Brewing (5)

Azreal didn't bother thinking about the arm once it vanished, at first the fact that it moved was very surprising but this was the realm of gods so in retrospect it wasn't all that surprising.

Taking a deep breath he turned his attention back to the ring.

Unlike before where he sent out a few waves of Divine Energy before he was interrupted he got his answer on his first wave this time.

He couldn't suppress the broad smile that was blossoming on his face.

It was a Space Ring.

Azreal didn't waste a second, he just dived right in and what he saw made the smile on his face blossom even bigger.

The only reason he'd even gone to the guild to look for a mission was because he knew he'd eventually run out of money, if not for the money issue he would still be training going through as much of the book as possible.

But no all those issues were solved mountains of gold stood in front of him.


With this much money after this mission was over the city wouldn't see him again for quite a while, the only time he'd go back as if he needed something that he couldn't find in the forest.

Aside from the mountains of gold, there were a few weapons lying around, swords, spears, sabers stuff like that but none of that held any interest aside from those there were some documents.

He'd already killed a few soldiers from Alliance so it was safe to say that there was very little chance of them forgiving him so he didn't hold any reservation against reading some documents that an alliance commander had on him.

Battle formations..

Troop Positions..


Boring stuff like that.

'Maybe this will be useful to Rhyno...No I can't do that, he going ask where I got it'

In those piles of paper, the only thing that really stood out to him was a few journals that he could only assume was written by Kyle.

Azreal skipped pass the first few pages and just went straight to the middle because all he was talking about was what he went through on a daily basis how unfair someone named 'Elk' treated his family and what he'd do if he got the chance and if that was the first few pages he didn't really want to know what came after.

So it's best to skip to the middle but to his dismay it, was the exact same thing just about different people, his sister always being lonely, him swearing to find a way make her happy again.

'Wow...this is boring'

Azreal was starting to feel frustrated aside from the gold everything else was basically useless to him.

Deep breath.

Next journal was a bit more interesting it talked about his experience while training bottlenecks he faced.....after reading a bit further all the frustration he felt early completely vanished the smile he had before bloomed once again on his face this time it looked a lot more sinister.

With this he, gained a semi-deep understanding of the world but it also created more questions than answers for him.

So while it was a gift it brought along its own curse, he'd only browsed through it earlier so maybe after a more thorough read it would be better.

Still, that wasn't the reason why he was smiling it was because this was Kyle's own accounts of his skills and weaknesses to put it simply.


After reading the entire book he existed the space ring with the same smile hanging on his face.

He'd already lost interest in the other books that were lying around.

After the fortuitous encounter his mood improved by quite a bit, whether he'd meet Kyle again or not was still debatable but if someone cut of his arm he'd hung them down to the ends of the earth.

Looking over to where Dustin and the others were he decided to head over there, It even looked like he was skipping a bit when he was walking back to where Dustin was.

When Dustin and the others saw Azreal coming there was a bit of awkwardness and tension in the air but very quickly the awkwardness and some of the tension disappeared and they started chatting about random topics.

"Let's go"

Before Azreal could greet them Izia walked out of the hotel and based on his tone even with his voice sounding unnatural they could easily tell he was upset so no one said anything they just got in position a prepared to leave.


Alliance, Kyle Sr, home.

The atmosphere was heavy Kyle Sr was incredibly upset while Kyle jr and Ellaena were terror-stricken their faces completely lost its color.

"What do you mean the space ring didn't come back!"

Kyle Sr slowly spoke through gritted teeth clearly trying to suppress his anger.

"I...I don't know one of them must've taken it…."

Kyle Jr replied while sitting down, there were two women standing behind him with their arms pressed against his back, helping him to heal faster.

The hand that was branded by Azreal was now wrapped in bandages from his shoulder to his fingers.

"Father stop this isn't his fault, besides it's not impossible to get it back"

Kyle Sr took several long deep breaths before he spoke to his daughter.

"You know what was inside that space ring, you know what will happen if anyone finds it!"

Ellaena gritted her teeth and thought for a second before finally speaking up again.

"Rodney will more than likely go to Gaza, I'll ensure that Kyle goes with them and since he knows Azrael's face it won't be hard for him to find him a get back the space ring"

"But I only saw Zhou-..."

Before Kyle could finish his words his sister and father flashed him a vicious look.

He didn't want to lie to them but the shame was eating him alive, even if he knew that they knew he was lying he still found it hard, to tell the truth.

Kyle Sr stared at his son without trying to mask his killing intent.


After saying that he left the room without another word.

When the siblings saw their father leave they both release a sigh of relief, their face gaining a bit more color.


"It's going to be fine I promise"

She slowly walked towards him and stooped down looking at her brother face to face.

"Regain the honor you've lost for our family….."

Kyle's vision started getting a bit blurry because of the water in his eyes.

Seeing the disappointment in her eyes made his heart hurt like someone was constantly stabbing him in it.

"I will sister….."

Hearing that she smiled.


She then reached out her hands to wipe his tears and spoke in a tone that a mother would use for her son.

"You mustn't cry so easily, Kyle or people will think your weak…..are you weak?"

Kyle was stumped for a moment before finally replying while wiping his tears.

"No, I'm not I promise I won't let you down I'll regain what the honor that I've lost"

Ellaena smiled and nodded before leaving the room, shortly after she left Kyle ordered the two women who were standing behind him to leave as well.

The warmness that was on his face when he was speaking to Ellaena completely disappeared his face becoming ice cold, his eyes became completely bloodshot the room was completely filled with his killing intent.

"I will completely and utterly destroy you-you fucking servant, I will show you the difference between shit and gold"