When the Sow Clan was mentioned the pride on their faces could be seen from miles, when they mentioned their clan both of them released their auras to oppress Azreal.
Level Three Savage Beast and Level Five Savage Beast.
Glemud at Level Three and Geld at Level Five.
Azreal didn't feel any pressure, it looks like what the doctor said was true and he had nothing to be afraid of.
His bodies defense was on equal standing with Geld but In terms of raw physical strength he was lacking but bloodlust would make up for it.
With his thoughts becoming more violent the big scaly tail attached to his back started to grow excited.
Azreal spoke in a calm voice, his skin turn completely red the only parts that remained normal were the areas the black scales covered but the areas with silver looked more like Ruby's.
Hearing what Azreal said Glemud and Geld raised their guards, even though they themselves weren't able to use it they knew how strong it was.
Azreal slapped his tail on the ground and used it to push himself forward with great momentum while flying through the air Azreal spun around and stretched out his foot aiming directly for Glemud chest.
"Aren't you getting a little bit ahead of yourself?!"
From the side Geld who was standing right beside Glemud grabbed Azreal's outstretched leg, he had originally wanted to pull Azreal in closer to attack but when he grabbed on his legs the scales rammed into his flesh so he tossed Azreal aside.
Geld's hand had several holes in it, and was bleeding quite a bit Azreal on the other had got up and brushed the dirt off his clothes.
Looking down on his leg he saw that the scales were raised slightly.
"Oh, That pretty cool"
When Azreal looked over back at them he no longer looked at Glemud his attention was focused on Geld.
Azreal didn't wait a moment once he made up his mind, rushing up to his new target, Glemud, on the other hand, kept backing away trying to avoid the scales.
"Tsk, Glemud we'll attack together"
When Glemud heard his name he originally wanted to ignore it but looking at his current situation if Geld died he wouldn't live very long.
Looking at Azreal both of their palms became covered in electricity.
"Let's see if those scales of yours can block this!"
Once the electricity made its appearance Azreal jumped backward to avoid them.
"How do you guys do that?"
Geld and Glemud ignored him thinking he was just toying with them but Azreal was genuinely curious, he no longer had a weapon and he couldn't count on divine or nether energy, according to what he's learned warbeast don't develop a core until late into their cultivation so that means this isn't an energy-based attack.
'A weapon would make this so much easier'
Azreal refuses to use what little divine energy he had left so he decided to take the risk, maybe the scales were shockproof?
One way to find out!
Clenching his fist Azreal choose the weaker target.
Azreal ran with his body close to the ground, when he got in close to Glemud he slammed his fist under his chin causing his body to rise into the air but Azreal grabbed onto him with his fist clench he was ready to continue his beat.
He estimated that he could get at least two more hits in before Geld got close so all he had to do was hit the soft spots, Glemud although scared wasn't willing to die like that so he tried his best to ignore the pain from his shattered jaw and smashed teeth.
Clenching his fist he slammed his electricity covered hand in Azreal's face, the fist itself didn't hurt but the electricity on the other had raged through his body causing his eyes to go blank for a second.
"Arggghhh Fuck"
For the split second he'd lost his sight, luckily Azreal could still 'see' in a sense because of the sounds echoing around him a picture of sorts was form in his mind, so using Glemuds body as a shield he slammed it into Geld incoming fist.
First came the sound of broken bones then Glemud's reached screams, the electricity had caused Azreal's body to go momentarily numb.
'So not electricity proof'
Not one to waste Azreal ran behind Geld —who was trying to stabilize himself with Glemud's body— and slammed his foot in the back of his knee, shatter his knee cap in the process.
"Whew, that was something!"
Walking in front of the unconscious Glemud and the immobile Geld Azreal felt a sense of satisfaction, he just defeated someone that had a strength that was equal to his and he even had a little helper too.
Power Boost aside a win is a win.
Before Geld could react Azreal grab Glemud's body and slammed it into the ground creating a small hole.
He wasn't sure if it was the slamming him into the hole or Geld's attack earlier but Glemud's body was bent in an unnatural way.
"Who are you two? Are you supposed to be among the guards the city sent to chase the people who attacked the arena?"
While speaking Azreal sat down beside Glemud's body his claws aimed right at his eyes if he should wake up.
Geld didn't answer going as far as to spit at Azreal, the spit landed only a short space from his foot a little bit more and it would've been on his foot.
"Maybe this is your first time in a situation like this so I'll let that slide, here's how this works, I'll ask questions you answer questions, I think you're lying I hurt your friend, the longer you take the more I hurt him, example"
Azreal got up off the ground and started stomping his foot down into Glemud's face over and over.
"On second thought I don't care who you are"
If before what Azreal was doing was considered a light tap now he was heavily stomping to crush Glemud's skull.
"What are you doing! Do you know who that is!? Are you trying to make an enemy out of the entire Sow Clan?! Do you think you're going to live when his father finds out what you've done?!"
"And who's going to tell? You? Hahaha is there some part of your brain that's telling you that you'll survive?!"
Azreal not only stomped but he started kicking and punching, using his claw to rip up Glemud's skin, by the time he finished he was covered in blood, staring at Geld.
"If I let you go where would you go?"
When Geld was about to speak a trace of pride showed in his eyes so before he could even speak Azreal's foot sent him flying.
"Be very careful with what you say"
"Home…..I would go home!"
When Geld looked at the bloody Azreal he felt nothing but fear.
"Good, would you deliver a message from me?"
Azreal show a gentle smile when he asked but it only made him look scarier because of the blood.
"W-Wh-What kind of message?"
"Nothing important, get on your stomach"
Geld didn't immediately move instead staring at Azreal but Azreal didn't plan on waiting for him to come to a decision so he walked behind him and crushed his other knee cap.
"This is going to hurt a little and the more you move the more I'll hurt you and if I make a mistake I'm starting over"
Azreal stooped down on Geld's back placing one foot in his lower back and the other on the back on his head making sure he felt the claws digging into his skull.
Using one fingernail Azreal carved a message in his back.
Geld screamed the entire time.
So as to not have an outcome like last time, once he finished writing he turned over Geld and forced open his mouth and ripped out his tongue, he couldn't have him telling them what he looked like, since he'd already signed the message as Azreal, they're gonna be looking for a human.
Searching through both bodies Azreal found something to create a fire to stop the bleeding, while searching through Glemud's body he found the emblem he was holding so he took it.
What surprised him was that Glemud was still alive so the same thing he did to Geld he did to him, when he was about to leave he still felt uneasy so he went back and crushed both their spines.