One Month

It was only now when they were heading back into the carriage that Azreal realized that there were no horses at the front, instead it was one of Rhyno's clones that jumped into the coachman's seat pouring energy into the two crystals to the left and right of him.

Unlike before Rhyno didn't release any more clones choosing to step into the carriage with Azreal and Shahiem not wanting to attract any unnecessary attention to themselves.

"You aren't very familiar with your powers are you?"

It was Rhyno who spoke up diverting Shahiem's attention that had wondered off into the sky to Azreal.

Azreal couldn't help but smile when he heard the question.

"No, I'm not"

Azreal response seemed to confirm Rhyno thoughts so he nodded his head.

"Someone brought you here?"

The question sound more like a statement but Azreal still chose to answer seriously by nodding his head in affirmation but he was also on full alert, he wasn't sure if the windows on the carriage were made out of glass but he was prepared to try and jump if anything happened.

"So that's how you ended up in the northern region"

Rhyno didn't really seem interested in who brought Azreal to the chaos realm because it wasn't something that was out of the ordinary for Divine beings to go to the lower realms and mate with humans.

Even though gods couldn't really go to the lower realms without destroying the planets the same didn't really go for Divine beings they had a lot more leeway.

If a Divine Beings went there the least that would happen would be some heavy rains and thunderstorms but the closer they were to Godhood more destruction would follow.

What annoyed Rhyno was the fact that they would send a practical defenseless boy into the northern snow region by himself.

"Why don't you teach him, this could be considered as part of our thank you"

Gazing at Shahiem for a while Rhyno nodded in agreement

"Then its settled for the next month until we get back to the capital I'll teach you some basics"

Watching the scene unfold in front him Azreal was incredibly happy after all this was a way to protect his life here how couldn't he be happy.

"Are you serious?"

"We can start right now"

"Right now?"

"Listen, A calm mind, A steady heart and a strong body are the only three things you really need in this world"

"A calm mind, A steady heart, and strong body?"

Azreal was reciting them to himself as if trying to make them stick

"Mhmm yes. Your mind should always be calm no matter the situation, a mind that isn't calm is easily influenced and extremely irrational so it'll always make poor decisions. Just by looking at what happened when you killed that woman earlier it's clear that you don't have a steady heart, your fighting yourself on who you should be and how you should react to certain situations, that's where you're wrong you should always be who you are or It'll cause a knot in your heart that will affect your future progress. A strong body's only purpose is to simply preserve your life and protect your mind and heart"

Azreal wanted to speak up but Shahiem spoke up and cut him off before he could speak.

"It's not really something that you can question its best to always stand firm in your beliefs the moment you start to question yourself is the moment you'll fall"

Azreal didn't really have any words he could say to retort because that's really what he's been doing when the snow ape died and when the woman from early died he was always questioned why he didn't feel anything, shouldn't he feel something?

The moment these thoughts started to surface in his mind a cooling sensation started running across his body starting from his mind, taking in a deep breath and when he exhaled it felt like he exhaled all his doubts he felt a lot freer.

Watching Azreal calming down Rhyno broke out into a smile.

'Not bad kid'

"Yes just like that continue to let go of everything that's holding you back; break free of your shackles"

With his eyes closed Azreal started to breathing rhythmically, unbeknownst to them or even Azreal himself his reserved personality had started to go through further changes as if solidify the subtle changes that were already there.

The Energy within Azreal's body started to circulate faster and faster to the point where the energy started leaking outside of his body.

Sensing the energy both Rhyno and Shahiem were both pleasantly surprised, Azreal was a mid-ranked Half God and his power was rising ever so slightly.

Noticing how strong he was both Rhyno and Shahiem were confused how could a Divine Being give birth to a Half God.

Azreal had said someone brought him here so that means he's from the lower realm but If a God can't step foot on a planet without causing its destruction so that would mean that his father would have to be a Divine Being.

"So I guess it wasn't a fluke that he was able to kill the snow ape, he was actually a lot stronger than it, it's just that he was just bit handicapped and his power is just a bit unstable"

Rhyno said with a slight chuckle, deciding to just shelf that matter for now since Azreal probably didn't know who brought him here.


In a garden behind a mansion with a medieval design to it, Light was standing there controlling a stream of water that was sprinkling down like gentle rain on the flowers, the water was coming from a lake on the other side of the garden.

A short while later a portal opened up in the Garden with Maseru still in his aged form walked out.

"The very first ever full-fledged war that ever happened in the chaos realm happened almost a quarter of a billion years ago, thinking about it now that war had ended a lot sooner than most people including myself expected. A pitiful hundred years."

Listing to gentle rambling from Light, Maseru decided to take a seat and listen to him rambling staring off into the sky

"It was during that one hundred years that Layla had gotten pregnant with his son...So the baby was born over two hundred million years ago yet the boy isn't a day over seventeen years to explain?"

Instead of answering right away Maseru decides to take a deep breath and continue staring off into the sky.

"I reaped his soul then sealed it and placed it somewhere it could develop but then a few years ago I sealed his powers and placed it in the body of a child"

Saying up to this point Maseru started laughing.

"But how would I know that he'd die in such a short time"

Hearing Maseru's reply Light couldn't help but laugh along with him

"So that boys walking around with a soul that probably has the power of a high-level God at the very least or even a True God"

Maseru just smiled and shrugged in response.


Light let out a gentle sigh

"You might not believe it but I really do miss how we used to be, after all...we are brothers"

"I know but does it matter? It has already been done and what is happening now is as it should be"

Listening to what Maseru said Lights countenance turned completely grim but only for a moment then he started smiling again and eventually laughing

"No matter how much time passes you just refuse to change"

Maseru didn't respond only giving a small smile in response.