
Kakar didn't stick around to hear what the announcers had to say.

So far he probably walked past three other announcers, the more of them he passed the better they looked as he went deeper into the city.

The mud roads turned into brick, the shops looked cleaner and this was only the inner area of the outer city.

While walking Kakar went into several back allies until he got to a shop that stood out like a sore thumb in this arena but because of how deep it was buried no one noticed.

Stepping inside the there was nothing but drunkard dressed in fine clothes but he paid them no mind walking into the back room.

Taking a look around and finding who he was looking for he walked over to a woman who was dressed in what appeared to be flirty rag but upon closer inspection of the stitching, it was obviously expensive.

When he sat opposite of her she smiled.

The back room was fairly empty only eight or nine other persons that were either drinking or sound asleep, all of them just looked like random sorry souls but if closer attention was paid to how and where they were seated it would become clear that they were protecting the woman.

"Hello Kakar"

Sitting across from the lioness, Kakar bowed slightly.


Hearing his greeting she smiled a little.

"We are out in the world you don't have to be so formal, you can just call me by my name"

Kakar shook his still lowered head.

"I'm sorry Milady but I cannot"

An awkward silence enveloped for a moment before the woman spoke up.

"I see… may rise"

Raising his head Kakar smiled.

"Thank you, Milady"

Nodding slightly she spoke.

"Mhmm, all of our preparations have beencompleted, what of yours?"

"Same, only I was if we could move up outimeline?"

When he said this a few of the guards who were supposed to be in character, looked over at him with furrowed brows even the lioness was the same.

Noticing this Kakar was quick to explain.

"Kaz entered this year's competition and I don't know if the human can defeat the beast Kaz brought….so to avoid any unforeseen events I wanted to move up our timeline"

His explanation didn't help to release the furrowed brows, the only difference was that the guards had gone back into character.

"We had originally planned on going forward before the competition but you advised us otherwise because of the human and now you want us to once again change our plans because of the human?!"

Even though she spoke in a hushed tone the anger in her voice was loud and clear.

"I know it's selfish but I really do believe—"

"Selfish? If we had gone forward with the original plan and struck while the caravans were en route few of our brothers and sisters would be lost but you suggested we wait and so we decided that the best time would be when everyone was distracted and also our losses would be higher we still went along with it but now! Now you want us to proceed when security is at its highest! Are you mad?!"

The was once again shrouded in silence.

"I know that what I'm asking is unfair but humans are capable of doing things we can only dream of, with his help we could do so much more"

Taking a deep breath the lioness spoke in an authoritative tone.

"Enough. We will proceed as planned. Whether the human survives or not is up to fate I refuse to go on a suicide mission.

Kakar was to speak up again but the lioness spoke first.

"That will be all"

Once she said that Kakar didn't try saying anything, he got up bowed and left.

Once Kakar left the of three guards vanished followed by the lioness then another four vanished, while the remaining guard left the back room sporadically.