
Still sitting with the others Azreal couldn't stop himself from asking something he was curious about.

"How were you captured by Lako and Mako? and if you're all apart of the same group why didn't Kakar and the rabbit break you out?"

Asbiom looked over at Azreal and thought for a second before answering.

"I wasn't so much captured as I practically handed myself over to them and Kakar couldn't save me because he was already playing his role and we needed to go to the arena"

"Why and what roles? What are you guys trying to do?"

"Because that's who we are I told you already this realm is filthy and needs to change and although we aren't incredibly powerful we can still cause small changes, as for right now our goal is to get rid the arenas no creature should ever take pleasure out of watching his or her brothers and sisters being killed for sport"

Before Azreal could open his mouth he felt a soft fuzzy paws tap his leg.

Looking down it was the rabbit doctor or at the very least one of them, smiling brightly.

"Let's go"

No bothering to argue Azreal got up and walked behind the rabbit who led him over to the other rabbits.

Seeing him they all greeted him happily while he intern only nodded.

"Come, Come lay yourself right here"

When Azreal heard that he hesitated and just when he was about to open his mouth one of the rabbits spoke up to cut him off.

"Hey, Not now, we have to get going so either hurry up and get down here or go on without a disguise it's that simple no ifs no buts no maybes"

With that Azreal saw no room for negotiation, this was a realm filled with beastmen him walking around as a human was the best idea, so Azreal followed their instructions before he could ask what next he saw a small blood red jar in one of the rabbit's hands, inside the jar, was a tiny little crystal the size of a marble floating around the thick blood colored liquid.

When Azreal saw he stared at it deeply, it's wasn't it's an extremely close resemblance to blood, what really caught his attention was how familiar it looked.

"Where have I seen that before?"

The rabbit with it in her hand didn't even hesitate a millisecond when answering.

"No idea, now say ahhhh"

Slowly Azreal opened his mouth but just then he remembered where he'd seen the jar before, it was when he'd been sent to the infirmary and the rabbit had said it was something it discovered by chance and was going to use Azreal as its test subject.

"Wait isn't that —-ughh"

Before Azreal could get his words out the liquid was poured into his mouth and due to reflex, he swallowed everything.

With liquid now in his stomach Azreal didn't feel anything weird, it just felt like he'd swallowed jelly only really slimy.

"Wasn't that the thing you said you ACCIDENTALLY discovered?"

Surprisingly Azreal didn't feel the anger he expected to feel after he had swallowed some crap he didn't know, since he didn't feel strange after.

"Yup that's it, if your worried don't be just stay calm and move with the flow, it will be slightly painful but not unbearably so and within a few minutes you'll be as good as gold"

The rabbit who just spoke looked and sounded slightly more serious than the others so Azreal chose to go with it.

Sitting up Azreal crosses his legs and began to calm himself down.

"Yea that's it's calm yourself down and don't fight it just go with it and it'll be over soon and be prepared for the pain that will come with it, if you underestimate the pain when it hits you it'll hurt like hell"

While the rabbit was talking Azreal felt the slimy liquid in his stomach starting to warm up a bit and it seemed like it came to life spreading itself all over Azreal stomach.

The feeling was extremely uncomfortable not because it was painful but because it's felt like a slimy creature was moving around in his stomach, it almost made him want to vomit.

"It feels warm and it's moving"

"Good Good"

Azreal brushed the creepiness aside since the doctor made it sound like something thing normal.

Slowly Azreal started feeling a bit of a sting as the liquid tried to force itself out of his stomach through the walls but it didn't hurt to the point where it became anything of concern.

"It's forcing itself out of my stomach"

When the doctors heard that they didn't even bother to reply every one of them looked incredibly excited while eyes were filled with hope.

While the liquid slowly moved out of his stomach the small marble remained in the same place, within a few minutes all the liquid had been thinned out into his bloodstream.

During this time the hair all over his body slowly started growing until his skin was no longer visible, his entire body was now grey.

The pain that he'd expected never came, all it did was become increasingly uncomfortable, even when his bones were being rearranged it didn't hurt as much as he'd expected, mostly because all they did was grow slightly longer and expand, don't get it wrong it did hurt, the entire time it didn't ease up for a moment.

After a few more minutes his spine slowly started shifting and from the area where his tailbone would be pierced through his skin growing to around five feet, once it got to that length from the base of his spine the nerves started growing until it encompassed his entire tail.

The others that were around watched in aw while the doctors were having a hard time containing their joy while they watched Azreal's body change.

It really started hurting when the nerves in his body were being destroyed and began reconnecting anew, thankfully he didn't have to endure the pain for long, when it started getting painful the marble in his stomach started dissipating and the pain began to lessen but still, it's was almost every nerve in his body being destroyed.

At least an hour had passed before Azreal opened his eyes —no one was really paying attention to the time— everyone was staring at him, the bright grey fur on his skin looked like he just came out of a pool.

He was drenched in sweat.

Everyone stared at him in shock while the doctors were just smiling and nodding, proud of their achievement.

"A-A-A Ratel! The human turned into a ratel!"

When Azreal heard that outburst he looked down at his body and was surprised to see the fur, at no point in his wildest dreams, did he think that this was the disguise they had in mind.

Just as he was about to ask about how they did it an excruciating pain that seemed to come from every corner of his body hit him all at once.


The Azreal who was seated a moment again fell back to the ground gritting his teeth, his body bending and twisting in misery.