: Troubles comes knocking.

When Chu Han heard the sound in his head, he felt his body shining, his injured left hand. and his broken joint, as if his body transformed. into a new one, he can feel his strength raised, by ten!! no one hundred fold.

he is sure if he was still on earth, with this strength. he will be able,

to stop a truck with one hand. Chu Han was shocked at first but then, he let out a sigh " ah...I think this power is normal here, its equal to a normal general, then what about the Higher ups people in this world, How strong are they?... I shouldn't think too much of it, I just need to survive. This stupid system didn't give me any useful information about how should I find this 8th princess at all."

Ting.(AN: Ting is a sound of alert) Chu Han heard the sound in his head, he frowned Again he Heard.

" Host received the rewards, now host has access, for more info. about the main mission, before the host. was weak. he couldn't start the main mission, but now with your strength, you can start it, please read the God's hint "

" God's Hint: the 8th princess, her name is Shang Liu, her mother the previous queen, was assassinated. and the Emperor titled up, his beloved.

Wei Mei from Concubine, to Empress. Since then the 8th princess. have a bad feeling towards the Emperor and his new titled Empress.but the Emperor cant bring himself to hurt his beloved little princess, he always felt remorse, whenever he sees her. and because he felt guilty he ordered.

his aid Wei Tong to guard her in the shadows, The new Empress, asked her brother, Wei Tong to leave the princess side, she wants to assassinate the 8th princess, and that will happen by the hands of her backer, The dark sun organization. the Emperor felt something wrong when he heard the Empress, Asked Wei Tong to stay beside her to protect her. but he was too dumb to understand the scheme. "

" In two days the assassins will start their plan, in these two days, you have to understand and to train more your power and skill if the princess ended up dying. you will die as well. Good Luck."

Chu Han frowned.`two days, damn too short,... huh? who would come knocking on my old house.?`. he stood up wanting to open the door.

Ling Yin stopped him while whispering. " young master shouldn't open they are the gangsters from yesterday, we cant stop them if they entered our courtyard. I will stall them while you run away young master." her eyes teary.

Chu Han didn't know whether to cry or laugh he hold her little hands and embraced her he whispered in her small ear. " I said, I will never leave you, as long you don't hate me. I feel I'm strong. don't forget I used to be a cultivator before coming to this small town.." he bites her small ear gently before going to open the courtyard.

Ling Yin cried and said loudly before leaving to he room with a red face like tomato. " Humph, who needs your love, hope they beat you again, humph humph.".

When Chu Han opened the Courtyard, to his surprise, stood young man with, seven other men behind him, the young man snorted when he saw Chu Han as he said coldly." Chu Han, you better call your maid here, I want her to be my personal maid, humph if you dare reject this young master then I will beat you to death, then take her by force, so choose well, you trash of a man.".

Chu Han Laughed loudly, even more, he started to cry from laughing.

after he stopped laughing he pointed at the young man with his finger." And Who the hell are you, to order me around. huh?."

From behind the young man who was fuming with anger, an old voice " Humph, do you have the qualification to be called young master?. humph, you forgot you don't have even guards to guard your gate, humph, this young master in front of you is the young master of the Cai family, hand over your little maid and get lost before this senior change his mind and kill you." followed the Voice came over an old man wearing dark coat. his eyes, full of killing intent.

Chu Han Frowned, as he thought ` Never heard that a small family like the Cai family can invite such an expert. its seems someone is playing behind the scene.` as he cupped his hands and smiled. " May this junior ask this senior name .?"

The old man face calmed a little as he said loudly ." This senior name is Shi Kong, no you should call her over I don't have time to waste on you.".

Chu Han actually asked for his name just to search for info. in the system about this man, what he found shocked him, this man was The guard of the Su Family, Young master. and this old man cultivation seemed to be in the 3rd stage of ` Qi Gathering realm which isn't bad for a mere guard.

Chu Han frowned. ` it seems that not only the Emperor is involved many other powers and families are also involved... Su clan huh? see how this young master plays you to death.`. he cupped his hands and said."Senior, may this Senior please come later, the little maid went out and will come after some time I promise to send her to the Cai Family personally, Hope senior understands." Even so, he said so his eyes showed his fear.

of course, all of this is just an act, he needs to finish them without exposing his power

The elder wanted to flare but he seemed to receive some communication, which he humphed loudly and said: " You better bring her, if this senior comes again here I won't leave without your head.".

While they were leaving Chu Han stood there while thinking ` tsk tsk, you won't be alive to come here again.`. Then he disappeared and hide in the shadows and followed the senior from before, it seems that senior left the Cai family people and went alone behind the mountain, he met a young man sitting with 3 other guards all of them in the `Qi gathering realm 3rd and 5th stages`.

When the guards saw the old man, they saluted him and said: " Chief, the young master asks you to assassinate the brat called Chu Han tonight, after we receive the girl with the Extreme Cold Constitution, the clan head will send one of his guards, to ensure the young master safety when we receive the girl he is in the ` Qi Transformation Realm 1st stage` ".

Author Words:

Even so, Some may think that when chu Han received the 1st reward as 100 years of cultivation to step into the 1st stage of ` Qi transformation realm` in one shot, Actually. if you think it in Another Way:

This is a mere small kingdom so when he ventures outside sure he will face many life or death battles, just wait for more chapters and you will understand the way the storyline is.