Gaza City

A Journey that should've only taken a month had ended up extending to over two and a half months.

Rhyno had decided to help Azreal by teaching him how to gain better control over his Divine Energy, for the first few day all he taught Azreal was basic meditation to not only calm his mind and steady his heart but to also increase his Divine Energy Levels but as the days progressed he realized that Azreal learning ability was amazing so it didn't take him very long before he could completely immerse himself in deep meditation within a few seconds.

Amazed by Azreal's talent Rhyno became quite excited to teach Azreal and once he obtained Shahiem's permission to train him they would stop for a day or even several days at a time and he would teach Azreal everything from wielding weapons to simple military battle techniques, he'd never teach Azreal anything too advanced because he wasn't one to break military regulations but if Azreal was to join the army that would be a different case.

Whether or not half the information he was passing on to Azreal was important or not or would ever be useful he had no idea, he was just excited to teach someone who was learning at such a fast pace.

Azreal was like a dessert that hadn't had any rain in months and when the rain finally came it would absorb all of it and the flowers would start to emerge and before you know it the barren desert would transform into a rainforest.

Rhyno was especially happy when he saw how quickly Azreal adapted to new situations and learning to fight while channeling Divine Energy.

Still, due to his years of isolation, he had become extremely antisocial and Rhyno couldn't really change that trait within a small two months but he'd certainly help to put a dent in the wall that Azreal had around himself.

And just like that two and a half months flew by and they were almost at Gaza City.

"What do you plan on doing once you get to the city Azzy?"

During these two months Azreal and Shahiem had gotten quite close after all they looked around the same age with Shahiem being just three hundred and fifty-six years older but in terms maturity they were exactly the same plus they had spent every day together so it would've been quite strange if they hadn't gotten close or hated each other.

"Am not sure, maybe I'll join a guild or go to your school"

Hearing Azreal's reply Shahiem couldn't help laughing while Rhyno was training Azreal he had tried countless times to teach Azreal alchemy but it was all pointless he had absolutely no talent for it.

"My school doesn't take in the talentless"

Shahiem attended an alchemist only school; where they'd constantly be coming up with new creation whether in the form of medicines or technology. They would never settle for anything less than perfection and even though Gods had the power to pass on knowledge and experience to others it was forbidden in 'Arnet Gardens'.

Every new student would have to learn everything from scratch in the hopes that they'd see a new path that their predecessors had missed, some of the information that they were taught were purposefully altered and those that couldn't realize it were booted from the school.

"If your serious about the joining a guild there are quite a few that guilds that are in the city, but I really think you should join the army"

This was something that Rhyno had been suggesting for a while now and for a moment Azreal really did consider it but after thinking about his antisocial personality, as well as, the fact that being told what to do day in and day out really didn't seem like something he'd enjoy, so when he heard Rhyno slip in joining the army at the end he really couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I don't want to join an army. Army's are too rigid, there isn't really any flexibility but based on how Shahiem described the guilds in the city they sound a lot more interesting"

Rhyno had already been rejected by Azreal several times so he wasn't disappointed in the least because it was really as Azreal had just said a guild would be a better fit for him and to how Shahiem had been building up the guilds to Azreal the army really did look like it was pointless.

Over the past two and a half months Rhyno had observed Azreal closely and he came to realize that Azreal's personality was slowly shifting, he wasn't sure if it was because Azreal had gotten used to them that he started to let loosen up a little or if Azreal was really just struggling to find himself but he was sure of one thing even if Azreal himself was only just starting to become aware of it he had a strong desire for destruction.

"I think the best guild for you would be 'humble lions'" Shahiem said

This wasn't the first time Shahiem had said this and the more he described it the more Azreal liked it.

Humble Lions was one of the youngest guilds in the city, it was established less than a million years ago, it was one of the few guilds that didn't place any restrictions on their member but they rarely accepted people so it was hard to gauge their strength especially since they rarely had more than fifty members staying in their headquarters they were always out and about.

"If it's anything like how you described then it might be"

"Ohhhhh Azzy You're gonna love the city, it's almost as if it never sleeps there is always something happening, no matter who you are there will always be something for you but if you aren't careful you'll probably end up losing everything and leaving empty hand"

When Shahiem spoke it was clear that he really missed the city and he longed to reach home but in all honesty, Azreal really didn't care about the city he was just interested in going somewhere new.

"We're approaching the gates"

Hearing Rhynos words both Azreal and Shahiem went over to a window looking at the massive city, it was amazing, at the gate the fierce looking guards were all dressed in similar armor to Rhyno.

Azreal was staring in amazement this was the first time he'd really seen a city since he'd gotten to the chaos realm so when he saw the city in front of him he couldn't help becoming interested

While Shahiem was looking on with a look of pure joy he was finally home.

The towering walls didn't really seem to be made out of anything he'd ever seen before it's was completely black but at the same time you could see all sorts of beautiful colors going across it, it really was a sight that was hard to describe with words.

Seeing the carriage approaching the gates none of the guards stepped forward to stop it instead all of them stopped what they were doing and gave a slight bow.

Azreal wasn't surprised at all by this because Shahiem had already told him that he was a prince, so seeing the guards bowing only served to erase any doubt that Azreal might have had.

Passing through the gates the sight that greeted him was even more stunning, all the streets going in every which direction as far as they could see were big colorful trees and beautiful flower lining the roads, the buildings were all in a medieval style.

"The humble lions guild is located in the middle city we'll drop you off there"

Rhyno spoke and he indiscernibly relaxed.