
Azreal had a smile of realization on his face.

When Azreal finally opened his eyes he quickly shifted backward in fright. Kakar was squatted down directly in front of him, so close that he could feel his breath on his skin.

"It took you awhile but you figured something out?"

Even though Kakar seemed calm on the outside his mind was in turmoil, from his expression it was clear that he was bothered by something, this went pass Azreal since he was still in his thoughts.

Azreal paused for a moment and thought back to what he'd realize before answering Kakar.

".....Power I—"

Azreal what about to explain by reflex when he saw the look in Kakar's eyes changed, as well as, the huge smile forming on his face.

Paying no attention to Azreals strange gaze he spoke with an even wider grin.

"Let's make a deal, I'll help you with your realization and you'll help me with somethin—"

Kakar didn't continue, pausing for a moment his ears began to twitch. before Azreal could open his mouth Kakar spoke first.

"Go back for today we'll continue tomorrow"

Quite a while later Azreals two escorts came for him and within seconds they were out of sight.

Leaving the mini arena Kakar was stopped in the passage by a tiny figure.

"I thought the plan was already agreed upon?"

"It was, this won't affect anything so just bare with me"

Speaking now Kakar's voice didn't have any trace of the annoying tone Azreal had suffered through.

"I'll let my siblings know?"


Just like that the tiny rabbit like figure disappeared.

Taking in a deep breath Kakar continued walking.


Back in the cage, Azreal sat by himself thinking about everything that just happened and what Kakar said to him.

"How was your training?"


From a little distance, away Asbiom was looking over at him.

Azreal wasn't sure how to respond so he just smiled wryly.

"You should soak up as much as you can before long we'll be heading to the arena"

In the moment it was almost like what Asbiom said just went through one ear and came out the other.

Thinking about what he realized earlier something else popped up in his mind.

One of his greatest drawbacks was that he didn't know anything about this world, following that logic it was a miracle that he was still alive. All he was doing was fumbling around blindly and by some stroke of faith, he was still alive.

Oddly enough Azreal didn't think anything bad about it all he wanted was to correct that mistake.

Thinking along that line he asked Asbiom.

"Can you tell me about the nether realm?"

Asbiom was slightly taken aback but looking at everything it was a very reasonable question.

"Mhmm….I supposed that what you would need to know is that the entire realm sustains itself because of the simple timeless rule 'The strong eat the weak' I mean that in both the literal and figurative sense, if you have the strength to do it then no one will stop you it's that simple but the queens words are absolute law."

"So even though the strong rule they can't run wild as they please because of the laws the queen set out hahaha"

Asbiom laugh sounded hollow but Azreal didn't focus on it he just continued listening.

"On her whim, millions of us will march to war and die without a single voice in opposition so I guess it's still the same as the strong eat the weak because the queen is the strongest being in the entire realm so compared to her we are all the weak she can eat"

Since Azreal didn't know much about the realm he wasn't sure what he should ask, he wasn't even sure what to compare the queen of the nether realm to.

So going off that he decided to ask the best question he could think of.

"I'm not sure if I understand what you mean, how strong is the queen or is she weak but has strong guards around her that enforce her rules?"

Only a few months ago Azreal was in his hometown and although it was filled with a bunch of bastards that deserved to die, it still had dozens of laws that prevented people from doing what they wanted.

So how could this place operate on only one law and how strong is the queen or the persons around her be for her to control the entire world with only one rule?

"Hahaha, strong guards? Ofc she has those but compared to her they're just kids playing with wooden sticks, she wouldn't go out and do everything herself would she? So she would need strong errand boys, at least that the general belief …"

As Asbiom spoke about the queen there was something weird about the way he spoke, like he was trying to keep some emotion in check.

"General belief? You say that like no one knows her….shouldn't a ruler come out and greet her citizens and interact with them?"

As Azreal spoke Asbiom started laughing.

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? We aren't kids that need to be taken care of hahaha"

With a strange look on his face, Azreal ask another question.

"So her citizen never see her? How do you even know if she's still alive?"

Asbiom laughed a little before answering.

"There is about four time when the queen leaves the capital or rather leaves her castle and those aren't frequent, some are decades apart, some are centuries. You should consider yourself lucky one of those events is coming up"

Speaking up to there Asbiom paused, his face becoming more serious.

"Don't be mistake she might not be seen but her presence is always felt….always"

The way how Asbiom spoke cause chills to run down Azreal's spine, all this time, in the back of his mind he'd been comparing everything in this world to what it had been like before but now that voice was slowly being drowned out by the reality that it wasn't anything close to what he was used to.