
On the day that they had left out, they decided to stop for the night —well Azreal did— later in the night, he was having a hard time sleeping, this time he woke up because he heard faint mumblings.

When he got up and followed the sounds he ended up at a river near where he and 'Kay' chose to camp.

In the middle of the water, a woman was stood completely naked, using a cloth to clean her flawless skin, as she continued her mumblings a few fireflies that were flying about started flying around her, almost like they were dancing.

Azreal could only see very little of her back because her black waterfall like hair went all the way down to her waist, but that more than enough to cause a bulge.

"'s beautiful here. The river sparkles like fire...Only the mother and I are here. Flowers and old pine tree, and you my daydream…" [1] As Nala spoke a firefly gently landed in her palm, she smiled faintly and went closer to it, it looked as if she was whispering to it.

Azreal totally entranced by the scenery, the glowing fireflies and the way the moon reflected on the water's surface and most of all how it all seem to just fade away when compared to her.

He desperately wanted to get closer but the moment it took the first step he stepped on a twig, something that would normally go unnoticed came across like a clap of thunder.

When Nala heard the twig she immediately dived under the water, nothing more of her body could be seen.

Azreal, on the other hand, was completely panicking, by reflex he ducked behind the bushes.

'Shit, Shit, Shit fuck!'

He just wanted to immediately run away but that would just make him look like a pervert who peeps on women but saying wasn't any better.

In the midst of his panicking he realized that she wasn't leaving, she was just swimming around, after a few rounds, she poked her head above the water and looked around, when she noticed him she turned around to face him, only her eyes could be seen above the water, her aloof eyes with not even an ounce of emotion contained within.

"How long do plan on lingering?"

He tried a few times to come up with something to say but nothing seemed right, so he went with the truth.

"I didn't mean to peep but once I saw you I couldn't stop looking, everything here seemed to pale in comparison when I saw you"

As the words came out he realized how cliche they sounded but he couldn't take them back.

For an instant, it seemed like her eyes showed some emotion but only for a split second.

Nala was surprised by his honesty, turning around she slowly swam to another corner with a towel, wrapping it around her body she walked out of the water with her back facing him.

Just as she was about to fade into the trees with a slight smile that Azreal couldn't see she said in a cold tone.


Azreal felt like his body was stone and he just got hit with a sledgehammer, he just stood there frozen as the word echoed in his ears.






It didn't take them long to reach Achebe since there really weren't that many towns in between and Azreal refused to stop so within a day they arrived.

When they did the watcher that had been tracking Xavious found them and told them what happened.

Xavious was cautious so he did take the shortest route like they did, he took the most unnecessary routes possible, since he wasn't sure if he was being followed that was his best course of action.

Once he arrived in Achebe he checked into a room and just slept, as with everywhere else a city was always the safest place, so he could relax.

Just the same they couldn't just run up to him a fight him not unless they planned on fighting the entire city.

Walking into the city Azreal and 'Kay' checked into a small hotel not too far from where Xavious was staying, unlike in Sow, Achebe looked to be a commercial city, warbeast from all races were there, including pigs.

And one of those pigs, in particular, had been given an order, since they don't expect Azreal to just walk into the city they were given orders to look out for there things.

A lizard, a wolf and a person in a cloak.

Since this was a commercial city seeing a lizard and someone in a coat wasn't anything but seeing a wolf and a lizard was, because of how close the Empyrean wolf territory was there won't be another wolf territory anywhere nearby.

The evidence wasn't very solid but it was better than nothing.

So seeing the wolf and the lizard enter the city the pig quickly went back to inform its companions who were searching other areas, while informing the one he was paired with to follow them discreetly.


Checking into the hotel to save money Azreal got one room with two beds, throughout the night they took turns as lookout.

It took two whole days before Xavious left his room, and when he did, just as they had suspected he went to Novak's shop but didn't stay long, shortly after he left with the sword still in hand.

After he headed to another more upscaled build, when Xavious went inside he didn't come out for a few minutes, when he came out he was without the sword.

When the watcher went inside and asked the young warbeast at the front desk smiled politely.

"This is the Achebe Auction House"


Azreal couldn't help but curse in his mind as the watcher recount what happened, the money that they got was only for basic necessities so they couldn't afford to go to auction, especially since according to the auction house sign, that would be tomorrow night.

Sitting on the edge of the bed Azreal stared at 'Kay'.

"What about stealing it?"

Nala sat on the bed and just looked back at him without responding, after a while sh,e sighed and her body transformed in a humanoid form.

When Azreal saw the person he couldn't help but think she looked slightly familiar, she resembled Nala slightly but they were clearly different persons and why was it that as he looked at her he got slightly aroused?

But more importantly this obviously wasn't the man he was introduced to before so who was she?

"My name is Nala, my Aunt thought it would be better if I came along instead of Kay"

Speaking up to this point Nala gripped her necklace tight and when she did, it was almost as if an illusion was shattered, her horns reappeared and her eyes turned purple.

'It's her!'

He could feel his heart rate speed up, as he tried not to stair.

"We don't have enough to bid for it, and we can't steal it from the auction house, the only way to get it is to steal it from the person who bought it, it would be better if we could just buy it back at a higher price or do some kind of trade"

As Nala spoke she walked up to the window, when her back was turned to him, Azreal was stunned as he suddenly realized why he was getting aroused, she was the girl from the river!

As that thought came to mind he could hear a faint illusory voice, like a cold wind blew through the room.
