"I should thank you all for saving my life, my clan will forever be in your debt, young lioness"
Hearing what the wolf said the lioness smiled.
"I fully intend to call on that favor one day"
The wolf smiled exposing it razor-like teeth.
"As you should, I'm Azan, when the day does come, find me at my tribe and I'll pay back my debt then"
Saying that it also turned to Azreal and nodded at him.
"You as well young human, I owe you a debt as well"
If Azreal had chosen to not help anyone out and escape by himself, it would've still been trapped in that cage being used for sport.
Azreal, however, didn't pay much attention to that since he had no idea what he could use the favor for so at the moment it seemed completely useless.
"How are you so big now? Why didn't you use this form in the arena?"
When the others heard the question they didn't say anything, it was a stupid question in their eyes but Azreal wasn't a warbeast so they wouldn't fault him in the least for his lack of knowledge.
"Well how I looked before was just a disguise, I forcefully suppressed myself until I looked like a normal wolf, a normal wolf with some special skills is all fine and fun but an Empyrean Wolf? I would've never seen the light of day outside of a battle again. This form is how I truly look, how Empyrean Wolves should look"
Every time Azan mentioned itself or its clan name he puffed out his chest and raised his head a little by the time he finished talking he was almost staring directly into the sun.
"That reminds me it's better we all change our looks, after what we just did the arenas in and around Sow will be after us"
After the lionesses spoke all the warbeast that were in Sow City threw a pill in their mouth, when they swallowed the pill the color of their fur or skin began to change, just subtle little things that seemed insignificant on their own but when put together it completely changed how they looked.
Even Kakar and Asbiom did the same, looking around at everyone one Azreal crunched his brows together.
What the fuck was he supposed to do?
It's not like he could change his hair color and be fine, he was the only human here wherever he went he'd be recognized.
'Hey look it's the human'
'Wait no it's not me, look look my hair color is different'
When his eyes finally landed on the lioness she smiled.
"One of the Doctors will be here shortly to talk to you, the doctors said they've already prepared something for you and that they already showed it to you"
They already showed it to him?
Azreal couldn't help but start wondering, what had they shown him before?
Back in the city, after it was clear that the intruders left the master had all been gathered in the inner city along with the movers and shakers of the city.
"Why aren't we sending the guards after them?"
In the room the movers and shakers along with the masters all sat down around one table, the masters, on one hand, didn't look very comfortable while the movers and shakes, on the other hand, looked quite comfortable.
"Because they benefit us more out in the world than here, we understand your loss and we are sorry that our city couldn't provide better for you, so for everyone who's participants escaped, just name their price and we'll pay for them as a formal apology"
When the master heard this they all smiled, without a doubt this was a situation where they would come out on top.
"How does it benefit us more!?"
The movers and shakers didn't get upset at the shout, they maintained their calm.
"We fully intend to compensate you for your loss and we will be counting on your discretion in this matter"
The table they sat around was filled with drawing of all the participants that escaped as well as drawings of the attacker who didn't cover up.
It was clear that the movers and shakers were talking crap but so long as they didn't make a loss the masters would sit, smile and nod for as long as it took to get their money.
Luckily for them, they didn't have to wait very long, all the prices were far higher than what any of the participants valued but the movers and shakes agreed without hesitation.
Once the money was distributed the masters all —one by one— politely excused themselves.
When they left the room became quiet.
"Are they really willing to pay that much for the human?"
Earlier today they had been approached during the catastrophe at the arena by a group looking to purchase the human, with the amount being offered they agreed without hesitation.
Groups like those existed all over the nether realm humans were something that everyone knew about but majority had never see, so there were always some rich warbeast with too much to spend, most of them would believe in some insane myth about humans or just simply want a pet.
It was only after they accepted the offer did they think about how to get the human.
But here the opportunity had presented itself to them, the human and the other participants had escaped so all they had to do was keep track of them and convince the masters to sell all the participants to them.
If they had allowed the guards to intervene from the beginning all the participants would've gone back to their respective masters but now it was different.
And now that it was out of the way.
"Hunt them down"
Once those words were uttered several shadows disappeared from the room.
While all of this was happening Azreal and the others were still sitting around, they didn't have the slightest idea about what was headed their way.