Paneneko the Mysterious

Paneneko was sitting on a stone eating some of the provisions he brought with him. As he sat there quietly eating, A short green Fiend along with two Cannon Fodders appeared before him. Paneneko calmly took in the new site.

The Green Fiend smiled evilly at Paneneko.

"Human, this is your lucky day, become a Fiend and live in power and glory," The Green Fiend, Lieutenant Dan, said to Paneneko.

"No," Paneneko responded.

"No? Are you sure you've thought things through?" asked Dan.

"Yes," he responded.

"Very well, then you leave me with no choice but to kill you," said Dan.

"If you must, but could you wait until I finish eating?" asked Paneneko.

"Haha what do you think, I'm here to accommodate you? It's..."

"Oh, I'm done, we can begin. I'm sorry, were you saying something?" asked Paneneko.

Just as Dan was about to angrily make a retort to Paneneko, he felt an attack coming from his side. Reacting just in time, Dan was startled to find Paneneko attacking him. Dodging awkwardly, Dan looked to where Paneneko was sitting and saw the spot was empty.

"What a weak attack," Lieutenant Dan began.

Before he could finish his attack, he felt a second attack coming. It was another Paneneko. Dan was annoyed, he didn't know this cultivator could create a clone. His Cannon Fodder didn't have it any better as they were also fighting two more clones of Paneneko.

Lieutenant Dan could tell things weren't going well. He immediately called for back up. After a few minutes, forty Cannon Fodder Fiends appeared and engaged in battle. Suddenly, they discovered the number of Paneneko clones increased to match one for every new Fiend. Soon, a chaotic battlefield appeared. There were more than forty Panenekos fighting more than forty fiends.

The vicious battle continued. Suddenly, the green Lieutenant Dan had a brilliant idea. Instead of so many Fiends to fight individually against the clones, why not find Paneneko's real body. Once he kills the true body wouldn't all of the clone bodies disappear as well?

"Twenty Fiends, form up on me, we're going to kill this cultivator together. It's time to engage the Golden Wall Formation!" Lieutenant Dan yelled.

As soon as he finished speaking, twenty Fiends formed up on him and created a Fiendish Formation called the Golden Wall. The Golden Wall was a formation combining the spirit energy of the twenty Fiends. An illusory wall formed in front of the Fiends. The Golden Wall was a unique formation, it didn't work the way one might imagine. Walls typically block attacks and therefore protect those behind it. The Golden Wall, however, was an offensive weapon.

When cultivators attacked the wall the wall would take in the spiritual energy from the attacks and use it to power an attack released by the wall. Much like gold conducts electricity, the unique nature of the Golden Wall conducted spiritual energy. The energy was directed to the top of the wall where two illusory towers stood. Each tower had a cut into the cylinder of the tower. The cut went around the majority of the tower. A circular dish which looked like an antenna dish could swivel in any direction necessary.

The dish at the top of each tower concentrated the spirit energy and fired an energy beam. The energy beam was enough to disintegrate nearly any cultivator at up to two realms higher than the Cannon Fodder.

Firing the cannons, a swath of destruction as unleashed against the army of Panenekos. Each one suddenly vanished. The Fiends who did not form the golden wall fled as soon as they saw the wall form.

When Lieutenant Dan saw that all of the Panenekos were gone he had his men disassemble the Golden Wall. The Fiends were grateful for the break. Even though the Golden Wall was powerful that power came with a cost. At most, the Fiends could have fired only once more. This is why Lieutenant Dan didn't commit all of his men to form the Wall. After they used the energy beams, the Fiends would have been too weak to counter any attack the cultivator launched if he survived the attack.

It seemed Lieutenant Dan was worried for no reason. The cultivator was swiftly dispatched by the golden wall, not even ash remained of the valiant warrior. As Lieutenant Dan was reveling in his triumph, the men who didn't form the Golden Wall, came back to the other group of FIends. Nearly ten Fiends died in this confrontation but the survivors didn't care. The weak died but the strong lived. As the Fiends made preparations to move on, something crazy happened. Lieutenant Dan was totally stunned!

From the palm of each of the Fiends not included in the Golden Wall, a crystal energy spike emerged from their palms and stabbed into their fellow Fiend. Even Lieutenant Dan felt something pierce through his back. The Fiends who were stabbed fell to the ground not moving at all. It seemed they were nothing but dead dogs.

