Waking Up

Watching Maseru taking a seat as if he hadn't done anything out of the ordinary Light was truly pissed, grabbing onto the armrest of the chair, trying his hardest not to let his anger get the best of him.

"Truly Lord death you're just as bad if not even worst than the rumors described"

For the first time in the meeting Fate spoke up and it wasn't to condem Maseru's actions but rather to just make a general statment but even a fool could sense the praise in his voice.

After a period of silence Maseru sighed then spoke again in a calm voice there was even a pinch of regret mixed in.

"You sit atop every deity in the heavens and I am actually happy for you because that's who you've always been but I am not someone you can command like you do everyone else. The boy will stay brother, It was nice to see you I suppose"

While talking Maseru had already gotten up from his seat and opened up a portal the moment he finished speaking he stepped in it.

With Maseru gone 'Flea's power was finally unsealed so his body began twitching as it regenerated itself.

Fate finally started laughing when he took note of the 'Flea's twitching.

While Ellania was still sitting there with the same complicated expression.

By this time Light had already calmed down and was back to his usual calm casual self, Light had always been the type of person who'd never show his anger unless pushed over the edge completely.

It might be strange but what really suprised him was the fact that Maseru had actually called him brother after who knows how long.


When Maseru got home he went straight to the room where the still unconscious Azreal was; Maseru picked up Azreal off the bed and then vanished from the house appearing in a huge forest behind his home.

Infront of him was a tombstone at the root of a huge tree that looked like it'd be there for millions of years. The tombstone had all types of beautiful flowers growing on it, some of the flowers had a slight glow to them, the grass for as far as the eye could see was lush green making it seem as if it was a paradise; This forest was known to everyone as Death's Garden but what very few knew what that this was where his wife was buried.

Maseru smiled as he placed Azreal right next to the tombstone then he sat down in front of it.

"I've finally brought your grandson to see you...."

As if his wife could hear him a gentle breeze started to caress Azreal's face.

"I want to make use of the natural energy that gathers here to help to recreate his body"

Once again the wind started blowing but no longer as gentle, lifting Azreal off the ground gently removing his soul from its shell.

The energy in the surrounding at first slowing started to go towards Azreal's soul then it got faster, Watching the energy going towards Azreal's soul, Maseru released his own dark energy slightly over powering the purer one but it didn't fight back it allowed Maseru to suppress it.

After a few hours or perhaps days, no one was really counting Azreal's body was finally complete with a few slight variations from before but barely noticeable.

Once his body was reformed it slowly started to descend into Maseru's arms. Before he left he turned to the garden; Looking at his face there was nothing but deep affection but also pain that was just as deep.

"Thank you"

After saying that he disappeared once again.


A few days later Azreal finally woke up, looking around the room nothing seemed familiar to him.

So it wasn't a dream?...

When the thought crossed his mind he was clearly saddened but behind all the sadness there was a hit of joy.

He was oddly looking forward to what would happen next.

After staying in bed for a few hours more he finally decided to get up and find out where he was. Only after rolling out of bed did he finally notice the changes on his body; It felt lighter as if he's floating.

Moving around the room a bit he felt a lot more comfortable, he hadn't noticed it before but comparing how his body felt now and before he died it was like the difference between heaven and earth, there was no comparing them.

What's going on?.....

Finally stopping to take a good look at his body he noticed that all the scars that he'd gotten over the years had all vanished not a single one remained before he could inspect his body further a gentle rhythmic knocking came from the door.

"Young master Azreal may I come in?"

The voice was soft and soothing obvious that of a young woman in her early twenties.

Young master?.....

"Uhmmm yea sure come on in"

Having been given permission to enter the young lady dressed in a maids uniformed opened the door and entered the room. She slightly lowered her head and introduced herself

"My name is Emma, Lord Maseru asked me to come and get you"

Lord Maseru?...is that the old mans name?....

When she finished her introduction and was about to raise her head, she paused for a moment when her eyes met his waist her face slightly red, After raising her head she then walked toward the closet taking out a suit of clothes for him.

"Ahem young master ill wait out side while you put on some clothes"

Not giving Azreal the chance to say anything she swiftly exited the room and closed the door behind her.

When Emma left the room Azreal took another look at his body only to realize that he really was naked but contrary to his expectations he wasn't embarrassed in the slightest, he just proceeded to put on the clothes that were given to him then opened the door and stepped out of the room.

"Sorry that about I didn't realize I wasn't wearing anything"

"That's okay I understand"

With that said neither of them spoke for rest of the walk to the dining area, the entire walk had a bit of an awkwardness to it but Azreal didn't notice he was too busy look around at the house, well mansion that he was in.

When they got to the dining area Emma gave a bow then left. Infront of Azreal sitting around the table was the old man who he assumed was 'Lord Maseru' and the man he called Enron.

"You must be hungry, come and eat"

Maseru said with a smile plastered on his face, when Azreal was moving to a seat he was secretly inspecting his body checking to see if there were any flaws, notice that there weren't any the smile on his face only grew wider.

"My name is Maseru and this is Enron."

When Azreal was about to introduce himself Maseru raised his hand to stop him.

"We already know who you are Azreal and I am sure you have a lot of questions so just ask and I will answer"

When Maseru said that Azreal was very happy because he really did have a lot of questions but just wasn't sure if he'd get any answers.

"Well, to start where am I?"