Questions and Answers (1)

Hearing Azreals' first question, a trace of disappointment flashed across Maseru face, then a gentle smile.

Turning his head towards the open window Maseru watched the birds flying freely across the sky for a moment before speaking,

"Well it has many names; Valhalla, Elysium, Gan Eden, Heaven, etcetera, etcetera. Depending on where you were born or your religious beliefs, that's the name it would have."

Azreal wasn't sure if he should really believe what he was hearing, but the fact that he had died and was brought back to life made the idea not all that far fetched.

"So this where people go when they die?"

Asking this question, Azreal truly hoped the answer would be yes. After all, wouldn't that mean he'd finally be reunited with his parents? the reality, though, is often different from our dreams.

"They might have the same name but this world and the place where souls go are two vastly different things. To put it another way, all of what you were taught are nothing but myths, things that someone made up at some point. That doesn't mean they were all lies, as there is always a grain of truth in every legend, but most of what you've heard is folly."

Maseru and Enron had both realized why Azreal asked that question, but Maseru still answered truthfully; lying to protect him accomplish nothing in the long run, Looking at the disappointment clearly written on Azreal's face, Enron decided to add to what Maseru had said.

"Even though their souls aren't here that doesn't mean that they no longer exist. Both their souls would've been reincarnated on another planet across the multi-verse and based on the life that they lived, the blessings they had received would have been plentiful."

Hearing what Enron had said gave him comfort in knowing that they were living happily. Taking a deep breath he asked,

"You said that this place isn't it the same heaven as what I was told; what exactly is this place? and multi-verse? Like other parallel universes?"

Enron was the first to speak up while shaking his head.

"Multi-verse in the sense that they are totally independent universes, not just alternative versions of another place. As for this place, you could consider it the home of the transcended"

After listening to Enrons' explanation, Azreal became even more confused.

Noticing Azreal confusion, Maseru started to boisterously laugh, only stopping when he had tears in his eyes.

"You're only going to get more and more confused because you aren't asking the right questions. How about this, I am going to give you a brief synopsis then you can go from there okay?"

Azreal nodded enthusiastically.

"Don't interrupt me either, just remember your question and ask after I'm done. The place where we're located is known as the Chaos realm to all those who live in it. This is where True Gods, Gods, and Divine Beings or Transcended Beings, whichever you prefer, and other beings reside. This realm, in a sense, is divided between Gods and Divine beings with Gods ruling and everyone else as subjects. Mhmm, what else is there?.....Nope I think that's it"

Wow, he wasn't kidding about being brief.....

Although he was even more confused than before, the new information did give him a slightly better understanding of where he was now. But even so; Gods? Divine beings? What the hell!

After taking a moment to process everything, Azreal looked at Maseru again for more information.

"What is transcended being? Also, what's the difference between True Gods and Gods; why aren't they the same thing? and why do you call it the chaos realm, isn't it just a planet?"

Because they're were having breakfast and Maseru's mouth was full, Enron decided to answer in his stead.

"Transcend beings are basically persons or creatures who have stepped into the divine way by reaching great heights in cultivation, magic, martial arts or any other form of body and spiritual enhancement. Once they've stepped into the divine way they will become able to sense the location of the chaos realm. The difference between 'True' Gods and normal Gods, is that 'True' Gods are the very first Gods making their power far greater than what any other god could ever achieve. As such, they have been given the title of 'True Gods' since lumping them together with regular Gods would be completely idiotic. When it comes to having children, a True God regardless of who, will always sire a God. Gods, on the other hand, would have an incredibly small chance of siring another God, otherwise, the children would simply be born a Divine being."

Speaking up to this point, Enron stopped to take a sip of what Azreal assumed to be juice, allowing for Azreal to register and understand the information given to him.

"This is the basic difference between the two. As for the question about the chaos realm; it would be better to think of this world as a kind of continent, only much, much, much larger. After all, the current population of the chaos realm is over eight hundred billion and every day that number goes up".

He was actually surprised with himself, finding that he was actually believing what he was being told. But he was human after all, so there was a voice in the back of his head, telling him this was all too far-fetched. Nonetheless, he continued to ask questions.

"You said True Gods were the very first Gods, does that mean that they've been around since the dawn of time? and if gods have been around since the dawn of time, how is it possible that only eight hundred billion people are in the chaos realm. Aren't god supposed to be immortal or at the very least have an incredibly long life span. You said that gods can give birth to divine beings which aren't gods, and that divine beings have a foot in the divine way; does that mean that they can become completely divine and become Gods, and if so, doesn't that mean that gods can become 'True Gods'?".

Hearing Azreals questions, Maseru finally stopped eating and whipped his mouth. Azreal was finally asking the right questions, and he had finally regained some interest in the conversation.