To The Arena

Azreal didn't say anything while standing in front of Lako and mako even though he didn't say anything his blood shot eyes and his bulging veins showed his true emotions.

No matter how angry he was with Kakar standing to the side, the chains that held him in place and a few other guards. He held it in.

Everyone of them stood behind Lako and Mako in a semicircle.

"We're going to be heading to the city soon and I need you to perform well and since your not a warbeast they said you could use a weapon, so I suppose you'll want a sword?"

Azreal found it hard to reply because he knew that if he opened his mouth he'd explode and Kakar could crush him with ease.

So with some difficulty he nodded his head.

Seeing this Lako smiled.

"Obedient...good, Kakar your doing a very good job"

Azreals face became even more hideous while Kakar just smiled at Lako's words.

"You can go now"

Raising his hand Lako made a 'shooing' gesture and four of the guards stepped forward, taking a hold of Azreal and exiting the office.

Immediately after they left so did the others but before Kakar could Lako stopped him.

"How far do you think he'll go?"

Kakar didn't immediately answer, closing his eyes and exhaling.

"I don't know but at least he'll survive to see his first match"

"Tsk, of all the humans we could've found, we founds one of the weakest ones"

"If he was one of the stronger ones I'm pretty sure you'd be dead right now"

After saying that Kakar headed for the exit.

"Increase his training, I don't care by how much I just need him to survive at least the first two rounds anything more would just be wishful think"

When Kakar heard that he smiled but didn't turn around.

"Careful you don't create a monster you can't control"

When Lako heard this he smiled.

"Well It's a good thing you're here"

Hearing that Kakar couldn't help but laugh out loud closing the door behind him.

Though his laugh sounded simple it still irritated Lako he couldn't tell if his mind was playing tricks on him but he was pretty sure he sensed a hit of disdain in Kakar's laugh.


Once he got back Azreal exhaled heavily emptying his lungs, it felt light after letting go of the anger.

As usual Asbiom was sitting there relaxing.

"Have you ever been to the arena?"

After a moment of silence between the two Azreal decided to break it,

"Not of my own will but yes I have, you want to know what it's like?"

Azreal just nodded his head in response.

"I don't what the format will be this year since your here it's hard to tell, even if it doesn't change it'll be made harder…. I don't think you really have to worry that much since you're gonna be the main attraction"

Realizing that Asbiom had finished talking Azreal shook his head from side to side.

"That's good to know but that still doesn't explain what it's like"

"Once you get there you'll placed on display for the people to pick their favorites and bet on them, after that we'll be separated into different cages with other warbeast that wish to take our place and only one is allowed to leave. You and I are from the same team so we'll be in different cages…."

After speaking up to that point Asbiom took a deep breath before sighing.

"After the victors leave the cages the first round will be simple one on one fights, once the winners are decided everything ends for the day, the next round which is the final is a battle royal, there can be no second or third place only first"

"So how many battles will be happening at one time?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said we are on the same team so we'll be placed in different cages, if I think about it like that it mean that teammates won't fight each other so when will you do your own one on one fight and your battle royal?"

All Asbiom could do was let out a dry laugh.


"On the second day once we step out of the cages there are no longer any teammates, everyone is responsible for their own lives"

Hearing the reply Azreal fell silent, it couldn't be said that they were friends but he was the only person in here Azreal spoke to and now in a few days they'll be forced to fight and kill each other.

"If we face each other in the one on one or if you make it into the battle royal I will kill you without hesitation"

Asbiom closed his eyes right after.

Azreal felt a sense of sadness wash over him but the moment the last word left Asbiom mouth all the sadness he'd felt before vanished without a trace and was replaced by pure anger.