
Waking up the next day Azreal was brought back to the arena where the familiar face and voice was waiting for him.

"Hey there"

Sighing Azreal stepped into the arena.

"So did you think about what I said yesterday?"

Azreal shook his head.

"I don't feel comfortable agreeing to something I don't know"

"It's nothing bad, besides I hold all the card here, agree to help me and I help you, don't agree and believe me you'll die in the city, your choice"

'Fuck what kinda options are those'

"Fine I'll help"

"Ahahaha that's great, great, you won't regret this"

'I already have'

"So how are you going to help me?"

"Oh right, right, I'm going to teach you a trick that almost every warbeast knows but very few are willing to use"

Azreal didn't say anything just stared at him with a questioning look.

"Blood Lust, it's a technique that burns your potential and essence to increase your power, for warbeast, this is absolutely terrible but for you not so much since Divine Energy can correct the damage done to your body"

"...there is practically Divine Energy here and what happens when I burn my essence and potential? What are they? and what happens if I can't correct the damage"

"Practically no Divine energy doesn't mean there isn't...I just told you what happens it pushes your power beyond your limits and when that happens your body breaks and reforms and comes back stronger and nothing you need to worry about since it can be corrected"

Pausing for a moment to fix his thoughts before speaking Azreal opened his mouth to speak but Kakar cut him off the moment he was about to speak.

"So shall we get started? This isn't the type of thing you teach, it's something you inherit so here we go"

Not giving Azreal a chance to protest Kakar place his right hand on his forehead, Azreal could feel the tiny little scales on his skin and it made his skin crawl but soon his mind switched to warm current that was flowing into his mind.

This only lasted a second before Kakar felt an incredible force send him straight across the arena slamming him into the wall.

Shocked Azreal ran over but Kakar raised his hand to stop him.

"Are you okay, what happened?"

Swallowing the mouthful of blood Kakar spoke.

"I'm fine, my mind was wondering and I wasn't concentrating properly"

'That was….no it shouldn't be, he's human…..You're just getting more and more interesting…how can such a weak body house that kind of power!'

"Come here and place your hand on my forehead"

Walking over and doing as he was told Azreal once again felt his skin crawling but just like before the warm stream distracted him.

Unlike before it felt warmer and stronger but that feeling didn't last a second before it was over.

"Is that I—"


It felt like an explosion went off in his mind, information and experiences that didn't belong to him filled his mind, just as quick as they came to him he made them his own, they no longer felt foreign to him instead of feeling like things he had experienced himself.

Without even realizing his entire body turned a deep shade of pink, almost red, the veins across his entire body bulged out.

"What is this?"

Azreal felt like there was nothing he couldn't do, he felt limitless.

Everything in front of him slowed down, looking around everything because clearer he could almost see the blood running through his bulging veins, the incredible pace his heart was pumping at made him feel worried but it was quickly swept aside.

"Something feels off, like something is missing.."

"Yea, the technique has three levels I only showed you the first two, without the third it would feel incomplete but even if I showed you the third it would be impossible for you to use it"

Seeing the confused look on his face Kakar spoke.

"The bodies of Warbeast are different the pressure we can take and the amount you can are worlds apart….in order to get used to it you have move around so come at me"

Azreal didn't even think.

In a second he disappeared from his original spot appearing above Kakar, his outstretched leg coming down full force to the top of Kakar's head.

Instantly Kakar took a step back but Azreal didn't pull back any of the force from his leg.


A huge crater was formed in the once spotless arena, standing in the hole he just created Azreal observed his body and the hole he just created and smiled.

"Wow you weren't holding back"


Stomping down Azreal shot out of the hole going head first at Kakar.

Not wasting any time Kakar used his tail to flip himself in the air, while his clenched fist was aimed directly at Azreal's face.

Azreal on the other hand didn't slow moving directly into this fist with a big smile on his face.


It was only at the last minute that he shifted his head to the side allow the fist to pass him, refusing to let any opportunity slide he grabbed onto the hand that was flying past his face and pushed himself into the air.

Because of how fast Kakar was moving by the time Azreal pushed himself into the air Kakar was already past him leaving his back exposed.


Azreal didn't let the moment pass, aiming for Kakar's back.

Right when he was about to make contact Kakar's tail sprung into action wrapping itself around Azreal leg.

Before Kakar could react Azreal used the fact that his leg was stuck to pull himself closer to Kakar's body and without a moment of hesitation.


Azreal's landed a direct hit on Kakar's ribs, forcing his tail to let him go and while flew straight across the ring.

Kakar only came to a stop after his body bounced a few times.

Despite the fact that all of it took a while to describe it only took a few seconds to happen.

Azreal stood in place admiring himself and the raw physical power he had right now, he felt beyond invincible.

Still he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he had this kind of physical strength with Divine Energy.

On the other side of the ring Kakar had already stood up, a hint of blood on his lips.

"You don't fight with any particular technique in mind yet you managed to land a hit? Okay"


In the blink of an eye Kakar was in front of Azreal


Laying down flat on his back Azreal was panting heavily, his skin was quite a bit paler than usual and the fist and kick shaped bruises only highlighted that.

A meter or away Kakar stood, his breathing still even only differences was that his clothes were a bit ruffled.

"That was good, but you need to try to limit the extent to which you use the technique don't just activate it and let it run wild, not ever opponent requires that amount of energy, for some you might only need five percent more and some might be thirty percent more. Unleashing one hundred percent all the time will get the job done but in the end, it's only hurting yourself"

Azreal heard everything that Kakar said but didn't reply his mind was still in a state of bliss despite the bruises on his body.

The massive increase in power that he just received was amazing.

Reviewing the information in his mind, the first level doubled the power he already had and the second doubled what the first level did and increased his body's natural healing ability but only for physical wounds and this would once again eating up more of his potential and essence.

At this point, he could maintain the first level for half an hour and the second barely ten minutes.

One of the drawbacks was he couldn't do thirty minutes in the first level and move on, if he did that he wouldn't even be able to use the second level for sixty seconds before going limp or unconscious.

Making Kakar's experience his own Azreal's understood the technique like he'd been using it for decades, but still, it didn't feel like it was his, it still felt a little bit unfamiliar to him but after using it for the first time that feeling did lessen.

In spite of the damage it could cause, Azreal was still curious about the third level.