Emperor's Build

Once inside Azreal was in a passageway, on the walls were dozens of drawings, but he couldn't make any of them out because of the bad lighting.

Xavoius, on the other hand, didn't seem the least bit curious, he held his head straight and continued walking.

"Are there any traps I need to worry about?"

"Hahaha what? Weren't you listening before? warbeast past down knowledge this way, besides we aren't going deep enough for anything bad to happen"

Azreal was skeptical but didn't say anything since so far nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

The passage didn't seem to have an end to it, it was just one straight path, Azreal with nothing else to do started paying attention to the walls, and what little of it he could see were drawings of some kind depicting some kind of story.

"We're almost there, look up ahead"

In Front, Azreal could see a tiny source of light coming down from the ceiling shining on something on an altar, being so far away he couldn't make out what it was shining on.

"What do you get out of this?"

"You won't let it go until you know?" Xavious looked back with a smile.

Azreal on the other hand just stared at him waiting for an answer.

"The Emperor's Build, that's what I'm here for, that's the name of another weapon in here, someone's paying me to retrieve it"

Xavious shrugged in a nonchalant manner as he responded.

"What makes you so special, why send you if everyone believes you're cursed?"

"Wow you ask a lot of questions, don't you? You're making me miss the wolf kid, at least you didn't talk as much when he was here, I'm a professional that's why, and how often do you think I take off this cloak?"

Xavious had an exasperated look on his face while he spoke to Azreal, as if he was counting his words when he stopped talking as he arrived in front of some steps leading up to where the light was shining down.

"This is you, do you wanna go get it or should I?"

Azreal didn't immediately answer, looking around there were no other paths, so where is the sword that Xavious came for?

"I don't see any other weapons in here"

"Yea I'm not blind, everything happens in sequences, once we retrieve that I'll open the other path like I did at the entrance you wanna leave this and we go collect the Emperor's Build?"

Looking up to where they stopped Azreal didn't say anything, all of this was happening way too easily, he didn't care what Xavious said, there was no such thing as a free lunch.

"You go pick it up"

Azreal kept his guard up if anything were to happen it's gonna happen to Xavious when picking up that sword.

Showing a forced smile Xavious, slowly walked up the stairs of the altar.

"You really don't trust easily…."

Taking hold of the sword, Xavious slowly drew it from its sheath before pushing it back in, holding the sword in had he turned and looked at Azreal with a pleasant smile.

Azreal, on the other hand, squinted his eyes as he looked at Xavious, his smile didn't seem right.

"...and that's a very good thing you shouldn't, sorry"

Before Azreal could react the ground beneath his feet started to soften and swallowed his lower body wrapping him up tightly.

Xavious, on the other hand, jumped up into the air and pulled out a hook and rope from his cloak extending himself from the ceiling.

Azreal face contorted in anger.

"Are you fucking me over?"

Xavious didn't care much for the look on Azreal's face he was in the ceiling and Azreal was stuck on the ground.

"See this is the burial ground of one of the empyrean wolf King's or a workshop I don't know and I don't care, this is the sword he left behind and according to what I was told one of his tribe members were supposed to eventually come to claim it but they hold it in such high regard that none of them have ever come to claim it but~ now you some outside has decided to rob the tomb of their most beloved leader, do you have no shame?"

The anger faded from Azreal's face as it turned a haunting kind of calm.

"You know I'm going to kill you right?"

When Xavious heard that he started laughing, it wasn't a vicious laugh but more like a friend told you a funny joke.

"Good Luc—"

Before he could finish speaking Azreal's entire body went up in flames causing the cloak to burn with it.

When Xavious saw the flames he forced a smile while looking up at the sky.

"Oh come on, How is this fair?"

Xavious had thought that Azreal was out of divine energy because when tried to cultivate it basically didn't work and he was traveling on Azan's back.

The flames destroyed the ground that wrapped around his feet, Azreal shot up into the air heading straight for Xavious.

The moment the ground beneath his feet shattered the entire tomb started shaking, the walls started to crack, it was obvious that it would collapse soon.

Before Azreal could get to him Xavious unhooked the rope and jumped away from Azreal and went closer to where the light was coming in, when he jumped a few items fell out of his cloak.

Refusing to risk it Xavious clenched his teeth and pulled out a tiny crystal from his cloak and took the sword out of its sheath holding both of them together.

Holding the sword and the crystal firmly in his hand Xavious took a swing at Azreal and a brilliant sword light formed in the wake of the blade heading straight for Azreal.

Knowing the strength of the fire Azreal place all his faith in it since it was too late to dodge, to his surprise the moment the sword light came in contact with the fire, the fire disappeared, pushing his shock aside Azreal quickly curled up his body preparing for the worst.

When the sword light touched him he disappeared as well.

"hahaha, it works! sorry but this is gonna be of major help to me, hopefully, the wolf boy will keep his promise and help you out"

Xavious didn't wait for Azreal —who was now curled up in a ball on the ground— to respond, he quickly climbed through the hole at the top of the tomb.