Direwolves (1)

Taking the card from her hands he smiled.

"Thank you"

"No problem....for the mission, you've got one week to complete it"


With that Azreal left the guild headquarters.

Shortly after he left a man came up to the receptionist from the back of the room.

"Kali, what's up?"

Looking up at the man in front of her she revealed an especially happy smile.

"Dustin, when did you get back?"

"Not too long ago but you were dealing with somebody so I didn't want to disturb you"

Hearing Dustin mention what just happened she couldn't help but show a complicated expression, looking at her expression he asked a different question.

"Are you okay?"

Kali opened her mouth a few times but no words came out before bent down took out a sign that said 'on break' and put it on the counter.

"Come to the back with me"

When Kali said that Dustin got serious and nodded his head and walked behind her, he wasn't sure what she wanted to tell him but it must be important since she didn't want to say anything here.

Nothing that happened escaped from anyone in the rooms notice but no one thought much of it after all Kali was a beautiful woman and Dustin was still in the prime of his youth.

When they got in the back room where Azreal had just tested his energy levels she closed the door behind them and took out the coin Azreal had just paid with.

"Purple Dinar!"

Seeing the coin Dustin was totally surprised, Purple dinars were something that almost never appeared in the middle city and is rarely seen in the inner city they were incredibly rare coins only the truly rich had them but after thinking about it for a while he was sure there must be something else after all she had been working here for who knows how long, a purple dinar couldn't be that surprising to her.

"Is that why you had that look earlier?"

Kali gently shook her head no.

"That's not the only reason.....he's a Half-God"

Hearing Kali saying he was a Half-God, Dustin was kind of disappointed, sure it was impressive to be a Half God but it wasn't anything special, they have a few Half God sitting out in the hall right now drinking and making fools of themselves.

"He's seventeen"

Dustin was about to walk off when he felt as if thunder and lightning struck him he was frozen in place, slowly he turned around and looked at her to ensure she isn't lying.

When Azreal was testing his energy levels earlier and Kali told him it would only test how strong he was she was obviously lying, why would a guild like Humble Lion accept people solely based on strength??? What if you were God but your several million years old why would they accept you when it's clear you've already reached your peak, so whenever they test your powers they also test your age and if there's room for you to get stronger they'll accept you and based to a ratio of age to strength would decide the difficulty of your mission younger would easier and the older you are it becomes harder.

"How is that possible the last time any Gods had any children was when Prince Shahiem was born that was over three hundred years ago...Are you sure about this?"

Gods were believed to be cursed because it was incredibly hard for them to conceive, the chances were slim to none so hearing that Azreal was seventeen was truly shocking.


While all this was going on Azreal was walking out of the city heading to the mountains that were to the back of the city.

In the mountains in the back of the city were a few privately owned mines, some of them had to be closed off because a few packs of dire wolves have been roaming around attacking and killing the miners.

The owners didn't want to hire mercenaries to go out there because it would be a waste of resources and money but sending it to a guild wouldn't cost as much, all they had to do was send over the details of the mission, as well as, a reward and so long as the guild didn't think it was too little they'd accept the mission so a few days ago they sent over the mission to Humble Lions.

All Azreal had to do was go to the mountain kill off the dire wolves bring back the heads and their beast cores as proof, animals beast cores was basically their soul, they're normally used to make weapons, medicine and stuff like that, the more energy the core contains the higher the value.

After walking for a few hours or so he finally got to the foot of the mountain and with another hour and a half of walk he was at the mines.

When he got to the mines a short muscular man covered in dirty clothes with raggedy beard walked up to you

"This is private property, what do you want"

Azreal didn't bother responding instead he just took out the paper with mission on it and show it to the muscle man

"Oh so your from the guild follow me"

He didn't even bother to introduce himself much less wait on Azreal he just directly turned around and walked towards the other side of the mountain so Azreal had no choice but to follow behind him.

Just a short distance away from where they had been a little while ago there was a pretty big wall built there made out of tree trunks, the width of a single tree trunk was slightly taller than him.

Going over the tree wall Azreal noticed that the dirt on this side was a little bit red as well as there were pieces of shredded clothes all over the place.

"This was the last place they attacked so we built the wall to block them off although it's been a few days there still here you can hear them sometimes over that side of the mountain"

Listening to the way how muscle man spoke it didn't really seem like he cared much about the people who died, he spoke as if nothing that happened here affected him as if the dire wolves broke through the wall they'd kill everyone except him.

Performing the same action muscle man had done to him early Azreal walked off into the direction he had just pointed without saying anything.

Walking for a little bit he finally got to the rocky area muscle man had pointed to and could already hear movements and growling but it didn't sound like adults it sounded more like pups.

Shrugging Azreal walked up to the cave entrance where he heard the growling when he looked inside the cave it was just like he had thought there were five pups and about seven adults but they were all lying down with there eyes closed until he appeared in the entrance.

Taking a good look at the adults, that were getting up they were towering over him, at his current height he'd just be about the length of there legs.

'How the hell are those heads supposed to fit in this bag....'

The longer he stood there looking at them the faster his heart started to beat, he was getting more and more excited.

So he just walked in front of the cave and started taking off his clothes only keeping on his pants, he'd only just gotten these from Shahiem because his were ruined while fighting the snow ape and he didn't plan on destroying them like the last pair he had.

Noticing the human in the doorway causally talking off his clothes, the adults growled at pups so they ran behind a rock in the back of the cave while the seven adults all started barking and showing off their razor-sharp looking fangs.

After taking off his clothes Azreal took out the blade he'd gotten and slowly started walking towards the dire wolves after a couple steps he started running towards them, before they could react as if by teleportation he appeared above one of the dire wolves and swung out the blade applying as much pressure as he could to decapitate the dire wolf.

'wow, it just went through.....'

He was suprised by how easily he removed its head but he didn't stop there instead turning his attention to the next one that was closest to him and dashed towards it sliding under its stomach and using the blade to rip it open, when he got up from under the gutted dire wolf before it could fall he kicked its body toward another incoming dire wolf, with the body of a dire wolf blocking its vision Azreal jumped on its back and started stabbing its spine rapidly, without wasting a second he then jumped up and stomped down on its back with great force, completely destroying its spine.

After breaking its back he casually walked behind the now crippled dire wolf on the brink of death and grabbed it by its tail swinging it around using it to fend off the other four dire wolves that had hesitated because of how gruesome their comrade were dying.

Letting go of its tale allowing it to fly towards the dire wolves using it to distract their attention and for cover, hiding behind the body that was flying towards then, Azreal slide on the ground once again, this time taking the opportunity to cut off the front paws of the two foremost dire wolves, because the distance between his and the other dire wolves was greater, taking advantage he threw the blade with all his might puncturing the eye of another dire wolf, jumping in the face of the dire wolf he ripped out the blade and started frantically stabbing it until it dropped.

Turning his attention to the final dire wolf that was now running toward him with its mouth open wanting to swallow him whole, after watching its comrades die only after another it was completely overcome with rage.

When they were only a few inches apart Azreal adjusted his speed and the angle of his body a little, extending the blade to the dire wolfs mouth cutting it open from the side of its mouth to the center of its body.