
Azreal and the wolf were brought into the ring from the sides —unlike the last time when rose from the ground— wrapped in heavy chains.

The only part of their body that was really exposed was their eyes and a little of their feet, once in the arena, they were placed a hundred feet apart and the people who brought them out ran back inside.

"Based on your votes this is what you wanted! I can already feel it, it's gonna be a bloodbath! Are you ready!"

Cheers ran out across the arena.

"I said are you ready!!"

The screaming got even louder.

Nodding her head in satisfaction the host took out a little button from the side of her dress and pressed it, no sound went of the chains just fell off of Azreal and the Wolf.

When this happened the audience's excitement grew to a fever pitch, even the guards were watching just itching to see what will happen next.


In the audience, the lioness had a wry smile on her face while Kakar had a big smile on his to the point of almost laughing.

"So what now Milady?"

Sighing the lioness nodded at her guards who swiftly disappear.

"I don't like last-minute changes"


When the chains fell of neither Azreal nor the wolf moved the stood their ground and just observed each other.

Looking at the wolf and the savage look in its eyes, he was immediately reminded of a straw dog, A dog that had been starving and on the verge of death and now it finally found food.


The wolf began of bare its fangs at Azreal as it slowly walked towards him.

Azreal didn't wait to see what would happen he immediately activated bloodlust and just like the wolf had done before by the time it covered half the distance between them it vanished.

Azreal was stunned, before his mind could process what just happened his instincts kicked in, with even thinking he clenched his fist and swung backward.

To his surprise h,is hand actually touched something and with that confidence boost he added even more strength.


The wolf ended up being flung halfway across the ring because Azreal had hit it when it was still in mid-air there was nothing for it try and use to stop itself.

It was only now that Azreal's mind kicked in.

'Did it just teleport?'


As the masters watched the match they couldn't help but tease Chidi when wolf got knocked down.

"Ohhh, Chidi your wolf isn't looking so good"

The match had only just started and the wolf was caught with a surprise hit, they knew it probably wasn't gonna be that easy but this was one of the reasons some of the losers stayed, enjoy each others suffering.


Hearing the loud explosion all of the masters turned their attention to the ring but it's as they had just left it, the Wolf was knocked down.

"Where did th—"




"Those are expulsion, why wou—smoke!! Smoke! from the city!"

As that master had just pointed out all over the city loud explosions were going off followed several smoke streams of smoke.

"Is the city under attack?! But who?!"


Because of the none stop cheering from the audience —even when nothing was happening they still cheered— they didn't notice anything until the third explosion went off.

"Hey! Hey! The city is on fire!"

"Idiot what are you talking about?!"

"Didn't any hear that explosion just now? And look smoke!"


The fourth explosion sounded extremely close, so it was able to get most of their attention and once most of the heard the explosion or saw the smoke, the arena broke out into total pandemonium.

No one planned on staying in the arena to find out what was going on people immediately started pushing and shoving each other trying to leave.


Another explosion rang out and this time even closer to the arena, those who were only gently pushing went into full survival most, pushing, shoving, stepping on anyone in their way.

"Ahhh!!!! Stop!! Your stepping on me!"

Cries like this rant out all across the arena, to the point where the guards had no choice but to start abandoning their post to try and regain order.

So there wouldn't be any civilian casualties and if there were already sum it wouldn't go up too far to the point where the arena had to take some responsibility, so long as it remained in the justifiable region of 'it was an accident' then it would be considered a job well done.

"Alright! Alright! Everyone stop pushing! We're gonna exit in a nice orderly fashion and as usual women and children first, so make a path for them to come through"