Rodney stood in front of a mirror with two servants helping him a put on a simple looking silver armor.
The door leading to the room was pushed open and the hands that were helping him to put on his armor disappeared, still his expression didn't change he remained in the same position.
The room instantly turned quiet.
"Well? You've sent away my servants so make yourself useful"
For a few seconds, the room still remained quite but shortly after gentle footsteps approached along with two delicate arms continuing where the servants left off.
"What do you want?"
Rodney was never the type of man to beat around the bush so he became annoyed when Ellaena didn't speak up.
"I want my brother to come with you, with everything that's ha-"
Ellaena couldn't find the words to reply, she came with an entire speech in mind but never expected for him to just agree to easily.
"Huh? Ahh…. I thought you would immediately deny my request"
There was no response, so she just continued to fit his armor once she was finished she patted his shoulders moving down to gently stroke his arms but Rodney pulled his arms away.
"Despite whatever you might think about why I've let you live to this day, do not mistake the fact that you're alive as me forgetting, do not step pass your bounds."
Completely caught off guard by the sudden change Ellaena wasn't even sure how to reply so she just stood where she was before turning and leaving the room without making another sound.
Shortly after Ellaena left another member of 'The Jade Ghost' appeared this one wearing red instead of white or grey.
"All preparation has been completed."
"Make an alteration we have one more person coming with us, we'll be delayed a little while he recuperates a little."
A Few Thousand Years Ago.
In one of the better-looking tents on the battlefield.
Ellaena used the brush to gently groom her hair while sitting in front of the mirror.
Although she was only wearing an ordinary silver nightgown with the lighting in the tent along with the smile on her face as she hummed a simple tune made her seem like the wife you couldn't wait to get home to.
For an instant the battlefield outside got louder so she knew someone had walked in, the tent was practically soundproof so nothing outside would disturb her.
She could also hear the runes being seal so that no one would be able to enter but since this was her personal tent she thought it was unnecessary so she couldn't help giggling.
"You know you don't have to do that right?"
Still she didn't turn around, she looked at the figure in the mirror and smiled, compared to how she is in the future and now, she's like a small child who hasn't seen what the world is like and in the future she became a veteran who had seen countless wars and experienced hideous side of the world.
"Only the paranoid survive"
The intruder spoke softly, his voice containing deep affection.
Slowly he walked towards her as if counting his steps, with every step he took she blushed a bit her breathing becoming a bit labored.
Standing behind her used his index finger teasingly to stroke her skin, with every touch she shivered.
Without any form of inhibition the man ripped off her nightgown in one swift motion, his actions surprised her a bit but she didn't resist.
When she wanted to turn around to him, he forcefully grabbed her, holding her close, keeping her in the same position.
Kiss her gently on her neck while forcing her to stay close so she could feel his erection pressing against again her, no matter how hard she tried she couldn't pull away but then again she wasn't really trying.
Looking at her completely nude body in the mirror, she tried to look away but he grabbed her and held her head in place.
"I want you to watch"
Though she didn't want to the ordering tone in his voice destroyed any thought she had not resisting.
Seeing her lack of resistance the smile on his face grew wider, using one of his hands to teasingly play with her aroused nipples the other one slowly made its way down her stomach.
Ellaena was a bit frightened by how fast things were moving so she closed her legs tight but the man didn't try to pry them open he only stared at her in the mirror.
He had no reaction, still staring at her in the mirror, eventually, his look softened.
"I know it's your first time, I promise…..I'll be gentle"
With the promise she slowly opened her legs, granting him entry.
When the memory popped up in her mind Ellaena's face became completely red, her aroused nipples could be seen through the fabric of her dress.
Her bodies reaction only made her feel more disgusted with herself, This was the man who possibly ordered her brothers assassination yet she was having this type of reaction to a memory.
Despite how hard she tried she couldn't get rid of her feelings but she steeled her heart if he didn't care why would she?
Azreal's and the others trip over these few days back to Gaza was completely uneventful boring even.
They hadn't met up on any soldiers at the original campsite so they were completely oblivious to what's happening.
Even the common people didn't know what was going on, for fear of inciting panic everything was kept under wraps.
Dustin and the others couldn't help taking a glance at each other while breathing a sigh of relief it seems like Azreal's actions didn't lead to greater problems.
When they finally reached the city gates, their mission was complete so all of them walked together back to humble lions to collect their money.
Once he collected his share Azreal went to the inn, the moment his body touched the bed he fell asleep.
Gaza Palace.
"How long?"
Adidja asked, while his body was spread out comfortably on the ground like a child.
"I'm not really sure but not long besides all preparations have been completed, so it doesn't really matter much"
Rhyno answered casually, with just the way he spoke to anybody else it would sound as if he was talking about a simple matter that was of no importance.
Adidja took a deep breath before he spoke again.
"Hate breaths hate, an eye for an eye will leave the world blind… I don't remember who said that but it's only now that I really understand…."
For a moment Adidja was lost in thought but quickly shook the thought away and spoke again.
"Rodney is probably going to come in person, after all, a war of True Gods deals a lot less damage and won't leave Alliance any weaker to the outside world, while increasing his odds of winning…..Where's Shawn and the others"
Not exactly sure how to reply to the question he forced a dry cough while letting out a forced smile.
"About that, Shawn and Grimm are almost here but...."
"He's betrayed me"
Adidja still looked as calm as before, he didn't allow any of it to get him it was almost like he expected it.
"Well I guess that's how it is, the original battle plan never included him so I suppose it doesn't really matter whether he shows up or not, once they arrive tell them their roles."
Azreal had unknowingly slept out the whole day when he woke up it was already bright outside.
Sticking to his original plan when he woke up, got something to eat then leave the city to go back into the mountains.
When he went downstairs to leaves the inn, he met upon the innkeeper's daughter, when she saw his face she blushed a bit and kept her head down and ran off to do whatever she had to do.
He didn't really feel like focusing on her reaction right now, all he wanted to do right now was to leave the city, if the battle with Kyle taught him anything it's that he needed to become stronger or go find a cave to live out the rest of his days.
At this moment a thundering trumpet could be heard all across the capital, everyone stopped what they were doing started looking around to see if they could find the source.
For Azreal it didn't matter much so he kept walking, going about his business.
"Where is coming from?"
"I don't know…...Maybe his majesty is going to make an announcement?"
"I have an ominous feeling….."
Gaza Palace
"Looks like they're here…... let's go welcome them"
Along with the fading out of the trumpets the sky started getting darker, a huge black hole looking portal opened over the city covering in its shadow.
When the portal opened hundreds of people dressed in the same white clothing poured out, all of them landed on the city wall with a three-man space between them, raising their hands they all stretched their hands to each other.
A red energy beam shot out of theirs arms connecting them to each other.
The excess persons that weren't on the wall all landed at the base of the city and performed the same action, an extra line of energy shot up from the bottom connecting them to those at the top.
Once all of them were connected red three-meter octagons started forming in the sky until the entire city was covered in a red dome.
Everything happened in a matter of seconds completely shattering the thoughts that anyone might have that this was just something random.