Night Before

"Everything starts tomorrow, I can't wait to see the human fight"

"Don't get too excited, I heard the humans gonna have to fight eight others and one of them is Kazs' beast"

"Ahh come can't they just switch them around"

"Are you nuts they already accepted the human right into the final competition and I also heard they switched the other beast that Lako guy entered to another cage. And this time around Kaz decided to participate they had to make space and since they accepted Kaz into the finals too they had to accept the others to make it fair, but if they tried to send anyone else into the cage of one of the other regions do you think the other are gonna sit back and take it?"

"So that's how it is, I was wonder why they didn't promote the human, it looks like they think he might die…."

The two officials walked around the cages checking all the monster, when the got in front of the now sleeping Azreal cage they stopped and admired him for a moment before moving on.

Once they got past Azreal cage the rest of their inspection went quick and smoothly, once they finished the inspection both of them left the room, the guards closing the door behind them.

"How was it? Everything in order?"

"Mhmm you can gas the room now"

After saying that the two officials left while the guards attached two giant hoses to the door.

Based on years of experience the employees at the arena knew that it wasn't very likely that all of the participants would willingly enter their predetermined cages especially those that weren't willing participants.

So a while back they started gassing the chamber forcing everyone to sleep then going in and manually moving them around.

Even though this took a lot more time especially since some of the participants weighed tons, no one would complain about it especially when doing it this way ensured their survival, the only drawback was that the arena only use a temporary sedative since they couldn't have them feeling groggy when it was time to fight.

"Masks up!"

Quickly all the guard had on mask while the leader was looking at a stopwatch.






Without a moment's hesitation all the guards ran in, while the head guard stood at the door with a clipboard dictating order.

"Faster everyone faster!"

Hearing the words of their leader all the guards started picking up the pace.

All over the room grunts and shouts could be heard as they forced themselves to lift up the limp bodies of the participants, some were small a easy to move while others — even with the help of ten warbeast— they struggled to move.

Azreal was the last to be moved, simply because it's was their first time seeing a human, they hand been guarding the chamber for a while but this was the first time entering.

"Wow, it look so squishy….it doesn't even have any fur"

"....Touch it"

"No way are you nuts? Why would I? You do it!"

Watch his men behaving like children, the guard captain was only getting angrier as the moments passed, until he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Ugghhhh step aside, all of you behaving like children"

Pushing his way through the crowd the captain stopped in front of Azreal's listless body.

Taking a baton from his waist he proceeded to poke Azreal with it.

"See now are you all happy? All of you get back to work!"

None of the guards moved.

"No way that doesn't count you have to touch it yourself, make actual contact"

The captain was taken aback for a second but he couldn't look weak infront of his men so he swallowed his inhibition and walked in front of Azreal slowly pushing his hand forward and gently nudging the unconscious body.

Breathing a deep sigh of relief, he turned around to his men with a victorious smile.

"See! Was that so hard"

The look he saw on their faces were exactly how he pictured them in his mind, nothing but jealousy.

"Alright that's enough for today transfer the cages and lock up"

In short order the warbeast and Azreal were placed in their cages and chained to the wall.