Humble Lions

When the carriage got to the Middle City they took a scenic route so Azreal would get an idea of what the city is like, after about an hour or so they got to a decent size building with two giant sleeping lion statues to the left and right of it.

"This is where you get off when you go inside just go to the receptionist and let them know you'd like to're probably going get a test or something to see if your qualified"

When Rhyno spoke he was completely serious

"We probably aren't going to meet again for a while but if you need to get in touch with me you can just head over to the army barracks on the eastern side of the city and leave a message for me there"

Azreal nodded with a gentle smile on his face.

"Mhmm Thank you"

With that Azreal jumped out of the carriage and stood in front of the guild, allowing the carriage to continue on its journey, it didn't go very far before stopping again.

"Hey Azzy, here"

When Azreal looked around he saw a small purple coin like the one that Maseru had given him to flip, by reflex he reached out his hand grabbing the coin then looked at Shahiem in confusion.

"If you do get in they'll charge a membership fee, that should be enough to cover it and probably get you somewhere to stay for a day or two"

After saying that he waved goodbye and the carriage slowly faded out of sight.

Looking around there wasn't really anyone in the streets and it was a good thing too because if people had seen him getting out of a carriage that belonged to the royal family as well as their prince acting so friendly with him, he would've probably been mobbed in the streets.

"Alright let's go"

Taking a deep breath Azreal walked into the guild.


On the top of the guild, two strangers were standing both covered in fully black cloaks.

"Who's he?"

The other blacked cloaked stranger just stared at him, although a face couldn't be seen, the anger was felt.

"We've both been watching the prince since he entered the city. If you don't know who he is how the fuck am I supposed to know!!???"

When he spoke he was obviously trying his best not to shout while suppressing his anger, pausing for a while he took a deep breath then continued.

"Let's head back its time to report to the minister anyways"

With that both their bodies slowly turned illusory before vanishing completely.

Inside the guild, when Azreal walked in everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at him.

It was rare for people to come to the guild because it was known for having all sorts of weird people that wouldn't be accepted anywhere else, so people choose to send in their missions by mail or sending a servant, so everyone was pretty sure he wasn't here to post a mission because he didn't look like a servant.

There were about sixty people in the room of varying age all staring at him but this didn't shake him, he was already used to people staring at him at least these people weren't looking at him with hate or disgust, nevertheless, he just shrugged and walked over to the receptionist desk.

Seeing him walk towards her the receptionist stood up and put on a bright smile.

"Welcome to the Humble Lions Guild, are you here to post a mission or~ perhaps you want to join the guild"

When she asked if he'd like to join the guild he voice noticeably got a bit quiet, it's wasn't really rare for people to want to join the guild but most chose to befriend a member and get a recommendation because that was a lot easier than being be sent on a mission to who knows where to test your skills.


When everyone in the room heard that the vast majority started laughing while a few started paying more attention to him.

"Boy are you stupid do you know the type of mission you'll get"

"Why don't you come over here pretty boy and keep me company and I'll give you a recommendation"




The comments continued for a while but Azreal ignores everyone of them.

The receptionist seemed genuinely happy that he was interested in joining so she quickly pulled out a form for him to fill out; name, date of birth which he faked because of a recommendation from Shahiem, birthplace which he also faked etcetera, he basically lied about almost everything except his name.

After completing the form he handed it back to the receptionist, she couldn't help but exclaim

"Your a level two Half-God?? But your so young"

Azreal wrote down that he was seven hundred years old because he didn't want to seem too old so his current strength would be looked down upon for being pathetic for his age but at the time he didn't want to look like some kind genius, He hadn't really thought it through, in a place where people could live for millions of years how wouldn't seven hundred years look incredibly young.

As for being at the second level Half-God, this was something that Rhyno had told him when they had sparred for the first time.

So when the receptionist made the comment he couldn't help but show a weak smile while everyone behind him had gone completely quite they were all completely stupefied.

"Am sorry I didn't mean to blurt out your information like that, please follow me"

Before she left the counter she reviewed the form one last time, to see if everything was filled out.

"You didn't put anything here"

Pointing to a section of the form that ask for your class; Warrior, Mage, Cultivator, etcetera. He didn't know what he was supposed to put or even what he was so he left it all blank.

"Do I have to put something there"


With that he paused for a moment, he didn't really know magic but he could handle himself in a fight, as for the other choices he didn't even bother giving them much attention since they were all foreign to him and ask what they were didn't seem like the best choice.

"Alright just put warrior"

"Okay great warrior it is, let's go"

Nodding Azreal followed her lead, She brought him to a room with a strange runic formation on the ground and a crystal floating above it.

"What is this?"

Instead of answering him directly she decided to give him a small explanation.

"On the application, it doesn't matter if you lied about anything only important thing is your strength, this is what this crystal does it test your strength....just place both hands on the crystal and pour your energy into it, when the light stops changing colors you can remove your hands"

Azreal did as he was told at first the light started out white then it turned red and slowly changed until it turned a deep crimson red then it stopped changing colors.

Removing his hands he turned to look at the receptionist only to see her looking back at him as if she was looking at something that should be impossible.

"What wrong?"

His voice sounded completely calm and casual the way people looked at him has never affected him before why should it affect him now?

Hearing his question snapped her out of her daydream, she became flustered

"N-No-Nothing.....I just thought you were lying on the application earlier about how strong you were but seeing it being confirmed in front of me I was surprised.....sorry for doubting you"

As she continued to speak her voice slowly returned to normal, as for Azreal he didn't really care about her doubting him earlier.

"What happens next?"

"Right now you just have to pay an entrance fee and I'll give you a mission and a set time to complete it. If you complete it within your time limit you'll officially become a member and also the entrance fee is nonrefundable"

"How much is the fee and What type of mission?"

"Eight hundred and twenty-five gold and I haven't decided on a mission yet, let's go back to the front"

When he heard how much the entrance fee was he was stunned for a second before taking out the purple coin Shahiem had given him.

Will this be enough?....

But after going over it for a while he assumed the coin either resented something special or at the very least it was enough to cover it.

Once he got back to the front desk the receptionist took out a piece of paper and a big bag and handed it to him.

"What are these for?"

Returning back to her usual self with her bright smile she explained.

"The paper has your mission details on it and the bag is what you'll carry it in"

Looking at the paper for a moment everything was written in a language he'd never seen before, in fact, everything in the city was but after staring at it for a while that cool sensation came from his mind again and within seconds he could understand what was on the paper.

He wasn't sure what the sensation was or what caused it but he didn't really have the time to focus on it right now, holding both the paper and the bag in one hand he took out the purple coin and handed to her without a change in expression but deep down he was worried to death.

Looking at the coin she was completely stunned before she looked up at Azreal and back at the coin, then took up the coin and went in the back for a moment and came back with a yellow card with some black lines running on it before Azreal could say anything she spoke up.

"I thought carrying around a lot of gold on you would be inconvenient so a deposited your change on this card, nine thousand one hundred and seventy-five gold coins"

When she said the amount she said it in an incredible hush tone. When Azreal heard he was taken aback one coin was worth ten thousand gold?!

Thinking back to what Shahiem said it should be enough to pay his entrance fee as well as get him a room for a day or two he couldn't help but let out an awkward laugh.