However, after a couple of minutes, all of the Fiends who were stabbed arose from the ground. The formerly dead Fiends formed up with the other Fiends. Even Lieutenant Dan formed up with the other Fiends. After coming together, the Fiends marched toward the rock Paneneko was sitting on previously. As they approached the rock, the Fiends began to disappear. After a few minutes, the area was completely empty of Fiends.

Malicious laughter began to ring out in the empty space, "Hahahahaha Mwhahahaha," The laughter echoed in the space but gradually faded away.

In the control room, General Maek and Commander Ahm Lett watched the screen in total shock!

"What, what just happened?" asked General Maek.

"You can ask me, but who can I ask?" responded Commander Ahm Lett.

The pair of Fiends watched the strange confrontation from the beginning until the end. Nothing at any point of the battle made sense to them.

They observed as Lieutenant Dan approached a large rock with his men and started talking to it. Next, they watched as all of the Fiends began fighting shadows. The worst part was the absurd positions and stances the men took. Lieutenant Dan looked like a delicate flower has he dance from one spot to another as if he were gracefully dodging an attack.

Things only got stranger from there, suddenly, Lieutenant Dan cried out for twenty Fiends to form the Golden Wall. Instead of creating the expected illusory wall, twenty Fiends formed a line of four Fiends per row with five rows of Fiends standing on one another's shoulders. A couple of extra Fiends crawled up the backs of their compatriots and stood at the top. Clasping their hands together as if they were forming a gun with their hands, the Fiends began making sound effects, "Pew, Pew, Pew,"

The remaining Fiends acted like they were dodging laser beams but did so in the silliest manner possible. They would jog in place and then leap in the air shooting their hands to the sky. Some even pretended to be zapped and fell out of the view of the observation discs.

One odd Fiend was using the restroom in one of the corners of the cave and another was acting like a chicken and pecking at the ground. It was clear these two were just idiots.

Finally, Lieutenant Dan began to pump his fists in the air as if he won some great victory and did a little dance. Other Fiends similarly started to dance and yip. The members of the wall came together and lined up and stood there as the remaining Fiends, most of whom had been blown out of view of the observation discs.

When they came together with the other Fiends. a crystalized pike came out of their palms and stabbed the other Fiends. After all of the Fiends, including Lieutenant Dan was stabbed; the Fiends headed off camera toward something. After a few minutes, it seemed like the cave became quiet until a burst of maniacal laughter broke the silence.

After looking at Commander Ahm Lett blankly for a few moments, General Maek regained his composure and ordered some low-level Fiends to investigate. It was obvious his men fell to something but to what he wasn't sure. It could be a hallucinogen or a cultivator with incredible attainments in mental and spiritual techniques. He wouldn't know until he sent some Fiends to investigate.

Although investigating was potentially very dangerous, General Maek dispatched his men according to Fiend protocol. Instead of investigating the matter as carefully as possible. Giving his Fiends protection from chemical or spiritual attacks. General Maek sent his most useless Fiends to die in exchange for information. The strong use the weak. It was as simple as that.

While General Maek was dispatching a team to investigate, down the tunnel Paneneko continued forward with strange movements. He would step forward, to the side, back, and sometimes he would hide behind a rock for a few moments.

Paneneko used his unmatchable mental and spiritual powers to locate observation discs and tread forward fearlessly. Early, in the maze, Paneneko allowed himself to be captured on the observation discs. He demonstrated his hidden weapon skills as he took out traps and Fiends. He wanted the Fiends to think he was just another cultivator and ignore him. When he felt the time was right, he slipped away from the observation discs, doubled back and took a new route.

He finally sat down to eat lunch when the group of Fiends led by Lieutenant Dan discovered him. He was prepared for discovery and created a befuddlement formation to confuse his enemies. Staying outside of the range of the observation discs, Paneneko waited until Fiends drew close enough to him before he cast his spirit slave technique on them.

Once he captured enough, he sent them to place slave seals on their peers until he had control of all of them. Finally, they walked to where he was sitting and Paneneko drew them into a special spacial container used for living organisms.

"Welcome my little Fiends, I'll be sure to make good use of all of you," Paneneko once again began to laugh as he continued down the corridor.