Tower's Treasures

Tower and B'riri found themselves confronting four Fiends. Two were in black armor while one was in Red armor and a female Fiend in Gold. The four Fiends looked at their Prey.

"Good news, we come with an offer. You have an opportunity to escape your fae. Agree to become a Fiend and you will survive this ordeal. Refuse and you will not," Lieutenant Poh Tae To said.

"Trust us, it's better to be a Fiend than dead!" C'rup added.

"Not interested," B'riri said.

"Then you leave us no choice," said Poh Tae To.

With a nod from him the two Fiends in black attacked Tower and B'riri. B'riri tried to pierce through one of the Fiends in black but he blocked her spear thrust with his shield. Tower a massive Warhammer to appear and smashed it against his opponent.

Unlike B'riri's opponent, the shield didn't help. Tower easily blasted his opponent away. He flew crashing into one of the walls and stopped moving. B'riri finally got through the shield of her opponent and struck through a weak point. Her opponent was also finished. Now, only Poh Tae To and C'rup were left.

Poh Tae To was steaming with anger seeing the two Cannon Fodder dispatched so quickly. He immediately typed in something into a communication device.

"More competent than I thought you would be. Fine, I suppose you've earned the right to face us. Although, I would hurry if I were you. If you don't defeat us soon you'll be facing many more Fiends," Poh Tae To said.

"Not a problem, I'm going to turn you into paste!" Tower shouted as he attacked with his Warhammer.

The large red Poh Tae To used his halberd to block and then push back Tower. Taking advantage of the spear shaft, Poh Tae To swung the halberd again in an ark forcing Tower back more. Tower kept pushing in trying to get in close to the halberd would lose a lot of its effectiveness.

However, Poh Tae To wouldn't give him the chance. The halberd was fast and easy the wield. Even though the Warhammer didn't weigh much to Torah, it was still a weapon that couldn't be redirected as easily as the halberd.

B'riri engaged C'rup as soon as Tower made his move. the four combatants attacked fiercely. She and C'rup were matched well each wielding a spear. Their spears clashed against one another and flexibly moved in and out of one another's range.

The four opponents were evenly matched. Tower and B'riri pulled back. The pair reached towards their forearms and unlatched the golden bracelets on both forearms. There were the Amazonian training bracelets. Tower and B'riri never took them off and only increased the pressure and weight over the years. They were both constantly training and long ago became used to the sluggishness the bracelets caused.

When the bracelets came off, both Tower and B'riri felt their bodies lighten and their auras soar. It was clear Poh Tae To and C'rup had no idea what was going on. However, they could both feel a massive increase in pressure coming from Tower and B'riri.

Just as they were about to act, they heard a voice coming from behind them.

"What's up," Tower said from behind Poh Tae To as he smashed his hammer into Poh Tae To's back mashing his face into the ground. Tower used Lorne's trademark super speed distraction move. You make sure you have someone's attention on you and with a burst of super speed, you get behind them before your image mirage disappears. It sounds easy conceptually but it's really tough to pull off.

Lorne liked to do this when he wanted to slip away as Dr. Longoak on earth. It gave the illusion of Dr. Longoak and the Invincible Hero were two different people. After all, who could move so fast as to get behind you while you're still looking at them? That was part of the challenge of the move. You had to go from standing still to your absolute fastest speed without causing a ripple in your image.

This was a move Lorne invented on Earth and he was really proud of it. He used it before everyone entered the secret realm to change into the Invincible Hero. Tower begged Lorne to teach him this move for years. He finally relented on the condition he made a few unique items for him with his forge. The items seemed useless to Tower and required a lot of exotic materials. Normally he would never craft such seemingly useless devices, but for this move he did it.

Tower didn't need to fool people into thinking he was two different people. He saw the move as a great surprise attack technique. It was something you could use at least once against an opponent and catch them off guard. The trick was you needed a reason to remain perfectly still. This was hard in a hard-fought battle.

