In the morning Azreal woke up with half his body on the bed and the other half hanging, he didn't remember much but a splitting headache gave him a good idea of what happened.
Getting up he smelling disgusting so he took and shower and went into the kitchen for something to eat, on the ground was Azan and two of his friends, they smelt even worse than he did a moment ago.
Opening the cupboards Azreal took out some vegetables and other stuff, it didn't look like the wolves ate meat or they just didn't put any in their guest house.
He made enough so when Azan and his friends woke up they could eat something if they wanted to.
Taking his food outside Azreal intended to relax and enjoy his breakfast but in the distance, he could Ahadi come with another wolf dressed in full black walking behind him.
"Good Morning"
"We think we know where your friend is headed, so we'd like for you to head out as soon as possible, oh I almost forgot this is Kay he'll be accompanying you"
When he got introduced Kay gave a slight nod.
"Where do you think he's headed?"
Ahadi slowly explained the conclusion he'd gotten to about the blacksmith to which Azreal only nodded, it didn't matter to him whether they knew that he came to that conclusion already.
"Alright, meet you at the gate soon"
Ahadi nodded and left with Kay while Azreal sat and ate his breakfast.
Finishing his food, Azan still wasn't awake as yet so he just left for the gate, where he saw Kay who took the form of a normal wolf, the only difference was the chain around his neck, looked more like a necklace, maybe it wasn't a difference maybe it was hidden in his clothes before.
"Let's go"
There was no reason to hold a conversation with someone he'd never see again after a few days, so for the entire journey Azreal didn't speak and neither did Kay, for the few hours that they'd been on the journey Kay had been staring at him as if he was searching for something, looking at him from head to toes with a pondering gaze.
Azreal thought it was just curiosity but even after leaving the empyrean wolf territory it was still happening.
Stopping Azreal looked back at him.
"Do you have something you want to ask me?"
No response came after waiting for almost a minute.
'I had to get stuck with some kind of perverted weirdo'
Since no explanation was given Azreal created his own.
Subtly steal glances while traveling behind him, then just staring him down without saying anything.
That thought caused his mind to go back to darker days, and once his mind when there he unconsciously sped up to put some distance between them.
Back at the guest Azan and his friends were just waking up, seeing the food on the table they smiled and gobbled it down without a second thought.
Searching the house Azan couldn't find Azreal anywhere, so he thought he might be with his uncle talking about the lost sword.
He had a good time yesterday with Azreal especially since Azreal had never had any liquor before it was fun watching someone go through what he went through the first time he drank and the guys really like him as well.
So they wanted to do it again tonight, the headaches didn't matter since once they started drinking it would fade-away, this wasn't the type of thing he'd normally do but he's been away for so long that he just wanted to let go and enjoy himself with his friends.
Walking around the compound he couldn't find his uncle anywhere so he went to his cousin room.
No answer came.
"Nala wake up, do you know where uncle is?"
Knocking harder, Azan still heard no response, this wasn't like her she didn't normally go out, she normally sticks to her own company.
Turning around Azan decided to leave, maybe she was with his Great Great aunt.
At the top of the stairs, he could see his uncle coming up.
"Good morning uncle, have you seen Azreal?"
Looking at the top of the stair Ahadi smiled at his nephew.
"Mhmm, He left earlier with Kay"
Azan just nodded in response, halfway down the stairs he stopped again.
"Uncle is Nala not feeling well, I was knocking but she didn't respond, I thought she was with you but it doesn't look like it"
Hearing his response his uncle ran past him and went up to Nala's door and kicked it in.
On the ground in the room, Kay was bound and unconscious.
"I came to look for her earlier but she wasn't here then I went to aunt but she wasn't there, when I saw you a moment ago I thought she was with you and you just brought her back"
Without much thought h,e knew where his daughter had gone so he ran back to the garden to confront his Great Aunt.
While all this was happening Azreal's journey with the pervert was going smoothly.