WarBeast (4)


"Which cage is it in?"

Before he could get an answer, a familiar voice entered his ears, Lako.

Opening his eyes, he saw a blurry figure walking in followed by a few others. Stopping a few meters away, the one in front stared at Asbiom.

"Move aside"

Hesitating for a moment, Asbiom eventually moved.


A tiny figure hopped from behind them and 'walked' over to Azreal's body.

"Child, I'm gonna feed you something that'll help you to accumulate some natural energy since I don't think Nether Energy would be very suitable."

The rabbit once again moved out of his field of vision but he could hear some small sound of writing on the floor. Afterwards, he heard two clicking sounds and a small weight was removed from his arms.

When the wrist cuffs were removed, he felt as if a weight he didn't know that existed on his body was removed.

He felt so much lighter.

"Alright, I'm gonna put this pill in your mouth and I want you to swallow it"

Azreal stared at him wryly with his unfocused eyes.

"Hahaha, don't worry. It's nothing bad. It's something to prompt your body into action"

Using his fuzzy little hands, he opened Azreal's mouth putting a tiny clear pill inside. Knowing that he wouldn't willingly swallow the pill, the doctor massaged his throat making him swallow.

The pill didn't make it into his stomach. It started melting the moment he swallowed, releasing a warm refreshing energy into his body. Every single one of the pores on his body opened up to absorb the energy from the surroundings.

Looking at Azreal's body from outside, you could see a clear solid oceanic blue energy surrounding his body, being absorbed slowly by him.

"How long will this take?"

The rabbit doctor had already hopped back over Lako's side.

"I don't know much about the human body but it shouldn't take too long"

"Good. Then we'll wait."

Azreal was in absolute paradise. His body felt like a dessert that hadn't seen rain in months and finally, there was a heavy downpour.

But this entire, although, refreshing feeling felt very different from Divine Energy. Divine Energy, while calming, felt very domineering while the current energy that was surrounding him was only calm and nothing else to it.

If Divine Energy could be considered a father, calm yet domineering the Natural Energy would be like a mother with her newborn or an older sister taking care of her younger brother.

Just based on how the energy felt in his body, he knew that it couldn't be used to cast any spells and that it was only there to rejuvenate his body.

Although the energy looked calm on the surface, Azreal was absorbing it like a bottomless pit and after a few minutes, the energy started to scatter.

Before he could sit up, he heard a clicking sound and the weight that was just released was reintroduced to his body.

From this, he knew that the reason he never noticed it before was because he was incapacitated for over a year so his body had gotten used to it.

His vision which was originally blurry had now come into focus. Looking in front of him, he saw a tall skinny pig looking back at him with a devilish smile.

Although his body or tusks weren't as big as Kale's, he was about the size of a well-built human and behind him were a few other animals who stood on their hind legs, they were either cheetah's or pigs. Majority of their body had the anatomy of a human but looked like an animal on the outside. All of them without exception, stood on their hind legs.

And although their hands had five fingers like a human, for the cheetahs, their fingers were still as short and stumpy with the protruding claws just like their four-legged relatives. The pigs were just the same with their fingers having the same texture as hoofs.

When it came to their feet, the pig's legs were the same as their four-legged relatives only that theirs were longer to match their body and they didn't have any toes just hoofs. The cheetahs were pretty much the same, with their legs only longer to fit their body but pretty much looked the same as the four-legged ones.

Asbiom was the same. Aside from standing up straight, he had everything else for a bear including its long face, in fact, all the animals he'd seen so far were the same as the ones from the animal kingdom but could stand up straight and speak.

Oddly enough the rabbit doctor wasn't this way. He looked just like a normal rabbit that stood on its hind legs, even the height was the same.

"For over a year now, I've kept you alive because my brother asked me to. I don't know about you but I think it's only fair that you work to pay off a little of what you cost us."

The moment Azreal opened his eyes and sat up, Lako walked over to him and began to speak.

Looking back at the pig with his wet snout coming closer to him, Azreal felt disgusted.

'He looked like a grown man who'd just finished eating something hot and didn't clear the snot of his face.'

Maybe it was because he hadn't been in control of his body for over a year or the arrogance that had been so deeply ingrained in him that it became a part of him but the disgust he felt looking at Lako showed clearly on his face.

When Lako and his men noticed it, all their faces warped in anger. All his men were just waiting for him to give an order and they would beat Azreal within an inch of his life.

"Boy, are you looking down on us?!"

Lako didn't even try to suppress his rage.But as his body trembled in anger, the water on his snout flashed onto Azreal's body which only caused his disgust to be elevated to another level. And at the same time, caused Lako's body to tremble even more in anger and more snot flew turning into a disgusting cycle.

Taking a deep breath, Azreal finally spoke after the round of anger and disgust.

"You said I should work to pay off my debt but didn't you rob me to build all of this?"