Two Little Pigs (2)

A few hours earlier.

At the top of the arena, the two pigs sat in a luxurious private room that overlooked the arena.

The human and the wolf had just been brought into the ring so the excitement on both their faces was overflowing.

Nine guards stood at different parts of the room, none of them paid attention to the ring their attention was divided between their surroundings and the slightly plump pig.

"It's finally starting!"

The slightly plump pig clenched his fist in excitement.

"How lucky that your father decided not to come today!"

Both Glemud and Geld's gave their full attention to the ring, nothing else mattered.

In the ring when Azreal deflected the wolf's attack both of them jumped up in excitement, the sudden movements cause the female warbeast that was curled up in the corner to start crying.

All across her body bruises could be seen, she was just barely able to cover her body with the shredded remains of her clothes.

The guards in truth felt pain for her but having guarded this young warbeast for so long they'd already steeled their heart.

Once the crying started it would interrupt his viewing so Glemud looked over at her with a gentle smile.

"Why are you being so loud? Can't you be quieter? Or is it that you miss me already?"

Looking at the smile on his face and the words he spoke, she wasn't able to stop herself from crying even louder.

Hearing her cry loud Glemud lost his smile, he was genuinely hurt by her reaction.

"Shut her up"

One of the guards walked over to her, when she saw the guard coming over she immediately started drying her tears, the guard bowed slightly to her as if to apologize.

In one swift motion he drew his blade and blood flew everywhere.

"Why would you do that in here?! look how fucking messy everything is now! My—"

Geld's words were cut short by the sounds of explosions.




When the explosion rang out every one of the guards ran forward and dragged Glemud to the ground and used their bodies as a meat shield, his friend—Geld— who was sitting beside him was kicked aside and left to fend for himself.

The guards remained in this position the entire time, after a few minutes some of them went to the door to stand guard while the others remained in their meat shield position, from inside the private room they could see everything happening outside but they had no interest in going out, their one and only priority was now curled up on the ground sniffling like a little girl.

They waited out the entire confrontation and it was only after Azreal and the others left that they allowed him up.

When Glemud got up he was shaking like a leaf, gazing out at the now empty arena, he asked what happened.

He didn't pay any attention to Geld who was hiding behind the body of the female warbeast.

"Reporting to the young master at this point it is unclear, it seemed to be some kind of rescue, by whom or who their target was is unknown but all the participants have es—"

Just as the reporting guard was about to say they all escaped the cat who Azreal and the other had left for dead came out of the passageway, barely walking, one of his legs was twisted at an odd angle and one hand had been dislocated.

His entire body was filled with deep cuts and bruises but the pain seemed non-existent to him the only thing on his mind was going back home to his family and seeing the now empty arena he grew ecstatic, finally!

They all watched as the cat dragged itself across the ring.

Drawing his weapon one of the guards looked towards the young master waiting for him to give the order to stop the escaping participant.

"No, not yet"

The fear he'd felt earlier had completely disappeared when he saw the empty arena, he sat in his seat and waited a full thirty minutes until the cat was just a step away from freedom, all he had to do was push the door that was already slightly open.

"Cut him down"

This had always been a source of pleasure for him, watching others come within inches of the thing they desired most and them ripping it away.

Unlike before when the soldiers felt sorry for the young woman they felt no such thing for the cat, a participant should know it's place.

They didn't tarry long at the arena since Glemud was still a bit fearful that something else would happen.


As the chariot traveled through the streets heading back to the inner city the people bowed their heads, refusing to raise it until the chariot was out of sight.

The guards watched with disdain as Glemud and Geld took great pleasure from this, mistaking it for respect.

'The people don't love you, they keep their head lowered out of fear that you might take a liking to one of them'

And just as they had feared the guards were ordered to move into the crowd, everyone thought that they were going for the young woman but she was quickly pushed aside and the young man behind her was taken instead.

"Please no! No, I beg of you!"

The people around said nothing, some even heaved a sigh of relief as he was dragged away with the moving chariot, grateful it wasn't them.

Once back in the inner city he immediately went to find his father, he knew he wouldn't be home at a time like this so he headed straight for his office.

Trying to walk inside the guards at the door knocked him down and gave no explanation, when it happened he could only bury his anger.

These guards reported only to his father and held him in no regard, in a situation like this his father was having a meeting and could not be disturbed.

Sitting outside obediently, he waited over an hour before the ones inside started leaving, and in the same way, the guards held him in no regard it was the same for the people leaving the building.

Once the crowd cleared out he heard his father's voice telling him to come, once he got in the room he was interrupted by his elder brother before could even greet them.

"Yes we know what happened in the arena, no we do not know who attack, yes we're working towards finding out who did it, is that all? You may leave now"

Gritting his teeth he swallowed his anger, it was always like this.

"I would like to help"

Just as his brother was about to speak his father stopped him and tossed over a piece of paper to Glemud.

"We don't intend to start chasing them as yet but we believe that they're going to stop in this small town since it's so far out of the way, if you'd like you can go ahead and see what it's like and once the men get there you inform them of what you've learned….also you will be going by foot"

Hearing that he picked up the paper and left the room happily.

When he left a look of sheer disappointment appeared on his father's face.

No one would commit a crime and stop so close to it when they know that their identity isn't a secret, they would keep running until they passed several towns so the people chasing would have to keep splitting up.

After leaving his father's office he went home, straight to his room where his newest toy was waiting for him.