
'Did it just teleport? If I'd reacted a second later…'

Azreal rubbing the back of his neck while sighing.

Looking at the wolf who'd been knocked away Azreal's mind started churching, how was he gonna find something he didn't understand, it's not like he couldn't just leave everything up to his instincts.


A faith explosion interrupted Azreal's thoughts.


Trying to find the source of the explosion he started looking around but didn't see anything.




More explosion rang out and this time the explosions were heard loud and clear, even the big smoke clouds could be seen.

Turning his attention to the audience area everything was in chaos, people were practically stepping on each other, it didn't matter if they were young or old if they didn't move fast enough they were stepping over.

Because of all this shortly afterward most of the guards ran off into the crowd to help recreate order.

The several of the guards that were responsible for the participants started moving in to bring Azreal and the wolf back to there cages.

Azreal still had bloodlust activated smiled at the guards, he hadn't the slightest intentions of going with them, but just before he made a move a light that seem to be reflected off a mirror was shun in his eyes, looking for the source he saw Kakar in the crowd shaking his head.


Azreal released bloodlust and went with the guards, the wolf who was over to the side was ready to fight especially when it saw Azreal that Azreal was ready to kill and escape but to its surprise, after Azreal looked into the audience he decided not to.

Going based off that it figures the human must have some kind of plan, so it too decided not to fight as well.

The guards were quite surprised that both of them cooperated this easily but they still didn't let their guards down, these were bloodthirsty who only know how to fight and kill.

The guards slowly walked with them, surprisingly even down here the guards weren't that many —only a few were here now— when he was coming up earlier guards lined both sides of the corridor, seeing this Azreal immediately started regretting not killing them and finding a way out.

After walking through the corridor they went do a single flight of stairs and then they in front of the door that led to the cage room.

Down here still had a bit more guards but still not as many as he remembered from earlier.

"These are the two that were in the ring captain"

When the captain looked at them he furrowed his brow.

"Why are they still awake?"

The leading guard that came down with Azreal forced a smile.

"Well we went to the infirmary but we couldn't find any of the injections, maybe the bosses forgot to stock up on them…...couldn't we just had the chamber?"

The captain sighed and scratched his head.

"No we can't, the ones in the cages were getting restless because of those explosions so we already gassed them, if we gassed them again they wouldn't wake up with the week, and how would I explain if the bosses decided to resume competition tomorrow?"

Everyone just remained silent for a moment before the captain spoke up again.

"Let's go, we're just gonna put them back in the cages"

Opening the door and walking inside, Asbiom, the hippo, and the cat were sleeping in their cages.

The wolf was the first to be placed in its cage, it's cage was right beside Azreal's cage, the entire time its eyes remained in Azreal to see what he would do.

When they got to Azreal's cage, the guards opened the door but Azreal didn't immediately move.

"Get in!"

When Azreal didn't move all the guards tensed up but after a moment Azreal moved off, stepping into the cage.

The moment he stepped into the cage Azreal grabbed onto the crappy sword Lako had given him, throwing it with all his strength at the guard that was closing the door.

"Fuck what Kakar said"

When the guards heard what Azreal said they all looked at him, seeing the sword coming towards them they all grew frantic, quickly trying to close the grills but the sword that was flying towards was lodged in the grill preventing it from closing.

"What are you waiting for?! Close the fucking gate!"

"I can't! The sword is stopping it!"


One of the guards that were in the back moved forward trying to loosen the sword but before he could a red blur slammed against the gate knocking it open.

Standing at the entrance of the cage Azreal looked at his red skin and frowned.

"Five minutes, maybe seven if I go on and off…..five minutes"

Azreal picked up the crappy sword and smiled brightly at all the guards.

The wolf that was next door looked over with excitement in its eyes.

None of them expected this to happen so they were all quite surprised.

Taking advantage of the moment Azreal swung out the sword taking the head of the closes warbeast to him.