"What are brokers?"
"Brokers buy and sell information and goods, sounds simple enough but it's a lot more complicated, now that I've mentioned them I guess they would be the fifth power but they tend to stay to themselves"
Azreal didn't dwell on it too much or asked any follow-ups since it sounded like something he'd have a better understanding of if he were to interact with one himself.
"How many Providence are there? And what about the powers for the other Providence, how many of them do you know them or would I have to go to a broker?"
It didn't take long for him to get an answer.
"Twelve province in total and I know a few but those are all in the south and it's best to wait until we stop and take out the map so I can show you on there I feel like if I explain it now it's just gonna sound like jumbled crap"
"Are there any customs or anything like that, that I should familiarize myself with?"
"Wow, you're asking a lot of questions where were all these questions before? Not really, there are small things but it's easier to learn just by paying attention"
Azreal sat in silence for a while, it had nothing to do with what Asbiom said just him trying to think of other questions he'd want to ask.
"Up ahead"
Not recognizing the voice Azreal looked over to the source, the warbeast in the grey cloak who hadn't said a word all this time finally said something.
A small town was up ahead.
The doctor who was staring at Azreal's scales, agreed immediately to stop there, it was barely dark out but everyone agreed.
Before they got to the town the grey-cloaked warbeast gave Azreal a cloak similar to his, simply because of how he looked he would attract a lot of attention so it was best to cover up.
There were no inns, but an old farmer agreed to let him use his barn if they agreed to help him feed his animals. Chickens, cows, and horses.
Seeing the animals Azreal was slightly taken aback, sure he'd seen the warbeast eat each other before but he'd always chalked that up to some weird cultural thing but outside of that he assumed they were all vegetarians.
"Aren't you all carnivores?"
Hearing the question they all looked around at the animals.
"No not everyone, some warbeast eat meat others don't"
Azreal couldn't help feeling disgusted by the idea, all of you are basically animals with intelligence why would you raise your own kind just to eat them?
Noticing the look on his face the doctor asked a question.
"Do humans eat meat?"
"Yes, some but that's different we don't look anything like our prey"
"But aren't we all flesh and blood? They wake up, they breathe air as you do, they have families like you do but still you eat them, then you raise and eat the children they left behind, How is that any less cruel than what warbeast do? Besides you'll never see a Warbeast eating prey that looks remotely like them, those that live in the sky eat from the ocean and those from the ocean eat from the land, and those from land eat from anywhere as long as they aren't the same species, just because we look like them doesn't mean we are the same, you all look like monkeys but I doubt you consider yourselves as such"
The doctor spoke in a calm indifferent tone causing Azreal to shut up and not say anything in return since it was clear that he'd struck a nerve.
Did he really say something that insensitive?
All of the work they'd agree to help out with got done in silence since Azreal was new to his physical body Kakar had to show him how to move around and maneuver his tail and such.
It didn't take Azreal very long to catch on to the basics so they work moved a bit faster with his help, once they were finished everyone went to the barn.
When they got inside the doctor called over Azreal and started knocking on his scales, harder and harder until he was able to dent it.
"What are you trying to do?"
The rabbit didn't immediately answer he just stared at the scales in awe, even when he spoke, he spoke absentmindedly.
"Testing the strength of your scales…...punch me"
Saying that raise his right paw, Azreal hesitated but after a second or two he did it, but still, he didn't use his full strength, in fact, he barely used any at all.
"Amazing, even though you hardly used any strength, your physical strength should be comparable to level three Savage Beast but your body…. your scales can withstand pressure comparable to a level five Savage Beast, this is beyond amazing…"
When the other warbeast heard that they all ran over, Kakar was the first, gripping onto Azreal hand and applying pressure.
He had no need to test Azreal's strength since he trained him himself but he was incredibly curious about his defense.
Soon he removed his hand and his face mirrored that of the doctors.
"How is that possible?"
The doctor didn't respond to his question he was scurrying around trying to find something.
"Here, here cultivate!"
He shoved the paper in Azreal's lap, everyone in the room looked at him filled with expectations.
Trying to avoid any interruptions the doctor once again explained everything to Azreal.
Throughout this whole process t,hey hadn't given him a chance to talk but he didn't mind since he held as much expecting towards the paper as they did.
The doctors' little potion gave him a push in the right direction and now he hoped this cultivation technique would light up the rest of the path so he could continue moving forward.
Crossing his legs Azreal used his hands to form a meditation seal by placing the back of his right hand on the palm of his left, as the doctor had explained this was the best position to promote a balance of yin and yang energies within his mind, body, and spirit and without the calm balance cultivation was pointless, since the energy wouldn't come.
At first Azreal's mind was filled with dozens of thoughts and as he tried to get rid of those thoughts they led to other thoughts but soon his mind became blank and he could feel a comforting energy wrap around.
All across his body, he felt a slightly uncomfortable pinch as his scales rose by a fraction of a millimeter to allow the energy inside.
The feeling of the energy entering his body wasn't strange or uncomfortable in the least since he was used to it from the divine realm but unlike in the divine realm once the energy got into his body it felt like it was crawling around.
It wasn't like when he was trying to use the [Purple Inferno] for the first time and it had pushed a lot of the impurities out of his body so the energy could circulate, no this was different the path was already cleared the energy was just taking its own time.
Azreal waited a few minutes before opening his eyes.
"So? How was it? did it work? The core was glowing a moment ago!"
Azreal checked the energy level in his core and it was still the same as before, so he explained what he'd just experienced to the doctor and the other and it left them stumped.
After a while, the doctors came to the conclusion that Azreal's body was just used to divine energy so it was just taking its own time getting used to this new form of energy.
For a little while, they discussed it and Azreal tried again but with the same results so he just moved on and had Asbiom tell him about the other providence.