mark practitioners from the Li clan.

Li Bao was part of the poisoned bunch, so only her Third Level Mark was a difficulty. However, the challenge was notched up to extreme levels because they knew they couldn't hurt the clan head's daughter.

The practitioners from the Li clan had no idea why Li Bao was acting this way, but they still needed to do their task - get Li Bai back!