
Because of Xavious' jokes, Azan remained quiet for majority of the remaining journey.

It wasn't until he was about to go back that he decided to speak.

Where they stopped in the forest was nowhere special, it looked like any other ordinary part of the forest only difference is that they could feel dozens of eyes staring at them, watching every move they made.

The trees in this area were also incredibly thick you couldn't see what was beyond the outer layer but outside of that, it was nothing remarkable. If you didn't stop to pay attention you wouldn't notice anything.

"When you see the others, please give them my thanks, if you are ever here again or need my help come here and ask for me and I'll try my best to assist you"

Once he said that he didn't wait for Azreal to respond he just smiled, turned around and ran into the thick trees.

Azreal didn't bother taking any of it to heart since he couldn't think of the slightest reason why he would need Azan's help.

"Where do we go from here?"

The question hung in the air for a while but Azreal didn't get an answer, when he turned around he saw Xavious deep in thought.

So Azreal said nothing he just waited for him to finish thinking, if he wanted to say something he would if he didn't he wouldn't.

"Are you in a hurry to get back to the others?"

Azreal didn't immediately answer, he just observed Xacious for a moment.

"What's the matter?"

Xavious opened his mouth a few time to say something but in the end, chose to smile before answering.

"I know about an old tomb around here that has a sword created by some old monster, if you're interested we could go check it out, save you the time and Kakar the money"

When Azreal heard that his brows immediately creased.

"This was what you wanted all along? What do you get out of it?"

Xavious smiled brightly when he heard the first part of what Azreal said.

"Of course I get something out of it, why else would I come all the way out here? you'll see what it is once we get inside, I prefer not to say since you might tell other people and then they'll be here trying to get it"

"Fine then why not go in by yourself?"

Hearing the question Xavious rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I already know what's inside but anything can happen so you're here just in case anything happens, I didn't want to go before because I wanted someone to come with me if anything should happen I would have back up but since I'm a snake very few people trust me and even if they went with me they wouldn't hesitate to betray me but you, you're not from here so you don't share their prejudice, so we go and you get what you want, I get what I want, sounds good?"

As Xavious spoke you took out a map with some jottings on it but didn't give it to Azreal.

With that said Azreal was slightly more at ease, since what he said made sense especially when he thought about how Azan behaved before so he nodded.

"I stand behind all the way since you know what's inside you can handle it"

Xavious released a sigh while throwing up his hands in defeat.

"Sure let's go" he smiled.

Xavious didn't hesitate a second before running off, Azreal, on the other hand, hung slightly back from him, he didn't believe that he would get a free sword out of this.

"I don't know how things work in the world of Gods but the ancients here love doing stuff like this, creating hidden tombs, shrines or stuff like that so the younger generation can benefit from the knowledge they had in life, it's a way of immortalizing themselves"

Xavious saw the doubt and apprehension on Azreal face so he chose to explain to ease some of the worry, when Azreal heard that he was able to take a breath of relief, letting down his guard a little.

Something else caught his attention, the way how Xavious spoke it sounded like Warbeast didn't live incredibly long lives, he wanted to ask about it but decided to hold off until the whole tomb raiding thing was done.

Running for about ten minutes both of them felt the eyes on them finally disappearing and shortly after they stopped in front of a huge hill.

"This is it!" Xavious had a huge smile on his face even looking a bit nervous.

Before Azreal could ask anything Xavious started pushing the bushes aside as if looking for something, it didn't take long for him to find it but Azreal wasn't sure what it was since Xavious stood in front of it, he could only watch his arm movement.

After fidgeting with the wall for a little bit he stepped away.

"I trust you when compared to everyone else but I still trust me more"

Xavious knew the reaction his act of blocking Azreal's vision would earn so he explained before it happened.

Shortly after a 'door' started opening, it opened slowly stopping a few times like it hadn't been opened in years, eventually, after it went up half way it stopped, not moving anymore.

Xavious didn't hesitate and slid under the opening.

Looking at it from outside it was pitch black inside so Azreal wasn't in any hurry to rush in.

"Come on, I have a torch"

Right after Azreal saw the darkness dissipate with the appearance of light, with his face bent to the ground Xavious looked outside.
