You’re A Virgin, Aren’t You?

Traveling with Azan and Xavious was pretty uneventful, Azan and Azreal would talk occasionally, when they came across a huge tree in the forest they decided to take a break since they've been traveling for quite a while.

Azan and Azreal sat next to each other but Xavious, on the other hand, kept to himself, he didn't sit with them, thinking about it now Azreal realized that he's been doing it even before staying away from everyone else.

"How far from the Empyrean territory is your blacksmith?" Azan asked while smiling at Xavious,

"Not very far"

"You don't enjoy our company?" Azan asked while laughing a little.

Xavious didn't give an answer, since it was pretty obvious that Azan was only joking, shortly after, however, Xavious pulled over the cloak hood revealing his face.

This was Azreal's first time seeing him without the hoodie so he quickly looked over.

Xavious looked just like King Cobra, even had the ribs puffing out at his neck, this only made Azreal curious about how he looked, did he have a humanoid body like him or just a snake body with hands and feet? the shape of the cloak didn't give away much.

When Azan saw his face he spat on the ground and quickly looked away.

Xavious gave a slight joyless chuckle and pulled back over the hood.

Azreal just kept looking back and forth between them waiting for someone to explain, when no one didn't he decided to ask.

"Why did you react like that?"

Azan remained silent refusing to speak, after a few seconds of awkward silence, Xavious answered.

"Didn't you know? Snakes are cursed"

Azreal was quite surprised to hear this since Kakar not any of the others mentioned it before, and if snakes were cursed why the hell did they bring him along.

"Mm, how cursed?"

"You might not know this but in the past Dragons roamed the sky freely, they ruled over the entire continent as the queens repetitive but my ancestors rose up against the dragons and waged all-out war against them and lost but since then there hasn't been a single dragon sighting, so warbeast blame us for the death of the dragons, since then my kind has only shrunk in size, in the past we rivaled dragons in size, because of that we are seen as bad omens so I stay to myself"

Xavious spoke in a flat tone, the only time he changed it was when he mentioned how the rivaled dragons his voice contained a hint of pride

This new information surprised Azreal since the information in his head suggested that dragons were still alive but since he still didn't really know the source keeping an open mind would be best.

"So are you?"

This time Xavious smiled while looking at Azreal as if he was stupid.

"Of course not, but once the mind believes something…"

Maybe it was because he didn't know that much about the realm but it didn't seem all that bad, nothing bad has happened to him since meeting the snake and he's even been traveling with him for a while now and still good.

"Oh okay"

Azreal found out what he wanted so there was nothing more to it, he wasn't a conversationalist so he wasn't going to try and entertain Xavious.

The reaction slightly surprised Xavious since this isn't what he expected, this wasn't what he's been receiving his whole life, even in the organization that he joined he was still treated like he was really cursed.

After hesitating for a little Xavious spoke again.

"What kinda weapon are thinking of getting?"

"Sword or something similar"

Hearing his response Xavious laughed a little this time there was actually some joy.

"You should get a scythe instead"

The response surprised Azreal for some reason, he couldn't hold back his smile.


"Kakar told us what happened the first time you fought, the thing with the spirit, I just think it would be more fitting if done with a scythe"

When Azreal heard his response he couldn't help but laugh.

"Maybe I should really get a scythe"

The thought really did seem right, traveling with a scythe that could reap souls, along with his current appearance seemed pretty fitting, maybe even get a black cloak like the one Xavious gave him earlier, yes the fantasy was pretty good.

Only drawback what that he didn't know how to use a scythe.

"You shouldn't speak to him, it will bring you bad luck"

When he heard that the joy disappeared out of the slight smile Xavious had on his face.

"Is this how controlling you are around all the little wolf girls?

Azan puffed out his chest and looked away, showing Xavious that he was beneath him.

"Hey, Are you a virgin?"

Azan cast him a glance with his fangs bared.

"Careful not to pass your place"

Xavious ignored his warning and continued.

"You are aren't you? I can see it" folding his arms Xavious nodded in a self-righteous manner.

Within a second of the words leaving his mouth Azan pounced on him with his fangs and claws bared but he was a little bit too slow, Xavious was already at the top of the tree.

"Eh wow I guess not, with that temper…poor wolf girls"

Azreal to the side was having a hard time containing his laughter.

"We should continue moving"

Without any other choice, he decided to play peacemaker.