Woof Woof

Clearing his throat Azreal suppressed his indecent thoughts.

"I don't think it's going to be an open auction and some might send representatives, so how will we know who bought it?"

Nala turned to face him with her usual aloof expression.

"We'll ask your friend"


The following day Azreal was curious about why Xavious went to Novak's shop in the first place so he decided to go over.

Nala, on the other hand, decided to stay back, if Xavious and Novak were involved seeing a wolf walk into her shop would put her on guard.

Stepping into the shop Azreal stopped, the moment he walked in he could feel a bloody aura overtake him, looking around at the swords Azreal felt like they were screaming at him, begging him for a taste of blood.

Since he saw no one around Azreal walked up to the front desk —while ignoring the swords— and pressed the little bell.

After three dings, a spider woman came out, her body looked exactly like that of a spider, her only human characteristics was that she stood on two feet.

"Good Day dear customer, how may I assist you?"

The spider woman didn't seem all that strong but the surrounding weapons seemed to rage when she came out, all wanting to kill her.

"Do you only buy and sell weapons or do you forge as well?"

"We only buy and sell"

Azreal didn't respond and pretended like he was thinking before answering in a downcast tone.

"I see, I would've preferred to forge my own but this is fine as well, I met a man who said he wanted to sell his weapon at the time I didn't have money but he said he'd be coming to Achebe to try and sell it but if I could catch him before he sold it he'd sell it to me, so far I haven't had much luck in tracking him I wonder if he stopped here or even tried to sell you the sword, if so I'd like to buy it from you"

He didn't have a particular plan in mind but his story seemed like something that would happen here.

"Have you seen him by any chance the weapon….."

Azreal described the Emperor Build and Xavious to her when he described the Emperors Build she had no reaction but when he described Xavious she nodded.

"He was here yesterday but he didn't offer to sell a weapon but to check the price of one, I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help dear customer"

As she mentioned him checking the price she pointed at a weapon on the wall, turning his attention to the wall he saw a normal glaive but the aura it gave off was anything but normal, aside from that there was nothing else.

"What kind of weapon is it?"

Novak went under the counter and took out an incredibly thick decrepit book, skipping a few pages she stopped.

"I'm sorry dear customer our records aren't in the best condition, all it says is the It well suited for those of the reptilian race"

Azreal facial expression didn't betray his inner thoughts, all he did was sighed and thanked her.

Inside the shop, Novak stood in place until Azreal left, she didn't move it looked like she was thinking but because she had the face of a spider it was hard to tell.


Instantly the unrestrained aura the weapons gave off disappeared.

"That idiot!"


Azreal just wanted to know if she'd admit that Xavious was there and since she did even going so far as to tell him what he wanted he didn't suspect her as much.

Besides, why wouldn't she keep the sword, based on the type of business she owns she could just say it was sold to her or just hide it for a while.

Back at the room, he told Nala about what just happened at the shop but she said nothing only nodding in response.

"We'll wait until later, when the auction is over to find out from your friend"

After she said that, the room went quiet, Azreal wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

"So you do this often?"

The moment the words left his mouth he regretted it.

Nala on the other hand —who had been lying down— opened her eyes and looked up at him for a second before closing them again, a small smile hidden under her fur.

'So do you do this often?! Fuck! What's wrong with me'

For the rest of the evening, Azreal sat in silence, constantly beating himself up for his earlier question.

In the evening once the auction was underway Azreal and Nala left the room and went to hide in an ally not too far from auction house but just far enough to avoid its guards.

They stayed there for almost three hours in silence...until they heard the sounds of laughter and cursing, peeping out of the ally, they saw the warbeast slowly flowing out of the auction house.

After a few minutes they saw Xavious walk out, the alley they were hiding in was on the road that was the fastest leading to his hotel, so they were pretty sure he'd take this one.

For someone who should have quite a bit of cash on him, he took his time walking.

The moment he came close Azreal rushed out and grabbed him before Xavious could even react he was on the ground with a foot in his chest.

Just when Xavious was about to scream about robber he looked up at the face that held him down he swallowed his words, a wryly smile crept on his face.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you for so long!"

Xavious looked up at Azreal and chuckled like he'd just seen an old friend, seeing Azreal straight face he looked sad.

"Hey, Hey come on you aren't still mad are you? I'm fine, you're fine how bout we just put all of this behind us mhmm?"

"Who was the sword sold to?"

Nala had no reason to draw this out for longer than it needed to be so she directly asked.

Xavious, on the other hand, was only now just taking notice of her so he smiled looking at her from head to toe a few times.

"Hehehe, I'd say your more than fine, looks like you went ahead and found yourself a wolf bitch...woof woof"


Before he could utter another word Azreal's foot came down hard in his chest causing him to spit up a few mouthful of blood.

Just one stomp and he was able to tell the difference in strength clearly, he didn't understand how it happened but the murderous look in his eyes didn't disappear.

"Some old man name Damian, he lives a little bit outside of the city"

"How do I know you aren't lying?"

A smile that wasn't a smile crept on Xavious' face.

"You don't"

Azreal looked at Nala to see if she'd say anything but she didn't, she was thinking, so he looked at Xavious and smiled.

"You better pray this works"

Azreal knelt down in front of Xavious and used one had to grip his mouth and his feet to hold down his hands, then gestured for Nala to hold his feet.

Azreal dug into Xavious cloak until he found a dagger.

"Don't move around too much you don't want me to make a mistake"

Azreal used the dagger to slowly write out his commands And consequences in the [King's Runes] carefully following Darius' instructions about how to write them, purposefully going even slower than necessary, What was supposed to take his fifteen minutes took his close to an hour.

Nala observed Azreal's every move, she couldn't understand a thing that he was writing and it only further increased her interest in him, especially when the few lines that looked like sentences came together and formed a diagram, she couldn't understand the writing but from the diagram she knew that what he'd just written were runes.

When they move it fascinated her even more since the cuts themselves moved.

Azreal took a deep breath and let Xavious go.

"The rules are simple you do what I tell you and your fine, you disobey I hurt you, you try to rebel I hurt you more, you try to remove it I'll make you wish you were dead, I'm not that great at this yet so it's best not to test it, last time I tried it blew up"

Smiling at Xavious Azreal gave a command to test it.

"Jump up and down"

Xavious sat on the ground and looked at Azreal viciously not moving an inch.

A few seconds passed up nothing happened.

"Heh— Arrgghhhhh!!!!!"

Xavious screamed like he was being murdered, the pain coming from his chest was unbearable.


The moment Azreal said that with a smile the pain subsided.

"See, clean yourself up and go about your business, don't leave the city we'll see you soon"

Xavious sat there in a daze gritting his teeth in anger.

While leaving Nala observed the markings on Xavious' chest and stared at Azreal, he seemed to have gotten slightly bigger, her curiosity grew.


All this time Azreal and Nala hadn't noticed that a pig was watching them from the side.