: Only Death, The Crazy System.

When Chu Han who was in the hide, heard them. his face turned dark,

However, he still listened to their voices after they stopped talking and went to move then When they were about to move they heard a sneer.

Shi kong and the other guards. stopped when they heard a voice drifting over, " tsk, tsk, What great Su clan. What great Young master."

Shi kong Went on guard, before shouting. " Who are you, don't hide like women, Show yourself if you dare.". even so he sid this he was scared.

They all knew that, if someone could hide his presence from them it means only one thing ` This person Cultivation is way stronger than all of us `.

Chu Han saw their faces and almost laughed out, but since he knew there will come another support for them, he couldn't waste more time on them.

He appeared behind them and said. " tsk tsk, Senior can't you recognise my voice?"

They all looked at the figure who appeared behind them, Shi Kong was the first to react to this figure face, he sneered. " Little runt, didn't I warn you if I see your face again I will take your head, Now you came alone it's easier to kill you here and then go back to kidnap your little maid humph."

`Pa~Pa ` ( AN: Pa~Pa = a Bunch or a hit using only hands no weapons)

When he wanted to Send bunch, he was shocked because not only the kid was fine, his chest felt pain, he staggered back and looked at his chest to find a small hole in his left chest, Blood oozing out like water before he fainted.

The other guards were shocked as well they all knew their chief cultivation level, he was at the 3rd stage of ` Qi Gathering realm, The strongest in the Whole guard team which followed young master Su Zhi, they all reacted and went on guard, the young master who saw all of this started laughing.

Su Zhi Went infront of the guards and pointed at Chu Han saying."it sems you somehow started cultivating again and even got to the ` Qi Gathering realm, maybe you even in the 6th or 5th stage am I right Chu Han, but dont be too proud I here, the young master of the Su Clan in the 5th stage as well, I dare you to fight me if you win I will accept defeat and leave you, if you lose I will take your little maid and you will be my loyal dog forever, DO,YOU,DRE."

Chu Han who heard this started laughing maniacally until he stopped and looked at the stupid Su Zhi with a sneer. " Sure, Come at Me."

Once Su Zhi heard him he went straight to battle, using his sure kill move, he came in front of Chu Han and moved his Sword towards his Head.

Chu Han was surprised by what he can see, This was not an attack, this must be a battle technique, he Attacked using ` Thunder palms` Twice.


The strength he put in this attack was his all, for the first time in his life, had he ever wanted to kill someone like this Su Zhi.

Su Zhi Face changed, he could understand, this Chu Han isn't in the 6th stage of ` Qi Gathering realm, Maybe even higher, This can't continue.

he wanted to retreat but was faced with another sneak ` thunder palm` attack and his left arm was maimed, he saw his blood oozing from his shoulder, he wanted to shout but saw Chu Han coming with another palm attack which scared him witless. He Screamed." MERCY..."

But Chu Han didn't stop his palm and landed it perfectly on Su Zhi Head.

Su Zhi Died, before the last moment, he wanted to know...

The Guards Wanted to Escape Quickly but was stopped and killed, one by one.

Chu Han burned their body after taking the rings and the weapons on them,

Chu Han was about to leave the mountain when he heard a Voice in his head.

" Host, The Daoist Goddess Lin Was about to Ascend to Heaven but was attacked. and she is heavily injured, she is in the next peak her soul power is almost 10% of her perfect soul state, side-mission: Go find the Daoist Lin, Use Love Needle on her and turn her to your heart slave. God`s Hint.`Daoist Ling Was in the last stage of ` High Immortal realm` her cultivation is now measly at the 9th stage of ` Qi Transformation Realm`,

When you find her, attack her using all your might, and sneak attack her using this Needle ` Love Slave Needle`. Then take her away before her enemies arrive and find you both."

Chu Han Wanted to Curse but the System announced something else.

" This Mission penalty is Death, and the reward is 2 pills of 9th rank golden healing pill, and 9000 system points, Good Luck."

The system continued " Mission Time limit, one Hour if you cant and you are late, both you and the goddess will die."

Chu Han Mind went blank ` This Crazy system`.

Author Words:

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