However, the removal of the Amazonian training bracelets and the explosion of his and B'riri's aura added a natural dramatic pause to the battle. It was the perfect opportunity to unleash this deadly skill. Tower's approach to battle was far more brutal than Lorne's he believed in the overkill. If he were going to fight, he wouldn't stop attacking his opponent until he turned them into dust.

This philosophy expressed itself in this battle as Tower didn't just slam Poh Tae To into the ground, he ran up and continued to reign one massive blow after another on the incapacitated Poh Tae To.

B'riri didn't let the chance go by either. C'rup was as distracted and surprised by Tower's move as Poh Tae To was. B'riri's spear pierced the air towards C'rup and just before it pierced thru her, C'rup was barely able to react. Jumping toward the side, C'rup armor was penetrated from the side and sliced open.

She couldn't believe how sharp B'riri's spear was. It pierced her armor almost as if it were a soft cloud. The chest armor was no longer useful so C'rup discarded it. She knew she was now in the fight for her life, these two easy targets were like a steel board they kicked.

B'rir was surprised, contrary to her expectations, the Gold Fiend she was fighting didn't seem any less threatening after B'riri removed her bracelets. In fact, it seemed like she suddenly got a lot stronger after removing her chest armor. B'riri's eyes tightened in concentration as she tried to understand what was going on.

"Hahaha, surprised? You thought to take off your little bracelets and getting that little bit of extra power was enough to overcome us? I'll admit, your spear is fierce, but as for you, HA, I can still easily kill you. We've been playing with the two of you up until now. We love letting our opponents think they have a chance and then we show them just how big the multiverse is." C'rup said.

B'riri was irritated, she hated being toyed with. She looked over and noticed Tower was still hammering his opponent into the ground. She thought it was strange Tower had to work so long on this guy. Shouldn't he be paste by now?

"You've noticed?" asked C'rup.

"Noticed?" asked B'iri.

"The hammer isn't doing much to Poh Tae To, your boyfriend is getting desperate he knows things aren't going well," C'rup said with an evil laugh.

"Nonsense, my husband will quickly turn him into paste!" B'riri yelled. It was clear from the worry in her eyes she confident in her proclamation.

"Aaaahhhhhhh, what a nice massage!" The red Poh Tae To leisurely stood up as Tower continued to smash him over and over again with his hammer.

Tower finally stopped hitting the large Fiend and retreated to B'riri's side. The two Fiends smiled broadly showing all of their teeth. The smiles looked like the smiles of an evil devil about to devour its prey.

Just as Towe and B'riri were trying to decide what to do, forty Cannon Fodder Fiends flew over with bloodied swords and shields surrounding Tower and B'riri.

"Now you've lost your chance to run away!" Poh Tae To laughed.

Tower straightened up his back and pulled a silvery cylinder from his spatial storage device. B'riri did the same thing pulling out a similar cylinder.

"I don't want to run away, I want to test one of my weapons. It's a new masterpiece, I call it the metal man and metal woman!" Tower said.

Stepping back, the cylinders seemed to blossom and expand almost like it was being filled with air. One object was shaped like a man and the other like a woman. Simultaneously, Tower and B'ririr placed a smaller cylinder on their chests. Instead of unfolding, these two cylinders turned to liquid and covered the bodies of Tower and B'riri.

Soon, the battlefield had Two silvery men and two silvery women. The silvery Metal Man looked like Tower and the silvery Metal Woman looked like B'riri. Their auras disappeared and the four metal people backed up back to back.

The Two Metal Men connected the bottom of their Warhammer to each other and began to spin it. Once it began to hover on its own the metal men pushed their hands forward sending the spinning hammers through the crowd of Cannon Fodder smashing them apart.

The Two B'riris similarly attached their spear and swung it in an arc together. The super long spear swept away and sliced thru a large number of the Cannon Fodder Fiends.

"Not Bad," The Metal Men and Women said at the same time.