Brewing (4)

"An [Extinction] class flame, to think it would appear on this lower plane"

"I don't believe this is a coincident, even if Adidja isn't the on in possession of it he knows who is"

"What do you wish to do?"

Rodney slowly got up from his seat and walked over to the balcony, taking a deep breath of fresh air, Elk didn't say anything he just stood to the side observing Rodney.

A few minutes or perhaps it was only a few seconds passed but neither of them paid attention to the time.

"Should I pass down an order to mobilize the military?"

Elk was never a very patient man so when he saw that Rodney didn't take the initiative to say anything he spoke up.

But Rodney didn't respond he just kept staring at the people on the castle ground, it wasn't really clear what he was thinking.

After an unknown amount of time Rodney tapped his index finger on the balcony three times, when the third tapped faded, a person fully covered in white clothing from head to toes with some gold lining the outer edge of the white jade mask appeared kneeling facing the ground.

"This servant awaits your orders, sire"

The man who appeared was a member of an organization that was founded along with Alliance know as 'The Jade Ghosts', Their only purpose was to protect the nation of Alliance by whatever means they deemed necessary, Sure they would listen to the orders of the king but if a situation should arise where the king himself was a danger to the kingdom then without any hesitation or care for repercussions they would kill Rodney.

"There has been a slight change in plans Inform the others"

Rodney spoke in a calm even tone without looking behind him, the masked person didn't respond but left without a word the same way he/she came.

"We won't be taking the army our only objective is Adidja nothing more, without him, Gaza will crumble"

Elk was surprised and couldn't help but voice his dissatisfaction.

"I don't think that is wise at the very least we should also aim for Rhyno, Grimm, and Storm. If we leave them, then it won't be hard for his son to keep Gaza standing"

"Maybe so, but what will happen if we go into an all-out war with Gaza? can you honestly say that we'd come out scotch free? Our victory would only temporary until some ant tries take advantage of our weakened state..."

When Rodney spoke up to there he couldn't help but laugh.

"War teacher.....That's the name you gave him.......We'll only take enough people with us to supress Rhyno and the others, he's already expecting us to take the opportunity to strike a decisive blow so he should have plans in place for his son to take over from him"

Elk didn't agree with Rodney in the slightest but he knew that Rodney had already made up his mind so he didn't bother trying to waste his time trying to persuade him.

Elk to one last look at Rodney who was once again lost in his thoughts and silently left to complete preparations.


A few Thousand Years Ago.

Pained filled screams could be heard all around, blood being spilled everywhere, as if to set the mood the sky was filled to dark thunder clouds, the heavens themselves seemed to be sad as it kept raining incessantly.

On a section a fair distance away from all the fighting a huge tent stood in place completely unaffected by chaos in surrounding area.

"Within another few days or so we should be able to crush their defense and for them into submission..."

At the head of the table, Rodney looked down at a water full table that reflected the entire battlefield a small frown hung on his face.

At this point he didn't have his beard revealing his large butt chin.

"Explain to me how it is that what your saying and what I'm seeing are completely contradictory?.....or maybe my eyes are failing me mhmmm?"

The room became completely quiet you could hear a pin drop no one knew how to respond, it remained like this for a few minutes before the tension was broken by three persons walking in, One of them was Elk, the others was a young Adidja and an unknown young man who looked around the same age.

When they walked in Rodney couldn't suppress his smile.

"Everything has been completed according to your orders"

Elk said with a slight bow.

Rodney laughs out loud and walked up to Adidja and the other young man and hugged them.

"I feel like it is a sin to have sons that fill me with such pride, Go back and rest when all this is over we'll have to celebrate"

Both young men smiled and made a bow to everyone in the room and walked out.

"Adidja your brother has already found himself a wife don't you plan on finding one as well?"

Adidja stopped and laughed while hugging his brother's neck and looking at Rodney.

"I cannot be like my father or David right here who only stick to one woman, I'm still young, I'm a wild stallion that cannot be tamed there are so~ many women out there that have never felt my touch, I feel it would be a sin to deny them the pleasure, besides if not me who will comfort your wives when your out on your 'manly' trips?"

Adidja didn't give them a chance to react before running off with David, everyone in the tent was completely quite before Rodney broke out into a fit of laughter.


At Cornwall

Izia was currently speaking with some men from 'The Jade Ghosts' organization but unlike the one that came to Rodney, They were wearing grey with a simple grey mask to match.

"....That is the only method that is available to leave the city once the space is made unstable"

Although Izia couldn't see the face of the person under the mask he could tell that they didn't believe him and that makes him feel anxious.

"I have no reason to lie to you, if you fail I'm dead so your success is a matter of life and death for me!"

The person sitting directly in front of him didn't say anything nor did the other four standing in each corner of the room.

"I see, what about the prince?"

When the person asked another question Izia wiped the sweat from his face and breath a sigh of relief.

"The prince spends pretty much all his time in Arnets Garden and rarely ever comes out unless it has to do with school-"

Izia was cut off when a person in full white appeared in the room, when the men in grey saw the figure they all knelt down, the person in white didn't even spare him a glance, instead taking out a small scroll with a strange seal on it and threw it to the person who was questioning Izia earlier then left without a word.

None of the grey-robed persons dared to look up while white robe was in the room but once they couldn't sense the presence anymore they raised their head while the leading man grabbed the scroll before it touched the ground.

"W..Who was that?"

Izia was still a bit fearful of the fact that the person in white appeared without him sensing anything but the grey-robed ghost completely ignored him.

After reading the note the person placed it in his mouth chewed it up the swallowed it, only leaving behind to two scroll rods.

"Unfortunately this is where our cooperation ends"

Before Izia got the chance to say anything four chains shot out from the robes of the persons in the corner and wrapped themselves around him, the harder he struggled the tighter they became.

"What are you doing?!?! We had an agreement you can't do this to me!!"

No one in the room responded to his futile struggles or his yelling, the leading grey robed person walked up to him and place his hand on his forehead.

At first, it felt warm like standing close to a fire but in an instant, he felt like his head was shoved into that fire.


When the man finally moved his hand Izia felt like he was just given the greatest gift ever.

On his forehead was a burn mark of a serpent.

"Tell anyone about this and it's bye-bye fat man"

After saying that the person used their finger to flick Izia forehead, right where the burn is and shortly after the serpent disappeared and so did the grey-robed people.