Questions and Answers (2)

"True Gods were the very first Gods to come into being, so yes they've been around since the days of creation. Divine beings can become gods but the process to become one is incredibly difficult and would require one to go through unimaginable suffering. After all, to become a god is to go against the very laws set out from the day of creation. The same thing applies to gods as well; becoming a True God is even more painful than what a divine being would go through and it's nothing short of a death sentence. In the case of lifespans; divine beings can live for millions of upon millions of years, gods are semi-immortal and are only considered dead if a stronger god kills them or they have their soul consumed or destroyed. This is also the reason why there are only eight hundred billion people. The number in the olden days was far more, if I'm not mistaken it was closer to a few trillion people, but unfortunately they all died"

Azreal was stunned. How does a population of a few trillion fall down to eight hundred billion? Were they using systematic nukes or something? Would Gods even need to fear nukes?

Watching the shocked expression on Azreals face as he tried to make sense of what he had just heard, Maseru was truly pleased with himself.

" could a few trillion people be watered down to just eight hundred billion"


Enron said a single word while Maseru looked at him as if he had just asked the dumbest question possible. What else could it possibly be?

"So did all the god's wage war against each other?"

Completely ignoring the look on Maseru's face, he asked another question. Enron answered,

"no, in fact, the attacking faction was only One"

Now Azreal was truly at a loss for words; one person? A single person is responsible for the deaths of trillions? What kind of monster was this?

"What happened?"

Getting up front the table, Maseru walked outside into the back porch that overlooking a beautiful bustling city, something that seems to be ripped off the pages of a fantasy book.

Azreal wasn't sure what he should do so he looked towards Enron who in turn smiled back at him. He titled his head pointing it outside, signalling for Azreal to follow him out. Picking up on the gesture, Azreal went on to the porch to see Maseru sitting on a chair underneath a huge tree. Another chair beside sat him allowing for Azreal to take a seat. He sat there silently, waited for Maseru to start talking.

"Before I start, I should tell you this so you won't get confused. The entire chaos realm is controlled by a council of four Gods and two True Gods. The True God by the name of Light is the head of the council, essentially making him the head of the entire chaos realm"

The head of the entire chaos realm? How powerful did you have to be in order to have a realm of this size obey you?.

It was only at this point that Azreal started to wonder how many True Gods there were. If there were a lot, why wasn't the entire counsel made up of them instead of using Gods? But he decides to shelve the question for after Maseru finished his story.

"To be completely honest with you I am not entirely sure how the war erupted. At first, it started off as a fight between Dante, the man who would later head the nearly realm crippling army, and Light. The original reason for the fight is still unknown, but when the fight started, the shock waves decimated several hundred cities and caused a massive loss of lives. Seeing that the fight was getting out of hand, several other Gods joined in to suppress him. Once suppressed, he was banished to the nether realm."

At this point, Maseru started chuckling as he continued his story.

"Unfortunately for the other gods, that banishment didn't last very long, and in a few short million years, he returned with an army of about a billion strong. His army ran unobstructed across the entire chaos realm, killing everything in their path. They weren't killing because they were ordered to, but rather as if they were doing it for sport; absolutely nothing was spared. It wasn't up until he met Light again that he was finally stopped. Along with light, it required several other gods and their summoned forces along with the last minute appearance by Death to finally kill him and his army".

At this point, Azreal wasn't even sure how to react anymore. An army consisting of a billion people is quite an incredible feat, but it still doesn't add up; how could a billion people kill trillions and how strong would they have to be to accomplish this? for that matter, where did he even get the army from? based on the fact that Maseru didn't mention what happened in the nether realm, he assumed he didn't know. Also, what the hell's the nether realm?

"How could his army be that powerful, what is the nether realm, and are there only two True Gods or are there more? so far you've only mentioned two but are there more; is it really that difficult for gods to become true gods?"

Maseru couldn't help but smile when he heard Azreal's questions. This was exactly what he wanted; make him think and gain an understanding of what was happening. Doesn't mean he'll answer everything though.

"Dante's army really was incredibly powerful but in a straight up fight, it would have been destroyed incredibly quickly. The thing that really gave Dante his advantage was the way the chaos realm was laid out. You see, the chaos realm is a huge place and with so many different cliques and groups doing their own thing, you'd be hard-pressed to ever find more than a billion people in one place. This made it quite easy for Dante to go from group to group and wipe them out. Even when proper armies came, the individual power of each troop in Dante's' army made it easy for them to take down more than a thousand before they died. They were truly an amazing army and a good amount of true gods died to Dante's hands. Of course, there are many true gods still alive, spread far and wide, but they just never really take part in the council"

Saying up to this point Maseru pauses and looks straight into Azreal's eyes

"Even If you remember nothing of my words then you must remember this; nothing is impossible, absolutely nothing. Only a fool believes otherwise"

When Azreal was about to ask about the nether realm, Maseru took a deep breath, standing up from his seat and made his way back towards the house.

"Come with me, I have something to show you"