The Good Doctor

The entire room turned deathly silent, everyone's attention was either on Azreal or Lako's party.

Majority of them were filled with expectation of a show.

And they weren't disappointed.


Azreal was sent flying clear across the 'room'.

His face warped from anger Lako slowly walked towards him.

There really was no other way for this to play out, Azreal had called Lako a thief straight to his face, if it had been said when they were alone that would be one thing but he said it in front of all the 'free laborers'.

What made it worse was that it was true and everyone already knew it but they all chose to turn a blind eye.


The WarBeast needed to fear and respect him, if they had nothing to fear wouldn't they start talking back as they pleased and start thinking about escaping.

The 'free laborers' could be ignored by just adding extra punishments and stuff like that to keep them in line but the same couldn't be said for his men.

What would happen if they lost respect for him?

They say strength brings respect but he hardly had that what he had was money so it wasn't hard to buy loyalty but what happens when they start thinking he can easily be stepped on?

"You little hairless monkey, Master Lako is going to break you in line today"

Seeing Lako's action the men around all started laughing.

Still fuming Lako took slow steady steps towards Azreal, reaching behind his back to take out a batton.

There wasn't much light in the area the cages were held, even so the batton gave a reflective glow proving that it was either a really shining piece of wood or a really hard metal.

From the time he'd gotten the slap Azreal hadn't said anything, his mind was spinning both from the heavy slap and his own confusion.

Back when he was in Gaza he knew he was strong, he didn't feel like he was that much weaker than the members of the guild that he saw.

He didn't try comparing his strength to Rhyno because his strength seemed limitless even when he was teaching him it didn't look like he used much effort.

Before he lost consciousness he knew he made a breakthrough, not just some tiny increase in strength but it felt like a major increase but what the fuck was this?

[ Time Manipulation ] activated itself when he met the cheetah because it sensed danger where he did not, then when he was being chased and it activated again something even more miraculous happened the Warbeast could still move.

None of this made any sense he just had a major breakthrough in strength!

Why was he being beaten like a helpless child?


Azreal was ripped from his thought by a hit out off the shiny batton.

Wahm! Wahm! Wahm!

Followed by another three in quick succession of the first, clear cracking sound could be heard echoing in the room.

"You. Will. Obey!"

Wahm! Wahm! Wahm!

Lako matched his beating perfectly with his words adding more strength with each word and swing.

It's not that Azreal was so strong that he wasn't crying from having the hell beaten out of him it was just that he'd already on the brink of loosing consciousness.

When he first got hit he'd lost his breath and before he could catch it back he'd already received three across the head.

Blood and tattered skin kept flying everywhere across the room but all of this escaped Lako's notice he'd already gotten lost in what he was doing.

Only seeming to get angrier with each hit and the angrier he got the harder he hit and the harder he hit the angrier he got, it was just an endless loop.

If anyone were to take a moment to look at the other WarBeast across the cells they were watching everyone of them showed the same expression as Lako, their fangs and claws kept growing as they saw the blood and tattered flesh.

The entire area was filled with labored breathing, even the ground became slightly damp as they were all drooling.

Every single one of them looked like wild beast that were about rampage even Asbiom was no exception.

"Stop Lako!"

The doctor was the only one that seemed like he wasn't affected, rushing in front of Lako and pushing him aside and in one swift motion, he threw a thick cloth over Azreal's body.

Lako was dazed for a moment before slowly gaining back his rationality and so did everyone else some slower than others.

"Ah...Doctor...I...I...I'm sorry I lost myself"

Lako's breathing was heavy as he tried to suppress what just happened and calm himself down.

Turning his attention to the way how the cloth was shaped oddly over Azreal's body due to how his bones were rearranged, Lako became slightly worried.


Rabbit man looked at him with a rage that was barely being suppressed.

"I haven't taken a good look at him yet but I can tell you this is going to cost you…..a lot"

Lako felt slightly angry but had no choice but to swallow it when he took another glance at the way the cloth was shaped oddly.

"Will he be okay for the…."

Lowering his voice Lako was about to ask but seeing how the doctor was getting angrier he stop talking.

Whether the doctor had any special feelings for Azreal was debatable but what was a sure thing was he was a doctor and he'd sworn an oath. Now looking at Lako who so casually dumped a load of steaming shit in front of him how could he not get upset?

"It depends on how much you're willing to spend, expensive medicine equals quick recovery, cheap medicine equals slow recovery. Do you understand?"

Rabbit man spoke down to Lako like he was speaking to a toddler, the bare minimum respect an employee should have for their employer was in his voice but it was just incredibly had to find.

After thinking for a moment Lako spoke with a sigh slightly lowering his head.

"I understand doctor, just tell me what you need…"

With that, he turned around signaling to his men to leave.

Just as they were about to step out of the cage the doctor spoke again.

"Do you expect me to carry him?"

Saying that he spread his tiny hands apart putting emphasis on his small stature

Every one of them turned around looking stressed, the distance from the back of the cage to the front was quite a distance yet he waited until they reached the gate to say something.

Although it annoyed them it wasn't a problem the problem was carrying the bloody Azreal.