None of them were sure when it happened but they were all sound asleep.
In his sleep, Azreal felt his head had been elevated slightly and someone was gently brushing his hair, it felt just like how his mother used to do it.
Because of how familiar, it felt Azreal slowly opened his eyes but he was pretty sure it was a dream so only barely, everything he saw looked quite blurry.
He was indeed in woman's lap, a woman with two big black wings across her back, dressed in white her body gave off a faint glow, the shape of her face and that smile looked incredibly familiar.
Even though it was only for a moment the woman looked down and through his blurry eyes, he saw her beautiful multicolored eyes.
When he saw those eyes he was even more reluctant to open his eyes since he didn't want to wake up from his dream.
Soon a slightly illusory figure appeared, Darius' figure, when she saw him she gently placed back Azreal's head on the ground.
The two of seemed to argue about something, well mostly her, Darius just stood there with a blank face but this caused her to grow angry and she said something he wasn't sure what but when she did, Darius' face warped in anger.
Once that happened she immediately fell down vomiting a mouthful of blood on the ground.
Azreal started to grow angry but she looked over at him and smiled, blood stains still on her lips, now that she looked directly at him he was positive about who she was.
Before he could wake up and say anything she vanished from the room and right after so did Darius.
When that happened Azreal immediately jumped out of his sleep, looking around everyone was still sound asleep, so he quietly left the room, he needed some fresh air.
The moment Azreal started walking and they heard the faint footsteps everyone of them cracked an eyelid to see who it was before going back to sleep.
Azreal didn't stop outside the barn instead walking to a small hill a good distance from it, he didn't mind the walking since he was getting some fresh air.
As the air blew past his scales they played a gentle melody that relaxed him, for a moment he stopped to enjoy it, as he moved his body forward the gentle whistling changed slightly.
Thinking about the dream he just had, it seemed so real, he thought he'd made peace with everything that happened with his mother but apparently not since he was dreaming of her, he couldn't help comforting himself by thinking her spirit was watching over him.
This was the world where gods lived so it wasn't impossible right?
His thoughts were soon interrupted by a rustling in the nearby bushes— to be more accurate he'd noticed something from before, it sounded like faint footsteps but he ignored it since his hearing wasn't that amazing— Two pigs walked out.
"Now we're lost you fuck head, why couldn't we just take the normal path"
Looking up they were surprised to see someone around here this late, since this was a town of farmers they slept early and woke up early but they normally wouldn't wake up for another few hours.
"Hey, Mister—"
When those two got a clear look at Azreal's face they immediately stopped, Azreal hadn't worn the grey cloak so his face wasn't covered and although it sparkled a bit in the moonlight it didn't hide his original features.
Immediately both of them fished out a paper from their clothes comparing the faces their smiles grew bright, although this guy was a lizard, the coincidence was just too big to ignore, they could already see the praise they would get once they brought him home.
The arena didn't have a problem putting siblings against each other, so putting two look alike against each other wouldn't cause them to lose any sleep besides how entertaining would it be to have a human and warbeast look alike fight?
"Hey you, what's your name?"
The slightly respectful tone they had a second ago completely disappeared, originally Azreal couldn't see them because they hadn't stepped out of the bushes but now they had.
Two Pigs, probably from Sow City.
Azreal was just about ready to attack when he remembered his changed appearance so he tossed the idea aside but didn't let down his guard, he even smiled a little.
"My Name Kak—Kakai, and who might you two be?"
For a second he almost said 'Kakar' since it was the first name that came to mind, even used a more respectful tone trying to avoid a potential conflict.
But this only served as fuel for the fire that was their confidence.
"I'm Geld and this is Glemud, We need you to come with us now!"
Shaking his head and still maintaining the small smile Azreal was about to speak when the slightly plump one that hadn't spoken all this time opened his mouth.
"Shut up! Do you think that just because we are out of the capital that insects like you can speak freely? This is an order from the Sow Clan! So long as you live within our territory you will obey"
When Glemud spoke he took out an emblem that showed a majestic pig holding up the heavens.