Absentminded Slaughter

Li Bao had little to no control over her body at this point, but the practitioners, who were one whole level below her, had to detain her. This was a problem for these practitioners.

They had to detain her without hurting her. Unless they had the order from someone with authority, they couldn't ignore that she was the clan head's daughter.

Even if Li Fu didn't explicitly state it, it was clear that whoever hurt his daughter Li Bao would meet death! Instant death in the clan was the worst case scenario. Best case was dead in prison.

Unless Li Fu, the elders, or Li Bai was to order them to use force if necessary, they absolutely could not. Even if push came to shove, they still couldn't do it.

Not to mention the commoners that weren't part of the riot. One in a hundred commoners were actually talented practitioners! Of those, most would likely have a crush on the beautiful Li Bao!

If those select few see them beating up Li Bao, if they could, they would still get beat up by the commoner.

Finally, their own personal feelings. They didn't want to lay a hand on Li Bao even if it's the last thing they could do. Her existence was like an angel among angels to them! They could never touch this heavenly being with their dirty, filthy hands.

The practitioners didn't know what to do. They then remembered their task. Their only task was to get Li Bai back - not Li Bao!

This was a desperate reasoning. They did not have any other options left but to leave Li Bao mysteriously angry in front of the Hou auction house.

Now that they reached this conclusion, the question was if they could get past the formidable Li Bao. If they wanted to get Li Bai, they needed to get through Li Bao without hurting her.

Not getting hurt by her was hard enough, now that they needed to get closer, one by one, the practitioners chickened out.

One of the practitioners saw this and was disappointed by his teammates.

"Are you all cowards?!"

After he shouted, the practitioner ran straight to Li Bao and tried to distract her. This was his plan! Some of them distract Li Bao, while the others go inside and grab Li Bai, wherever he was.

The other practitioners, being not stupid, instantly got what the plan was. They were also aggravated by the insult that was thrown at them. They were all riled up!


Half of the practitioners ran towards Li Bao, while half stayed behind. The half that stayed behind waited for the other half to completely cover Li Bao's line of sight.

The Third Level Mark Li Bao was threatening, but if given a choice of getting Li Bai or leaving Li Bai and being punished, they would go with the former, always.

The practitioners that headed towards Li Bao reached their destination. Li Bao was in a stance, with her eyes bloodshot red. However, the tint of red in Li Bao's pupils was not as dark the commoners before.

The commoners that had dark bloodshot red eyes were in the complete influence of the poison. This meant that their positive mind energy was not enough to counteract the negative mind energy that was corrupting their judgment.

Mind energy could be absorbed and cultivated, along with all the other energies. The energies, if not refined individually, would progress with the level of cultivation of the mark. However, the progress would be noticeably slower than if trained separately.

The marks also determined what energy one would excel in absorbing. For example, if one's mark were a snake, they would be best fit absorbing mind energy.

Li Bao's mark was a horse, whose specialty was speed energy. This made Li Bao strive to absorb the other energies as they were less compatible with her.

Now, Li Bao had an abundance of all energies, with speed energy all in the center. The speed energy actually helped her a tiny bit speeding up the absorbing of the other energies.

Li Bao's mind energy was therefore just sufficient enough to not lose her own consciousness, but still be controlled partially by the negative mind energy.

The practitioners that were supposed to distract Li Bao were distracted by Li Bao's figure instead. The tables have not turned, rather, they're glued in place!

Staring at Li Bao's body, the practitioners couldn't bear to muster any intent on doing anything against her. They secretly retreated while the others blindly charged towards the auction.

Li Bao did not know that they were retreating. She still attacked them!


Li Bao jumped and kicked one of the practitioners backing off right in the stomach, surprising everyone. Was Li Bao this relentless? They did not have any clue about the poison, so they thought Li Bao was acting on her own.

The kicked practitioner whimpered on the ground, before blacking out. All the others were shocked! Was this the extent of Li Bao's strength?

They didn't know that truthfully, Li Bao was holding back. If she didn't, there would already be a hole in his body, much less passing out. This was because of the thread of consciousness Li Bao had left.

The practitioners started to run. Li Bao was too strong! If they knew that she was holding back in that attack, they wouldn't know whether to laugh or to cry.

Li Bao ran as fast as she could, chasing the practitioners that were escaping from her attack range. She quickly caught one.

Since they all ran in the same direction in a big group, all of them would be easy to catch. If they had instead spread out, their fate probably would have been different.

Li Bao punched the one she caught in the face, swiftly making him lose consciousness. Then she caught another, and another, and another! Her chain was endless!

The rest of the practitioners were scared. They didn't want to be knocked out by Li Bao! She would remember it and if they were to see her again in the clan, all she would recall about them was that they were feeble. They didn't want that, ever! The little chance they had with her in their fantasies would be destroyed by this reappearing thought.